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All I can do is be me, whoever that is. -Bob Dylan

Is Twitter Really More Addictive than Alcohol? The Vagaries of Will and Desire. Twitter and Facebook are harder to resist than alcohol and cigarettes, but so is the urge to work, according to new research on people’s daily struggles with self-control and desire. The counterintuitive findings may reveal more about the complexities of defining addiction and self-discipline than anything else. Researchers gave BlackBerrys to 205 adults and signaled them seven times a day at randomly selected daytime hours for one week. When they were contacted, participants reported whether they were experiencing desire for something, what it was that they wanted, how strong the urge was, whether they wished to resist this desire and if they did in fact yield to the temptation.

The most strongly felt desires were for sleep and sex. Unexpectedly, cravings for cigarettes and alcohol were reported as weakest. While people joke about “workaholism” (can I have some workahol, please?) MORE: Siblings Brain Study Sheds Light on the Roots of Addiction MORE: Mind Over Mind? | Sitio oficial de turismo de Canadá. Kurt Cobain Raglan - New In Clothing - New In - TOPMAN. Cheesecake in a Jar Recipe. I’m fairly certain that I’ve discussed my lack of love for the great outdoors, so it’s safe to say you’ll never hear me writing about long hikes in the woods or camping anywhere other than on a deck chair at a five star resort (Hey, I can dream, right?).

Not to say that I am not fond of the fresh air and scenery, I just like to keep a screen between me and the bugs. Needless to say, I don’t last long at picnics in the park or anywhere outdoors for that matter. Usually an annoying fly or buzzing bee will send me into a fit within 20 minutes and I’ll sit there contemplating my escape route or the idea of eating in my air conditioned vehicle. Problem is, I am a big pan of picnic food. Hot dogs, potato salad and watermelon rank pretty high on my hierarchy of good eats, so I’ll usually suffer through it as long as I am armed with cold bottle of water and a fly swatter. Then, a couple of friends came up with the idea of a virtual picnic. Eat Smart Eat Local Eat Sustainably Eat Green Eat Out. Nutella Cupcakes Recipe. Today is World Nutella Day, so you knew there was no way I’d forgo posting something that utilizes this delicious Chocolate Hazlenut spread.

As I have stated once or twice, I love Nutella and I’m pretty certain you could smear the stuff on a piece of cardboard and I’d be completely content! Taking a simple chocolate cupcake recipe and filling the middle with that awesome Nutella lusciousness, definitely quenches that hazelnut craving that I get more frequently than I’d like to admit. Top off with Nutella buttercream, and these are truly irresistible to those Nutella fanatics that I know are plentiful! Just a word of caution…these babies are rich, so have a glass of milk near by and don’t be tempted to eat more than one in a single sitting. This post is not your typical MBA post; meaning it’s not a complete recipe. The Method: -I made one of my favorite chocolate cupcake recipes according to the recipe directions (you’ll see my fave in an upcoming fundamentals post). A Few Notes: Nutella Cupcakes Recipe. Instant Gratification. Correction Appended: April 29, 2012 Since thin people can't enjoy life, we eke out pleasure by telling fat people how to lose weight, as if they don't know.

Cook! Plant a garden! Read this posting of fast-food-menu calories! Buy fresh produce! Bike to work! So I wasn't surprised when two recent studies concluded that obesity isn't reduced by opening supermarkets in poor areas--the so-called food deserts without access to affordable fresh produce that food writer Michael Pollan has railed against and the Obama Administration has funded an initiative to fix. The times when I've felt stuck in my life, I've made horrible decisions--avoiding work, blowing deadlines, going on seven dates with a woman during which I watched a movie on her bed and met her parents and yet did not kiss her once, thereby starting, I'm sure, a rumor that I'm either gay or lack a working tongue. When I ran my theory by Mari Gallagher, the researcher who invented the term food desert, she actually agreed with me.

Are High-IQ People More Likely to Use Drugs? - Mental Floss. Mat Hayward / In 1884, a young researcher named Sigmund Freud was studying the mysteries of the human brain when he wrote an article about cocaine. The scientist extolled its benefits in a paper, “Über Coca,” chronicling how he felt when he used the drug. For the next 12 years, Freud habitually used cocaine as he wrote some of his most influential works, including his theories about the Oedipus complex, psychoanalysis, and the unconscious mind. Many people think that Freud was abnormal. Conventional wisdom implies that smarter people are less likely to use drugs.

But a study from Cardiff University in Wales found that people with higher IQs are more likely to indulge in illegal drugs than people of average or lower intelligence. Researchers surveyed 7,900 British people born in April 1970. At age 5 and 10, researchers measured their IQs and at 16 and 30, the researchers asked them to fill out surveys about psychological problems and drug use.

