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How AR/VR Will Transform Your Shopping Experience In 2019? Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality (AR / VR) technologies are revolutionizing the way people buy products.

How AR/VR Will Transform Your Shopping Experience In 2019?

Virtual reality is an emerging technology that could provide the answer to this tech world. Together with its sister technology “Augmented Reality” has the potential to reshape the world of retail, and almost a third of customers believe that more should be invested in these technologies to ensure that they play a more important role in their shopping experience. In this way, e-commerce web development companies can offer superior customer experiences today. The death of the middle ground. In a world where polarisation is increasingly the norm, should brands focus more on promoting cohesion rather than ‘for or against’ thinking?

The death of the middle ground

By Caroline Hayter. Today’s culture of ‘either/or thinking’ is omnipresent. From fat-shaming to gender issues to Brexit – whatever the topic, polarised views are the norm. Brands are increasingly finding themselves negotiating this tricky terrain, with mixed results – consider the controversy surrounding Gillette’s recent campaign, ‘The best men can be’. This is an especially difficult challenge when you’re a mainstream brand with a broad audience. Raising the dead on brands that go bump in the night. Augmented Reality – The Past, The Present and The Future. Augmented reality has come a long way from a science-fiction concept to a science-based reality.

Until recently the costs of augmented reality were so substantial that designers could only dream of working on design projects that involved it – today things have changed and augmented reality is even available on the mobile handset. That means design for augmented reality is now an option for all shapes and sizes of UX designers. Augmented reality is a view of the real, physical world in which elements are enhanced by computer-generated input.

A brief history of Topshop: From basement to high-street empire. Post-pandemic transformations: How and why COVID-19 requires us to rethink development. 1.

Post-pandemic transformations: How and why COVID-19 requires us to rethink development

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shock waves through societies and economies around the world. The impacts of the disease and of measures to control it have raised questions about epidemic preparedness and more generally about development, past, present and future. What made the world so vulnerable? Why were individual countries and the international community not better prepared? After Topshop owner Arcadia's demise, what now for UK clothes shopping?

Sir Philip Green’s fashion empire Arcadia is no more, with its famous brands, including Topshop, carved up by online retailers leaving behind a ghost chain of 500 shops.

After Topshop owner Arcadia's demise, what now for UK clothes shopping?

The sale to Boohoo of its last three high street names – Dorothy Perkins, Wallis and Burton – was confirmed this week. It completed the dismantling of Arcadia, which under Green’s ownership was the last vestige of the Burton Group built by 20th century retail trailblazer Sir Montague Burton. Its demise raises big questions about the future of clothes shopping in the UK. After Topshop owner Arcadia's demise, what now for UK clothes shopping? UK Fashion Market - Data, Trends, Top Stores. Post-pandemic transformations: How and why COVID-19 requires us to rethink development. Virtual Showrooms for Buyers - with Obsess VR platform.

Briefing Note: Medium-run wealth inequality following COVID-19 - Enlighten: Publications. Angelopoulos, K. , Lazarakis, S., Mancy, R.

Briefing Note: Medium-run wealth inequality following COVID-19 - Enlighten: Publications

And Schroeder, M. . (2021) Briefing Note: Medium-run wealth inequality following COVID-19. Other. University of Glasgow and Lancaster University. COVID-19 has led to a severe economic recession. Ecommerce growth statistics - UK, US and Worldwide forecasts. It's interesting to look back at the growth of online sales and think forward to the future of this industry.

Ecommerce growth statistics - UK, US and Worldwide forecasts

As demonstrated by these charts from Statistica, the overall percentage of Ecommerce retail sales have certainly grown in the last few months, accounting for 16% of sales in the US in Q2 2020. Need a plan to create a winning marketing strategy? Get started today using a tried and tested step-by-step process to optimize your marketing. 10 Augmented Reality Trends in 2021: The Future is Here. Andrew Makarov, Augmented Reality Solution Architect Updated: February 1, 2021 Augmented reality technology has seen unprecedented growth in 2020.

10 Augmented Reality Trends in 2021: The Future is Here

Commercial use of the technology has exploded due to use by market leaders like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. According to MarketsandMarkets, the market for AR technology is worth $15.3 billion. It’s worth exploring the different avenues and trends that drive the surging augmented reality market. Trend #1: Mobile AR: Apple ARKit 4, Google ARCore Apple has recently released ARKit 4, the latest version of its open source augmented reality development tools. Birmingham City University - Sign In. So, is gamification a generation thing? When the option of using gamification for workforce engagement became “hot”, most industry pundits explained gamification along generational lines.

So, is gamification a generation thing?

The generational argument goes like this: Employees are disengagedThe Y generation is even more disengaged, having grown up alongside technology and gaming (and having grown up with a strong sense of entitlement)While other generations can be engaged through their acceptance of hierarchies, focus on competition (or anything else, for that matter), generation Ys (aka Millennials) are unique in their need for “digital” engagementTherefore, gamification works well for Generation Y. But in reality workforces are a cross-generational affair – mixing Gen Xers, Millennials and even Baby Boomers. That’s why I often hear a question that makes a lot of sense given the frame of mind described above: “will gamification work to engage all my employees or just work on my Gen Y staff?”. The short answer is that gamification works across all generations. Digital humans in fashion: Will consumers interact?

Tandfonline. White Paper - The Value Shift — Offer comfort. Rosie Marks’ voyeuristic photos capture everyday life’s banal absurdity. Rosie Marks has a knack for noticing the absurd, hilarious, and poignant details of the everyday that all too often escape our notice.

Rosie Marks’ voyeuristic photos capture everyday life’s banal absurdity

The Art of Protest — Good Trouble. The Problem With Tastefulness — Good Trouble. Think of its core tenets too, and it becomes obvious how far tastefulness is used as a way of modulating and silencing cultures that diverge from the status quo.

The Problem With Tastefulness — Good Trouble

Good taste is often defined as being understated, inoffensive, muted and calm. Solidarity — Good Trouble.