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22 Maps That Show The Deepest Linguistic Conflicts In America

22 Maps That Show The Deepest Linguistic Conflicts In America
Related:  Maps of the USA

The Best Map Ever Made of America's Racial Segregation Last year, a pair of researchers from Duke University published a report with a bold title: “The End of the Segregated Century.” U.S. cities, the authors concluded, were less segregated in 2012 than they had been at any point since 1910. But less segregated does not necessarily mean integrated–something this incredible map makes clear in vivd color. The map, created by Dustin Cable at University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, is stunningly comprehensive. This is the most comprehensive map of race in America ever created. White people are shown with blue dots; African-Americans with green; Asians with red; and Latinos with orange, with all other race categories from the Census represented by brown. “There are a lot of moving parts in this process, so this can cause different shades of color to appear at different zoom levels in really dense areas, like you see in NYC,” Cable explains. Looking at the map, every city tells a different story. Go Back to Top.

International Phonetic Alphabet © Tomasz P. Szynalski, This chart contains all the sounds (phonemes) used in the English language. For each sound, it gives: The symbol from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), as used in phonetic transcriptions in modern dictionaries for English learners — that is, in A. To print the chart, use the printable PDF version. Does this chart list all the sounds that you can hear in British and American English? No. For example, this page does not list the regular t (heard in this pronunciation of letter) and the flap t (heard in this one) with separate symbols. So this page actually lists phonemes (groups of sounds), not individual sounds. Take the phoneme p in the above chart. Typing the phonetic symbols You won’t find phonetic symbols on your computer’s keyboard. You can use my free IPA phonetic keyboard at You can also use the ASCII Phonetic Alphabet, which represents IPA symbols with “normal” characters that you can type on your keyboard.

Left Handed People As a left handed person I though I might as well blog about being a left hander. My father and mother are both left handed and my youngest brother is also left handed. I actually could be considered ambidextrous as I play sport with my right hand but I write with my left and hand use complex actions with my left hand. I read that 10% of the population is left-handed. As a left handed person it was interesting that in my Computer Science class at University the majority of my friends were left handers and the only australian girl was a left hander. Statistics show that older people are less likely to be left-handed than their younger counterparts — the percentages of lefties sharply drop off with increased age. You would expect a lot of famous people would be left handers but it is suprising the number of my favourite actors, athletes and politicians are left handed people. Political and governmental leaders Barrack Obama, George H.W. Artists Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo

Most Popular Road Names in America In 1993, the U.S. Census released tally of the 76 most common street names in America. For well over 20 years, this was pretty much the only list that anyone had. Why? Two reasons. Second, one might argue that this is the worst kind of idle question. But road names are pieces of history. More on that in a bit; first, here are the 1,000 most popular road names in America as calculated from 2014 road data. There are some discrepancies from the 1993 Census report. Out of over a million roads in the United States, 9,640 are named “Park.” Still, both the Census and I agree that “2nd” is a more popular road name than “1st.” Trees, numbers, and presidents are the most popular names for streets, which is understandable. The interesting patterns start to emerge when we look state-by-state. “Magnolia” and “Dogwood” are popular in the South, while “Maple” is popular in the North. In the West and Midwest, the most common street name is a number — though “2nd” does not always come out first. More:

::: Cambridge English Online: Learn > Enjoy > Succeed ::: GAA Classic Cars - General Info JULY 24, 25 & 26, 2014 General Admission $15 per person per day/under 5 are free FREE Parking! JULY Schedule of Events: Thursday, JULY 24th 5:00 pm Doors open and Dinner is served to our registered bidders and sellers. 6:00 pm Memorabilia Sale Begins, immediately followed by Non-Reserve and Reserve Vehicles Friday, JULY 25th & Saturday JULY 26th 8:00 am Gates Open 10:00 am Auction Begins The sale will be held at The Palace at 301 Norwalk St. FREE EVENT PARKING! The general public is invited to participate in this sale through buying, selling or just spectating. Ways to participate include:BUYING OR SELLING If you are interested in buying or selling a vehicle you can visit the BUY A CAR or SELL A CAR tab of this website to print and download all the forms you will need to register for this sale. The general public is welcome to attend the sale as a spectator as well. NOTICE TO ALL WHO ATTEND GAA CLASSIC CARS EVENTS:This is an auction thus vehicles for sale should be run through the auction.

