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Coconut Plantain Snickeroons Cookies. {Today I would like to give a warm welcome Tyler, author of The Primitive Homemaker.

Coconut Plantain Snickeroons Cookies

She creates some delicious autoimmune friendly recipes on her site and today, she shares her recipe for these yummy AIP-friendly cookies! ~Jessica} Since I started my real food journey years ago, macaroons have always been my favorite treat. For a traditional macaroon, you only need honey, eggs whites, and coconut. Pretty simple! I came up with this recipe because eggs no longer agree with me, and eggs whites are essential for making traditional macaroons.

This recipe is friendly for those who are following the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, and any other gluten, grain, and sugar free-diet. Delicious Obsessions Product Recommendations My affiliate partner, Vitacost, has really good prices on some of the ingredients in this recipe. Mountain Rose Herbs is where I get all of my herbs and spices. Coconut Plantain Snickeroons (gluten, grain, dairy, nut, seed free, autoimmune paleo) Oatmeal Coconut Cookies Recipe - Food. Homemade Snickers Bars Recipe. Homemade Snickers Bars Recipe If you don’t know what our favorite candy bar is yet, it’s time for you to know.

Homemade Snickers Bars Recipe

Snickers. We are huge fans of the chocolate, peanut, nougat, and caramel combo. We’ve mentioned it more than a few times on our site, so we decided that it was time to make our own homemade Snickers bars. All we have to say is, WOW! Skillet Sprouted Chocolate Chip Cookie. Chocolate chip cookies in a skillet This is a recipe I made for my daughter Holli’s birthday.

Skillet Sprouted Chocolate Chip Cookie

She wanted a giant cookie for her birthday and this is what I came up with. So easy, it will be something I will make a lot. Made in a skillet and no bowl to clean up just stir and bake. Doesn’t get easier than that. Skillet Sprouted Chocolate Chip Cookie By: Donna Schwenk 1 stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter 1 cup sucanat 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 egg 1½ cups sprouted white wheat flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon kosher salt 1 cup organic chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Coconut Banana Hemp Protein Bars. Share There is no need to purchase protein bars with ingredients you don’t want when it’s far cheaper and more nutritious to make your own.

Coconut Banana Hemp Protein Bars

They’re super easy and you’ll have full control on adding custom ingredients for the highest return on your health. Ingredients 2 ripe bananas 1/2 cup coconut oil 3 cups quinoa flakes 1 cup shredded unsweetened coconut 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1/2 cup dried apples, cut into small bits (you can use any combo of dried fruits such as dates, cherries, mangoes, apricots, raisins, etc) Sun-Pumpkin Energy Balls - The Homespun Rabble Rouser. Ode to the Sun-Pumpkin BallOh my wee Sun-Pumpkin Ball… how do you taste so good when you are so small?

Sun-Pumpkin Energy Balls - The Homespun Rabble Rouser

You melt in my mouth… bring gaiety to my soul… oh my wee Sun-Pumpkin Ball. And now you know how much cheesiness I am capable of. These little grain-free, nut-free Sun-Pumpkin Energy Balls are something I whipped up this afternoon after grabbing a Larabar at the grocery store and realizing they really aren’t much more than dates and seeds… (1) Tara Elizabeth. Homemade Bounty Bars. Dark chocolate almond bar recipe and it ain't over 'til it's over. I love and lament August.

Dark chocolate almond bar recipe and it ain't over 'til it's over

I love how the most dramatic flowers in my gardens are in bloom and how the sun has a brighter feel and that hot days never feel as sleepy as they do in July. I love how the farmers’ markets are laden with produce. The blackberries are ripening along the dirt road to our cottage and edible mushrooms have appeared in our woods.

It’s birthday month in our family. But the air carries with it a hint of fall. Dusk comes earlier. There are just three more weekends until school begins.

Gluten free

Caramelized Banana Sticky Buns. It’s time to start thinking about Mothers Day next weekend, don’t you think?

Caramelized Banana Sticky Buns

At least that’s what I am thinking about. (Not that anyone asked, but my dream is that I can take a nap and read magazines and that my kids won’t fight or yell at each other all day. No whining either. Just birds chirping and sweet tones of voices.) Then when I was just writing that I remembered this really brutal Mothers Day a couple years ago when I came down to a first floor that had been brutalized by every form of gross that a sick dog could come up with on every single carpet and most solid surfaces. But my kids have other ideas about Mothers Day. I will tell you what would make it “perfect.” These fluffy, soft, banana, pecan and caramel buns are pure heaven. What would be your IDEAL mothers Day???

1. 2. With the mixer on low speed, add in the banana and mix until well incorporated. (1) Facebook. Recipe-Tools/Print/Recipe.aspx?recipeID=15810&origin=detail&servings=24&metric=false. (3) Facebook.