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Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? Un vídeo que pone el foco en los abusadores busca atajar violaciones. Los peligros de las auto-fotos o “selfies” Los selfies o auto-fotos son un tipo de autorretrato que se relaciona con el mundo de las redes sociales y que se ha popularizado entre los adolescentes, convirtiéndose en un fenómeno de moda.

Los peligros de las auto-fotos o “selfies”

Es cierto que los seres humanos somos animales sociales predeterminados para conectarse los unos con los otros, pero ¿no estaremos llevando esta situación demasiado lejos? La realidad es que la exposición constante de nosotros mismos en las redes sociales, se está convirtiendo en un peligro que no solo afecta nuestra autoestima sino que pone en riesgo la vida de muchos jóvenes, llegando a convertirse incluso en causa de muerte. El aumento de muertos por culpa de un selfie La moda de retratarse en lugares peligrosos para lograr auto-fotos imposibles, ha hecho que el número de personas que mueren cada año mientras se hacen este tipo de retratos haya ido en aumento. ¿Por qué es peligroso un selfie?

Growing number of children groomed to film own sexual abuse. Children are being coerced and blackmailed into live-streaming their own sexual abuse from their own homes, researchers have found.

Growing number of children groomed to film own sexual abuse

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), which carried out the study, says that large numbers of victims are white girls apparently from relatively affluent backgrounds, often streaming from their bedroom. Their profile contrasts markedly with that of typical offline abuse victims who are often homeless or poor, it points out. In a three-month period last year, the charity identified 2,082 images and videos of live-streamed child sexual abuse.

Of that number, 96% were girls and 98% were children aged 13 and under, with most (69%) assessed to be between 11 and 13. Almost three in 10 (28%) were aged under 10 and the youngest victim was just three years old. Sarah Smith, IWF technical projects officer and author of the paper, said: “This new research shows a worrying new trend in the abuse of children. Sending Nudes ft. Beauty Spectrum. ¿Se esconde tu pareja ideal en internet? #Porunusolovedelatecnología #Orange. Award Winning Short Film. BBC Movie about a cyber murder. Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - Are You Lost In The World Like Me.


Snapchat's new map feature raises fears of stalking and bullying. Snapchat has introduced a map feature that lets users track other people’s location in real time, raising concerns among safety and privacy advocates.

Snapchat's new map feature raises fears of stalking and bullying

Snap Maps, launched this week, plots users and their snaps onto a map so friends and other Snapchatters can see where they are and what they are doing. “We’ve built a whole new way to explore the world! See what’s happening, find your friends, and get inspired to go on an adventure!” Said the company in a blogpost announcing the update.

When they first use the feature, users can select whether they want to make their location visible to all of their friends, a select group of connections or to no one at all, which Snapchat refers to as “ghost mode”. The new feature has raised concerns among safety experts who fear it could be used to stalk or bully others. “It is important to be careful about who you share your location with, as it can allow people to build up a picture of where you live, go to school and spend your time.” Are You Living an Insta Lie? Social Media Vs. Reality. Internet Safety - Newsround Caught In The Web (9 Feb 2010)

Cyber Bullying : Create No Hate. Teenager who killed Breck Bednar in ‘sadistic’ attack jailed for life. A teenager who groomed a 14-year-old boy over the internet before slashing his throat in a “sexual and sadistic” attack has been sentenced to a minimum of 25 years in prison.

Teenager who killed Breck Bednar in ‘sadistic’ attack jailed for life

Computer engineer Lewis Daynes, 19, admitted murdering Breck Bednar after luring him to his flat in Grays, Essex, on 17 February last year. Breck told his parents he was sleeping at a friend’s house near their home in Caterham, Surrey, but secretly travelled to see Daynes after months of talking in an online gaming forum. It was there that Daynes used duct tape to bind his young victim by his wrists and ankles before knifing him in the throat, causing him to die within seconds.

Prosecutors said there was evidence of sexual activity between the pair shortly before the killing and that afterwards Daynes sent pictures of Breck’s bloodied body to two of his online friends. Cox said: “Having lured the young victim to your flat, you murdered him. “Your contact with Breck increased in a sinister way. BBC Three - Murder Games: The Life and Death of Breck Bednar, Grooming: spotting the signs.