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Mouaz Moustafa Directeur executif *** in the USA

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D'origine palestinienne né à Damas en Syrie. L’entrée illégale en Syrie du sénateur US John McCain a été organisée par la Syrian Emergency Task Force, une organisation créée par le militant palestinien Mouaz Moustafa.

D'origine palestinienne né à Damas en Syrie

Propagande on twitter de Mouaz Moustafa. Visite aux "rebelles" en Syrie. Rencontre preneur d'otages, Mohamed Nour. Même turban EI&Co. John McCain, le chef d'orchestre du « printemps arabe » Barack Obama et John McCain sont-ils des adversaires politiques comme ils le prétendent ou collaborent-ils ensemble à la stratégie impérialiste de leur pays ?

John McCain, le chef d'orchestre du « printemps arabe »

John McCain est connu comme le chef de file des républicains, candidat malheureux à la présidence états-unienne, en 2008. Ce n’est, nous le verrons, que la partie de sa biographie réelle, celle qui lui sert de couverture pour conduire des actions secrètes au nom de son gouvernement. Lorsque j’étais en Libye durant l’attaque « occidentale », j’ai pu consulter un rapport des services de renseignement extérieur. On pouvait y lire que l’Otan a organisé, le 4 février 2011 au Caire, une réunion pour lancer le « printemps arabe » en Libye et en Syrie. Selon ce document, elle était présidée par John McCain. McCain avec ses frères modérés d'Ukraine. Week-end chez les "rebelles" by Dr Jamal Assad. Dr Jamal Assad, a gynecologist from Zagreb Croatia, must think drawing blood in Syria is much more important than treating patients in Croatia.

Week-end chez les "rebelles" by Dr Jamal Assad

He is pictured here with members of al-Farouk Brigade, and he is not holding medical equipment! He is photographed here wearing the uniform of the Al-Farouk Brigade, one of the fractions of Jihadists fighting the Syrian Arab Army. He makes as many trip around talking to as many people (and governments), as he can trying to drum up support for his terrorists that are murdering the people of Syria. He does not represents the people of Syria, he represents and aids the Syria National Coalition. 2013 l'AIPAC qualifie ASSAD de barbare. The powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is planning to launch a major lobbying campaign to push wayward lawmakers to back the resolution authorizing U.S. strikes against Syria, sources said Thursday.

2013 l'AIPAC qualifie ASSAD de barbare

Officials say that some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that “barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a source with the group. Story Continued Below “History tells us that ambiguity [in U.S. actions] invites aggression,” said the AIPAC source who asked not to be named. The source added the group will now be engaged in a “major mobilization” over the issue. 04/09/2013 Propagande US pour 1 intervention armée.

Freedom House. 1941 Freedom House. Home - Syrian Emergency Task Force. Syrian Emergency Task Force. The Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) is a United States-based organization that advocates for the armed overthrow of the government of Syria.

Syrian Emergency Task Force

It first gained widespread public attention in the wake of the Elizabeth O'Bagy resume padding scandal; O'Bagy had served as a paid lobbyist for the group. The group's primary activity is advocating for U.S. military involvement in the Syrian Civil War through congressional office visits, media awareness campaigns, and organizing junkets for key U.S. foreign policy decisionmakers.[1] According to SETF, it is also committed to supporting the overthrow of the government of Cuba;[2] a statement co-signed by it and the Florida based Cuban exile organization "Assembly of the Resistance" declared it would work for "the overthrow of the dictatorial regimes of Assad and Castro.

"[3] SETF is indirectly funded by the U.S. Staff[edit] SETF's executive-director, Mouaz Moustafa, is a former field organizer for the U.S. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Red Lines: Inside the Battle for Freedom in Syria. Gallery — Red Lines. Opposition syrienne ***