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Balancing Advocacy & Inquiry

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The Spirit of Inquiry. Advocacy and Inquiry: Key Components of Dialogue. What is the simplest way to move a conversation toward dialogue?

Advocacy and Inquiry: Key Components of Dialogue

Ask a Question! Instead of making statements about what we believe, begin asking questions about what others believe. As a conversation moves forward, continue to ask questions that relate directly and obviously to what the other person has been saying. Dialogue: Its Component Parts How do you balance advocacy and inquiry? Step back.Target your inquiry by asking questions to clarify what the other person believes.Examine the other person’s mental maps.Suspend your own assumptions.Learn before you try to influence.Advocate your opinions through carefully chosen questions and statements.

The Rewards Building rapportBuilding business relationshipsExtending your influence Tips for Improvement >> Balancing Inquiry and Advocacy - Society for Organizational Learning North America Inc. Rick Ross, Charlotte Roberts Managers in Western corporations have received a lifetime of training in being forceful, articulate "advocates" and "problem solvers.

Balancing Inquiry and Advocacy - Society for Organizational Learning North America Inc.

" They know how to present and argue strongly for their views. But as people rise in the organization, they are forced to deal with more complex and interdependent issues where no one individual "knows the answer, and where the only viable option is for groups of informed and committed individuals to think together to arrive at new insights. At this point, they need to learn to skillfully balance advocacy with inquiry. When balancing advocacy and inquiry, we lay out our reasoning and thinking, and then encourage others to challenge us. Balancing inquiry and advocacy is sometimes hard on people's cherished opinions, which is one reason why it is so difficult to master. We don't recommend inquiry alone. This palette chart, of course, is only the beginning of a taxonomy of the roles which people can play in conversation. 1. 2. 3.

Advocacy and Inquiry: Key Components of Dialogue - The Henderson Group. Dialogue: Its Component Parts The first step in dialogue is balancing Advocacy and Inquiry.

Advocacy and Inquiry: Key Components of Dialogue - The Henderson Group

Instead of making statements about what we believe, begin asking questions about what others believe. This is in accord with a principle articulated by Saint Francis and popularized by Stephen Covey: “Seek first to understand; and then to be understood.” When I attack your position and repeat my own, I strengthen your attachment to your position. How do you balance advocacy and inquiry? Step back. The Rewards Building rapport Building business relationships Extending your influence Tips for improved advocacy: What to do State your assumptions, and describe the data that led to them. What to say "Here's what I think, and here's how I got there. " What's Your Communication Style? Advocacy & Inquiry. Institute for Inquiry: A Description of Inquiry.