Are High-IQ People More Likely to Use Drugs? - Mental Floss. Maintaining Memories with Marijuana. Can smoking marijuana prevent the memory loss associated with normal aging or Alzheimer's disease ? This is a question that I have been investigating for the past few years. The concept of medical marijuana is not a new one. A Chinese pharmacy book, written about 2737 BCE, was probably the first to mention its use as a medicine for the treatment of gout, rheumatism, malaria, constipation, and (ironically) absent-mindedness. So what does marijuana do in the brain ? Finally, marijuana produces hallucinations at high doses, but its structure does not resemble LSD or any other hallucinogen. The first endogenous marijuana compound found in the brain was called anandamide, from the Sanskrit word ananda meaning "bliss. " Surprisingly, it may also protect against some aspects of age-associated memory loss. Research in my laboratory has demonstrated that stimulating the brain's marijuana receptors may offer protection by reducing brain inflammation and by restoring neurogenesis.

Film - Sydney Festival 2012. Yes, Food Can Be Addictive, Says Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Can food really be as addictive as drugs? In an impassioned lecture at Rockefeller University on Wednesday, Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, made the case that the answer is yes and that understanding the commonalities between food and drug addictions could offer insights into all types of compulsive behavior.

Volkow began by acknowledging that the idea is controversial. “This is a concept that is rejected by many people,” she said. “It has polarized the [addictions] field.” Many experts dismiss food as an addictive substance because it doesn’t lead to most people behaving like addicts — compulsively seeking food despite negative consequences. So, the reasoning goes, food can’t be as addictive as a drug like crack cocaine. What that fails to recognize, however, is that crack cocaine itself isn’t as addictive as is commonly believed. MORE: Heroin vs. There’s some evidence that leptin also plays a role in substance addictions. Yes, Food Can Be Addictive, Says Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dark-Matter Theory Questioned by Astronomers' New Findings. The theory of dark matter took decades to take hold in astronomy, and no wonder. It's pretty tough to wrap your mind around the notion that some mysterious, invisible substance pervades the cosmos — and even tougher to accept that it outweighs ordinary matter by a factor of 6 to 1, at least.

Evidence eventually trumped incredulity, though, and by the 1980s, the vast majority of scientists were on board with the idea, nutty though it might seem, and there they've remained ever since. But a new study out of the European Southern Observatory claims that this now established theory could be in trouble. Chilean astronomers took a look at the motion of 400-plus stars in the broadly defined neighborhood of the sun and concluded that the way they're all moving is inconsistent with conventional ideas about dark matter. This could indeed be a blow to dark matter — in principle, anyway. Exactly what dark matter was made of has still eluded astronomers. If that's the case. ‘Hyper-Texting’ Teens More Likely to Have Had Sex, Tried Drugs. Teens who send more than 120 texts a day are more likely to have had sex or used alcohol or illegal drugs than peers who text less, according to a study conducted at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

These “hyper-texters” were also more likely to get into physical fights, binge drink and misuse prescription drugs. Despite the suggestive findings, researchers are quick to stress that they do not show that texting causes risky behavior, the Associated Press reports. Rather it may have more to do with peer pressure and lack of parental oversight. (More on 5 Little-Known Truths About American Sex Lives) “If parents are monitoring their kids’ texting and social networking, they’re probably monitoring other activities as well,” lead author Dr. The hyper-texters were 3.5 more likely to have had sex than teens who texted less. A Kaiser Family Foundation study found that about half of children ages 8 to 18 send text messages on a cell phone in a typical day. Dark-Matter Theory Questioned by Astronomers' New Findings.

Conoce tu sustancia psicoactiva (INFOGRÁFICO. (clic en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo) La organización civil Espolea A.C. es de las pocas en México que se ha dedicado al trabajo en investigación y difusión de nuevas políticas de drogas, entre las que se incluye la Reducción de Daños (Harm Reduction en inglés), enfoque surgido a mediados de los años 80’s como una alternativa al prohibicionismo de drogas, o el enfoque clásico, cuyas campañas de prevención se concentran en la censura sobre cualquier tipo de información respecto a las tipologías y efectos de las drogas consideradas ilegales, así como en la distribución masiva de información visual y slogans que depositan en la imagen de las drogas una suerte de “espíritu maligno” capaz de pervertir los valores de la sociedad.

En la punta de cada pico encontramos a las sustancias cuyos efectos son más representativos de cada familia. Al final de la gráfica podemos encontrar una breve descripción de todas las drogas citadas en la imagen, acomodadas también por sus efectos. Everyones Mixtape. What Is That? Fifteen of the World's Most Exotic Pets. Wanderlust: GOOD traces the most famous trips in history.

Stacy Stowers. There’s a very good reason why it’s called the Happy Shake! Though this creamy blend tastes like a delicious dessert, it’s chock-full of spinach, berries and super happy foods, like raw chocolate and maca. The Happy Shake is a meal replacement. It’s a key place to start when trying to lose excess weight, increase energy levels, and get healthier and happier. Before you get started, keep in mind the Happy Shake is more about technique than anything else.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup water 3-4 cups spinach 1 Tbs. coconut oil 1 Tbs. raw maca powder 2 Tbs. raw cacao powder 1 cup FROZEN blueberries 3/4 cup FROZEN cherries 1/4 cup FROZEN banana Optional: a little raw honey for those who like extra sweetness Optional: 3 ice cubes or a small handful of ice for those hot humid days In your Vitamix or blender start with: 1. 2. 3. If you are using a raw egg, you will need to adjust the amount of water, meaning less water. I have to say, in my experience, I have never met a bad egg. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 20 Amazing Watercolor Masterpieces. This is the first of its kind post on Designzzz. The reason this subject of watercolor paintings is selected because these paintings cannot carry as much detail as other routine oil or digital paintings. That is due to the fact that watercolours are not that sophisticated with gradients and swirls. This aspect makes it the most aspiring brand of art, hence we are sharing a collection 20 watercolor paintings from all over the internet.

