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Mind-O-Mapper - STORE. MindMapper bills its service as “new ideas at the click of a button.”

Mind-O-Mapper - STORE

But ideas need structure to become reality, so MindMapper takes the extra step of providing a way to map your ideas and visualize the relationships they form in an easily understood graphical interface. This is the real value that MindMapper provides: a bridge from amorphous ideas to actionable reality. You start with your main idea: the topic of your mind map. From there, click and drag the red circle away from the topic to create a branch and add a new or related idea. To make the most of your mindmapping, utilize the “insight” tools. Create Mind Maps directly in your office applications. In addition to traditional Mind Mapping applications, Mind-O-Mapper allows you to interact with various search api's such as Duck Duck Go and WordNik to create dynamic Mind Maps.

Organize your thoughts Visualize your ideas Brainstorming sessions Save directly in your Office document Dynamically map from various search api's. Finding Text in a PowerPoint slide with C# I am currently on a project which involves creating a PowerPoint VSTO add-in.

Finding Text in a PowerPoint slide with C#

I have very limited experience with PowerPoint automation, so before committing to the project, I thought it would be a good idea to explore a bit the object model, to gauge how difficult things could get, and I set to write a small PowerPoint add-in which would automatically translate slides. Sounds like a simple enough project, how difficult could it be? The plan. The Art of the Start. “If he could see me now.”

The Art of the Start

The biggest influence on my writing was my high school English teacher, Harold Keables. A few years ago, unfortunately, he passed away. Was kennzeichnet ein Lean Startup? Die Lean-Startup-Methode ist die Kombination von schnellem Feedback und Iterationen zum Produkt, dem Überprüfen des Geschäftsmodells und dementsprechend die Schnittmenge aus Kunden- und agiler Softwareentwicklung.

Was kennzeichnet ein Lean Startup?

Mit ihr lässt sich früh genug auf Fehlentwicklungen reagieren und womöglich ein strategischer Kurswechsel herbeiführen. Die Lean-Startup-Bewegung ist derzeit in aller Munde. The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing. Starting a business is exhilarating.

The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing

Unfortunately, the “build it and they will come” theory doesn’t hold much weight and those overnight success stories you hear about are often the result of behind the scenes years of hard work. Simply put, startup marketing is a unique challenge often times because of the limited resources, whether it’s time, money or talent. You have to be sure every effort, no matter how small, is well-planned and flawlessly executed. And to make it even more difficult, the traditional marketing strategies don’t always work.

Startup marketing is a whole different science. So, starting from the beginning, here’s the complete Startup Marketing Manual. Foundation. Nat Turner (Startup sales strategy) PowerPoint Automatisierung, automatisch Folieninhalte aus Datenbanken. Plan Office Web Apps Server. Applies to: Office Web Apps Server Topic Last Modified: 2014-03-03 Summary: Describes Office Web Apps Server requirements and prerequisites, including HTTPS, certificates, virtualization, load balancing, topologies, and security.

Plan Office Web Apps Server

Audience: IT Professionals Office Web Apps Server delivers browser-based versions of Office apps in an on-premises environment, giving users more flexibility and collaboration opportunities. This article describes the requirements and steps you need to take to install Office Web Apps Server in your organization. Office 365 or On-Premise? Which one is right for me? - CCT. Good question!

Office 365 or On-Premise? Which one is right for me? - CCT

You're Pricing It Wrong: Software Pricing Demystified. Advertisement Pricing your own product is always a tricky proposition, and the more critical the price is to your product’s success, the more difficult it is to set.

You're Pricing It Wrong: Software Pricing Demystified

10 Tips for Enterprise Software Startups. I started my career in enterprise software in the 1980s and after some years working in other areas (outsourcing and online media) I am back in the enterprise software game.

10 Tips for Enterprise Software Startups

This post is my reflection on what is different and what remains the same. I have focused this as advice to entrepreneurs building enterprise software ventures today. 1. Decide whether you want to be: a sailboat or power boat. Most enterprise software companies are self-funded sailboats. Large Documentation Projects - Problems and Solutions. Big IT development projects invariably run into trouble with their documentation.

Large Documentation Projects - Problems and Solutions

The problems range from disordered libraries of incomprehensible, incomplete documents through to simply having no documentation at all. This article takes a look at the common problems that arise in the documentation area and suggests some simple fixes. [toc list: ul; title: Contents; minlevel: 2; maxlevel: 3; attachments: 0;] The table below summarizes some of the major causes of documentation problems, and gives you links to my preferred solutions. The Web & Business Tools Startups Use Most [INFOGRAPHIC] Putting the likes of the super-funded aside (Color, anyone?) , most early-stage startups operate on tight budgets and spend their dollars sparingly.

A bevy of web services have made start-up costs all the more affordable, but now there's the conundrum of nearly too much choice. The folks at BestVendor surveyed 550 startup staffers — most in marketing and executive administration positions — on their favorite tools for email, accounting, web analytics, CRM, productivity, design, storage, payment processing, operations and so forth.