Slave-run cotton farms laid on top of counties that voted 'Democrat' in 2008 Khan Academy Life inside the densest place on earth: Photos of Kowloon Walled City Before it was demolished in 1994, Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong was considered the densest settlement on earth, with 33,000 people living within the space of one city block. A largely unregulated space, the Walled City grew massive as residents built new structures directly on top of existing structures. "The Walled City was a kind of architectural touchstone in terms of what a city can be -- unplanned, self-generated, unregulated," says photographer Greg Girard. Because of the government's hands-off approach to regulating the City, there were effectively no health or safety laws present. Many buildings enclosed within the Walled City had no access to outside light or air. Deep within the building's darkness, a variety of small businesses flourished. Despite the City's wild appearance, photographer Greg Girard found that the people inside lived just like people anywhere else. Planes landing at Hong Kong's nearby airport, Kai Tak, often roared overhead. A city of organized chaos

The Most Common Job In Every State *We used data from the Census Bureau, which has two catch-all categories: "managers not elsewhere classified" and "salespersons not elsewhere classified." Because those categories are broad and vague to the point of meaninglessness, we excluded them from our map. What's with all the truck drivers? Truck drivers dominate the map for a few reasons. Driving a truck has been immune to two of the biggest trends affecting U.S. jobs: globalization and automation. A worker in China can't drive a truck in Ohio, and machines can't drive cars (yet). The rise and fall of secretaries: Through much of the '80s, as the U.S. economy shifted away from factories that make goods and toward offices that provide services, secretary became the most common job in more and more states. Manufacturing jobs disappeared: This story we knew already. Fewer and fewer farmers: Our map shows the tail end of a century-long trend. Government: The most common job in D.C. is lawyer. Who knew Utah was a tech hub?

English grammar: A complete guide Do you have a question about the correct usage of the semi-colon or how to place relative adverbs in a sentence? If so, you've come to the right place! The English grammar guide is a complete reference on the rules of English usage. Every grammatical rule is explained in clear, simple language with several examples and, when necessary, counter-examples. The grammatical rules covered by this guide are categorized by part of speech. Comparisons Conditional Future Gerund and Present Participle Infinitive Passive Voice Past Present Functions and classes of determiners Articles Quantifiers Distributives

Legality of cannabis by U.S. jurisdiction Cannabis laws in the United States1 Jurisdiction with legalized cannabis. Jurisdiction with both medical and decriminalization laws.2 Jurisdiction with legal psychoactive medical cannabis. Jurisdiction with legal non-psychoactive medical cannabis. Jurisdiction with decriminalized cannabis possession laws. Jurisdiction with cannabis prohibition. 1 Includes laws which have not yet gone into effect.2 Marked states have only legal non-psychoactive medical cannabis. * Cannabis remains a Schedule I substance under federal law as of 2015. * Some cities and Indian Reservations have legalization policies separate from their surrounding states. * Cannabis is illegal in all Federal enclaves. By state[edit] By Federal district[edit] By Indian reservation[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]

22 Appar för att öva engelska! Jag får ofta frågan om appar för att öva engelska. Det har varit ganska magert utbud på dessa men nu när jag grävde lite mer har det faktiskt kommit flera bra appar att testa. Här kommer 22 appar i olika svårighetsgrader. Ett flertal av apparna är gratis, och det kan räcka långt. I mitt nästa inlägg kommer webbsidor där du kan öva engelska både på dator och via surfplatta, håll utkik! Bitsboard Spelling Bee Bilderna ovan är tagna från denna app. English ladders Använd din engelska för att matcha rätt svar, och klättra upp på stegar eller falla ner till ormarna. Relaterat SFI-appar öva svenska del1 Jag har fått ett spännande uppdrag att ta fram appar för en grupp SFI-elever, här kommer deras önkselista: Här kommer mina förslag: Textgrabber- ta kort på text och få den uppläst och vid behov även översatt Worldictionary- liknande som appen ovan Prizmo- Ta kort på text och få den uppläst… I "Allmänt" 20 appar för åk4-9, öva engelska En fråga som jag ofta stöter på är appar för äldre elever.
