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数学之美番外篇:平凡而又神奇的贝叶斯方法. 概率论只不过是把常识用数学公式表达了出来。


——拉普拉斯 记得读本科的时候,最喜欢到城里的计算机书店里面去闲逛,一逛就是好几个小时;有一次,在书店看到一本书,名叫贝叶斯方法。 当时数学系的课程还没有学到概率统计。 我心想,一个方法能够专门写出一本书来,肯定很牛逼。 后来,我发现当初的那个朴素归纳推理成立了——这果然是个牛逼的方法。 ——题记 目录 0. 统计软件即服务. Annoucement: Please use the Google Chrome web browser to view the online lecture notes.


Mozilla Firefox may also work well. 27/9/2012: Happy the double holidays (Moon Festival and National Day)! The class will be resumed a week later, Friday of Oct 5. We will keep talking about statistical applications in banking and finance. 17/9/2012: Attention, UIC students: here is the link to your identity verification. Please make sure to provide your real name, student no., programme and year of study, as well as your email address. 11/9/2012: The discussion board is launched today. Fibonacci in Nature. The Fibonacci numbers play a significant role in nature and in art and architecture.

Fibonacci in Nature

We will first use the rectangle to lead us to some interesting applications in these areas. We will construct a set of rectangles using the Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34 which will lead us to a design found in nature. You will need a ruler, protractor, and compass. Start by drawing two, unit squares (0.5 cm is suggested) side by side. Next construct a 2-unit by 2-unit square on top of the two, unit squares. Your construction will look like this: Now, with your compass, starting in the unit squares, construct in each square an arc of a circle with a radius the size of the edge of each respective square (Your arcs will be quarter circles.). This spiral construction closely approximates the spiral of a snail, nautilus, and other sea shells. The Art of Complex Problem Solving.

Mathematica Online Integrator. Useful Tools. Figures and Tables. Mathematical Atlas: A gateway to Mathematics. Welcome!

Mathematical Atlas: A gateway to Mathematics

This is a collection of short articles designed to provide an introduction to the areas of modern mathematics and pointers to further information, as well as answers to some common (or not!) Questions. The material is arranged in a hierarchy of disciplines, each with its own index page ("blue pages"). To reach the best page for your interests, use whichever of these navigation tools ("purple pages") you prefer: For resources useful in all areas of mathematics try 00: General Mathematics. There is a backlog of articles awaiting editing before they are referenced in the blue pages, but you are welcome to snoop around VIRUS WARNING: The Mathematical Atlas receives but does not send mail using the domain name.

WinBUGS. 第一节 导言.


CRAN: R News. Statistics with R. Warning Here are the notes I took while discovering and using the statistical environment R.

Statistics with R

However, I do not claim any competence in the domains I tackle: I hope you will find those notes useful, but keep you eyes open -- errors and bad advice are still lurking in those pages... Should you want it, I have prepared a quick-and-dirty PDF version of this document. The old, French version is still available, in HTML or as a single file. You may also want all the code in this document. 1. CRAN: Contributed Documentation. The R Project for Statistical Computing. The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention - Violence Prevention - Injury.

The ultimate goal is to stop violence before it begins.

The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention - Violence Prevention - Injury

Prevention requires understanding the factors that influence violence. The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention - Violence Prevention - Injury. Social Ecological Model - CRCCP. CDC adapted the social ecological model (SEM) of health promotion to represent the Colorectal Cancer Control Program's (CRCCP's) multi-level approach to colorectal cancer prevention.

Social Ecological Model - CRCCP

The SEM is a systems model with multiple bands of influence. A rainbow-like figure of five bands represents the SEM. At the core of the model is the individual, surrounded by four bands of influence representing the interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy levels. CRCCP grantees implement public health activities at these five levels to maximize synergies of intervention for the greatest impact.

C-BEACH Behavioral Ecological Model. Information related to or informed by the model can be found in the following chapters: Hovell MF, Wahlgren DR, Adams MA.

C-BEACH Behavioral Ecological Model

The Logical and Empirical Basis for the Behavioral Ecological Model. In RJ DiClemente, R Crosby, M Kegler, (eds.). Unsolved Problems. Matrix67. 随着常数 m 和 n 的变化,参数方程 x = sin(m · t), y = sin(n · t) 将会画出一系列漂亮的曲线。


法国物理学家 Jules Antoine Lissajous 曾在 1857 年研究过这类曲线,因此人们把它叫做 Lissajous 曲线。 我在 reddit 上看到了一个 Lissajous 曲线的动画演示,觉得看起来确实非常爽;但那个动画里没有解释曲线的生成方法,很多细节也有让人不太满意的地方,于是决定自己制作一个。 这个动画展示的是 m = 13, n = 18 时的 Lissajous 曲线。 2016 年 7 月 30 日至 8 月 7 日,第 39 届欧洲杂耍大会(European Juggling Convention)在荷兰的阿尔梅勒举行, 8 月 3 日凌晨的搏击之夜(Fight Night)自然再度成为了众人关注的焦点——它是杂耍斗(combat juggling)这项运动最大的赛事。 在杂耍斗的圈子里,有两个响当当的大名你必须要知道:德国选手 Jochen Pfeiffer 目前世界排名第二,之前拿过 6 次搏击之夜的冠军;英国选手 Luke Burrage 目前世界排名第一,之前拿过 8 次搏击之夜的冠军。 杂耍斗是一种两人对战类的体育运动。 典型的一局比赛大致就像下面这样。 Eat Well, Play More: Tennessee. Zorro4337 视频_播客_个人多媒体 土豆网. Math Bits Secondary Math Resources with the Common Core.