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Cyber Bullying : Create No Hate

Related:  social networks

6 Types of Cyberbullying What Is Cyberbullying? When a young person uses the Internet or technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person, this person is called a cyberbully.1 Typically, cyberbullying involves tweens and teens; but it's not uncommon for adults to experience cyberbullying and public shaming as well. Compared to traditional bullying, the effects of cyberbullying are often more significant. Not only do the hurtful messages reach an unlimited audience, but the words and images are often preserved online.2

"J’ai arrêté de parler, d’étudier" : le chanteur Mika raconte comment il a ét... "Je cachais la réalité de ce que qui se passait, ce qui veut dire que je me retrouvais seul à l'école, seul en rentrant de l'école, seul à la maison." A l'occasion de la journée nationale de lutte contre le harcèlement scolaire, mardi 6 novembre, le magazine "Suite Parentale", à 21 heures sur France 4, a recueilli le témoignage du chanteur Mika. Il raconte avoir été harcelé par son enseignante alors qu'il n'avait que 8 ans et qu'il venait d'arriver à Londres avec sa famille. "Elle avait décidé que c’était moi, que c’était moi qu’elle allait harceler, affirme-t-il.

Social Media Platforms Most Liked by Teens Teens love to spend their time on the Internet because it is a place where they can start connecting with people and spark engaging conversations. The technology today has made it possible for teens to enhance their communication and express their opinions and feelings on a different outlet. The best place to be in is social media.

Future - Is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns #LikeMinded A special series about social media and well-being This month, BBC Future is exploring social media’s impact on mental health and well-being – and seeking solutions for a happier, healthier experience on these platforms. What's the point of Snapchat and how does it work? You've probably heard about Snapchat. It's the popular mobile app that allows you to send videos and pictures, both of which will self destruct after a few seconds of a person viewing them. Snapchat is also a fun messaging app. You can take a photo or a video with it, then add a caption or doodle or lens graphic over top, and send it to a friend.

Social Media Revolution Wendy: Wherever we are, thanks to devices like these, we can all feel connected. They’ve created a media revolution. Ah!
