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NUEVOS mayo 2014

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Cómo blanquear la ropa fácilmente: 8 trucos para aplicar. Recursos de Psicología y educación - Kholberg: 6 estadios desarrollo moral. Kohlberg: Seis estadios del desarrollo moral Los seis estadios de desarrollo moral de la teoría de Kohlberg hacen referencia al desarrollo del juicio moral.

recursos de Psicología y educación - Kholberg: 6 estadios desarrollo moral

Están agrupados en los tres niveles de desarrollo y los contenidos de cada estadio reflejan la forma de actuar ante las normas sociales y morales. Management Theories. La Tierra vista desde el cielo Videos, documentales y peliculas en Asamblea de Majaras. ¿Las matemáticas se inventan o se descubren? Las matemáticas se descubren.

¿Las matemáticas se inventan o se descubren?

11 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Beatles, Even If You're A Superfan. If tomorrow never knows, then you definitely don't know these things.

11 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Beatles, Even If You're A Superfan

Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void of trivia. The Beatles' "Revolver" was released on this day, Aug. 5, way back in 1966. To celebrate the anniversary of this revolutionarily "weird" album, here are eleven super weird things about The Beatles. 1. The Beatles concerts were said to smell heavily of urine due to overexcited girls. Matemáticas, clave para tener uno de los mejores trabajos de 2014. El manual de ilustrado de los hipsters, un cómic poco mainstream. “No, no soy hipster”.

El manual de ilustrado de los hipsters, un cómic poco mainstream

El artista gráfico yucateco Jorge Pinto es contundente al negarlo, pero es difícil creerle. If We’re At the End of Email, What’s Next? Are you still using email?

If We’re At the End of Email, What’s Next?

Of course you are. But, the real question is, for how much longer? Recently, we asked Are We At the End of Email? After all, it can be a woefully unproductive tool for businesses. Not only is it a security nightmare, it’s also filled with spam and impossible to organize. Until now. A Challenger Appears. Deseas saber la verdad. EL CORO MAS GRANDE DEL MUNDO ♥♥♥ ALELUYA HANDEL. WorkLearnMobile. A model for corporate mobile learning - Articles - WorkLearnMobile. This is Qualcomm’s model for work based mobile learning.

A model for corporate mobile learning - Articles - WorkLearnMobile

Most of the academic research, and discussion around mobile learning starts from the more traditional end of the learning spectrum. School. University. The academic study of learning itself. This is both worthy, and useful. Most of the learning you will do in your life, happens outside those places. Our mission at Qualcomm is to offer mobile tools, and solutions that support these two needs. But – we haven’t yet found an academic framework we can use, that captures these realities of mobile in the workplace, and the various challenges that policies such as BYOD impose. Create your own Q&A powered by Askbot in a minute. Museum Tour. How-to_TimelineJS.pdf. Mobile museum tours – apps, and indoor positioning - Articles - WorkLearnMobile.

Museums are the perfect place for a mobile tour guides, but what are the current technology trends that can make these simpler to create?

Mobile museum tours – apps, and indoor positioning - Articles - WorkLearnMobile

Discover what happened when we used Bluetooth LE to build a virtual museum tour… GPS has transformed the way we navigate around a city, but what happens when you go indoors, where GPS can’t reach? There are several competing technologies your app could use to know where it is in a building. Some are truly location aware, while others try to understand what you are looking at. Gimbal™ Vuforia – enable your apps to see. Virtual Photo Booth – building a global team culture - Case Studies - WorkLearnMobile.

Imagine if your global business had “portals” in each office, allowing staff to teleport back and forth, and meet remote colleagues?

Virtual Photo Booth – building a global team culture - Case Studies - WorkLearnMobile

Would that support your global company culture? Qualcomm’s Virtual Photobooth App is a light hearted way to meet senior execs based in buildings far away! Qualcomm has almost 30,000 employees spread across 40 countries. Between us we speak almost 70 languages and come from well over 100 nations. So – truly global. Our Virtual Photobooth app uses augmented reality to allow employees to take photos with senior execs, or occasional celebrities who happen to visit one of our offices. Microsoft Word - Tools_Summary.docx - handout-Tools_Summary.pdf. Voki Home. Aunque usted no lo crea “Esto es México, This is Mexico” Considero que cualquiera que no conoce Mexico y vea esta foto no pensaría que es México sino que se trata de algún lugar o edificio de Europa.

Aunque usted no lo crea “Esto es México, This is Mexico”

Pero es en Bolívar Chihuahua. ¿Un barrio en Chicago? No, es la Torre Latinoamericana en la Ciudad de México. ¿Alaska o Canadá? No, es Monterreal en Coahuila. ¿Baton Rouge, Nueva Orleans, Galveston? LA LUNA EN TI: un viaje a las raíces de la femineidad y la vida. “Existe una enfermedad que los médicos no conocen.

LA LUNA EN TI: un viaje a las raíces de la femineidad y la vida

Hay veces que cuando una mujer toma a su hijo en brazos, si tiene el periodo, el niño puede enfermar hasta la muerte. Sólo unos pocos curanderos conocen este mal y lo remedian con unas hierbas curativas. The Most Interesting Use Of Educreations. Before this last week’s OAME conference in Toronto, I’d only seen one use of Educreations: students record themselves teaching through a lesson or a problem as a kind of summative assessment. This assignment has been recommended to me in 100% of the tablets-in-education sessions I’ve attended.

(Chris Hunter called the students “Khanabees,” which is clever.) In her session at OAME, Marian Small used Educreations to show student thinking in its raw, unrehearsed form, full of loops and self-references, which for some purposes is more interesting than the polished Khanabees presentations. The premise of her talk (PDF of her slides) was that the job of teaching comprises two very different, very difficult tasks: promoting student thinking through interesting questions,responding to that thinking in productive ways. So her session was simple, but engrossing. She had students talk through and work out on an iPad interesting questions that they were seeing for the first time. An hour flew by. And: Connectivism. The Qualcomm Employee App Store. Ye Olde Lingo.