And as usual, all the image names are properly linked back to the sources, just click them if you would like a large scale image. What do you think about these kind of posts? Please comment Eagle Harbor Mask Butterfly Effect Escape from the Sky Where Time Stands Still At First Glance Watercolor Portrait Signs of a Trawlerman Vanya Forest of Wings Qolsharif Mosque Jesus Oak Creek Sentinel I See You Princess Kaguya Brother Color Me! Hotel Rubi. StumbleUpon.

Funny: Smart tips to make life easier. 10 Certified Fresh Psychological Thrillers. What is causing the waves in California to glow? It looks like something from the movie "Avatar": ocean waters that light up like neon glow sticks when they splash. Beaches across southern California have recently been alight with eerie, glowing waves.

What could be causing such an otherworldly phenomenon? A recent report by Discovery News has provided an answer. According to marine biologist Jorge Ribas, the glowing is caused by a massive red tide, or algae bloom, of bioluminescent phytoplankton called Lingulodinium polyedrum. The microorganisms emit light in response to stress, such as when a wave crashes into the shore, a surfboard slashes through the surf, or a kayaker's paddle splashes the water. The result is a wickedly cool glowing ocean. The phenomenon has been observed on a semi-regular basis since at least 1901 along the beaches around San Diego, Calif. For surfers who don't mind catching a wave in water teeming with a sludge of microorganisms, the glowing ocean offers the chance of a lifetime. - StumbleUpon.

Solitude - Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Schedule free text message (SMS) reminders from your computer - Oh, dont forget... DIRECTORIO INDUSTRIAL QUERETARO. Bienvenido al Directorio Industrial y de Servicios que ayuda a tu empresa a ser más competitiva, reuducir costos, encontrar proveedores, clientes, contactos de negocios y un canal para compartir información industrial importante.

Anunciate en el Directorio industrial y de Servicios más reciente. Recibe catorcenalmente un email con información vital para tu empresa. Adelante, anunciate en el directorio y obten grandes beneficios para tu empresa. Ofrece a la industria una opción más para comunicarte con clientes y proveedores. Querétaro, Querétaro México 2007 Si no encuentras la información que buscas en el directorio, contáctanos y nos aseguraremos de que pronto estén disponibles datos relacionados.

Puedes utilizar el directorio siguiendo los links de la lista de categorías y subcategorías, o ben utilizar una búsqueda utilizando palabras clave o el enombre de la empresa. Classics - A Nerd's Guide to Reading. Visual Inspiration -

Noisey. Constellations. National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - Alan Taylor. National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. [45 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from.

Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula. 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness. Why Intelligent People Use More Drugs. Marijuana Growing Guide Free Library. Meth-addicted snails prove that amphetamines are the ultimate memory-enhancer - io9.

Ironic effects of anti-prejudice messages. In Eyes, a Clock Calibrated by Wavelengths of Light. Microwave Hearing. Mind controller: What is the ‘burundanga’ drug? (Wired UK) 30 Funny Illustrations about Simple Truths of Life. Ten Most Extreme Substances Known to Man | Ten Most. The 10 Most Seductive Drugs -- And Their Fascinating History | Drugs.

Psychedelic Research. Addiction: Part I. Benzodiazepines-Side Effects, Abuse Risk and Alternatives - April 1, 2000. How Hallucinogens Play Their Mind-Bending Games: Scientific American - (Build 20100722150226) Scientists believe "magic" mushrooms could effectively treat depression. THC Prevents MDMA Neurotoxicity in Mice - PubMed Mobile. Results : Lab Test Results for Recreational Drugs. Scientists suggest fresh look at psychedelic drugs | Reuters (Build 20100722155716) Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again - - (Buil. Two new scientific studies reveal hallucinogens are good for your mental health. Making View AS - Visit Norway - Geiranger. Religion May Cause Brain Atrophy -- Science of the Spirit. Think faster focus better and remember moreRewiring our brain to stay younger...

The Dark Side of Oxytocin, the Hormone of Love - Ethnocentrism. 7 Skills To Become Super Smart. Think Different: How Perception Reveals Brain Differences. The Whole Brain Atlas. 15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Brain. Feelings of Knowing : The Frontal Cortex. Time on the Brain: How You Are Always Living In the Past, and Other Quirks of Perception. 120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power - StumbleUpon. The Human Brain - Stress. The depression map: genes, culture, serotonin, and a side of pathogens | Wired Science  This Is Your Brain On Caffeine. Sleep, Tetris, Memory and the Brain. Why do You Turn Down the Radio When You’re Lost?

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