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Tools- Outils

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Shaping the future with 3D mapping. Die aktuelle Zeit erfordert, dass wir ständig gefordert sind uns mit Herausforderungen zu beschäftigen und mit Veränderungen umzugehen.

Shaping the future with 3D mapping

Es gibt viele Formen, sich diesem Themen zu stellen. Owtcome by Krasi Bozhinkova. A daring strategy at times of disruption requires new thinking methods for value innovation Thinking can be a dangerous act.

Owtcome by Krasi Bozhinkova

The answers we give ourselves aren't always right, but sometimes they are comforting. We lean towards what we like to hear, but it often isn't the answer we need. Self-deception costs us a lot. We risk making bad decisions that lead to weak performance. 40 Roadmap Item Questions. A quick list of questions to use when… A quick list of questions to use when workshopping your product roadmap, prepping for a pitch/kickoff, or quickly filtering for well-thought-out ideas.

40 Roadmap Item Questions. A quick list of questions to use when…

Some of these are tough…but will hopefully leave you smarter (and wiser, and more open to opposing views). I absolutely recommend workshopping your ideas with other team members and inviting them to challenge your thinking/assumptions. Note: Apologies for writing less these past couple weeks. Mapping the Definition of Interactive Alignment. Alignment is a broad term used to describe a range of how different things match up.

Mapping the Definition of Interactive Alignment

From how organization and individual goals can connect; to how purpose, strategy and values can inter-relate; and even to how the wheels on a car can line up. We need to get more specific and more precise here, because in the last few years, integrated research has given rise to a distinct and under-recognized area we are terming here for the sake of clarity, as ‘interactive alignment’. It’s about shared meaning between people as an enabler of effective action and it’s powerful stuff. Observatory of Public Sector Innovation. Why we are building this Toolkits are a great way to share innovative methods and practices.

Observatory of Public Sector Innovation

A plethora of free innovation toolkits, playbooks and guides exist to help people identify, develop and practice necessary skills and apply new ways of reaching an outcome. We built this Toolkit Navigator, a sort of “meta-toolkit” to help you find the ones best suited to you and your situation. The Toolkit Navigator provides a pathway to the hundreds of freely available innovation toolkits created by authors in the public, private, academic and not-for-profit sectors. Based on your needs—whether you want to learn something, create something, or connect with others—the resource will guide you to toolkits, people, and information to get you started.

Five Tools to Create a Solid Strategic Plan. Scenario Planning Presentation in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. Eight Dimensions Worksheet. Archive: Recovery, Retooling, and Resilience: Three Lenses to Inform Your Strategic Planning Process Webinar. Elevation Worksheet. Major Ian T. Brown - Wardley Maps BarCamp 2020. Major Ian T. Brown - Wardley Maps BarCamp 2020.

A Guide to Building a More Resilient Business. Executive Summary Mainstream business education and managerial practice is largely focused on managing performance.

A Guide to Building a More Resilient Business

VUCA Tools for a VUCA World: Developing Leaders and Teams for Sustainable Results (2018) by Ann V. Deaton. Collective Impact Forum. The Data Visualisation Catalogue. Viability Radar: A Practical Tool for Assessing the Viability of Transformative Service Innovations in a Healthcare Context (2015) Toolbox - Find actionable ideas for your Agile Team. The Best Tool to Assess Your Culture. Why is it so important to have a good corporate culture?

The Best Tool to Assess Your Culture

The list is endless, but let’s get right to the point; a good corporate culture means a better bottom line. It’s about business, plain and simple. If the corporate culture is good, the employees are more productive, they are more loyal, you have less turnover, yada, yada, yada…you get the point. And most companies know this and spend LOTS of time and money on assessing and tracking their culture through employee engagement surveys. 3 ways to measure your adaptability. Technology for Employee Engagement. Assessment for Agility in a Volatile World.

Accenture Transformation GPS - Demo. 5 Weekly Habits That Will Improve Your Mental Toughness. Wharton@Work - Wharton Executive Education. Organizational Agility Project All-Inclusive Self-Assessment - More than 660 Success Criteria, Instant Visual Insights, Comprehensive Spreadsheet Dashboard, Auto-Prioritized for Quick Results (2019) by The Art of Service. HRG - Hardiness Resilience Gauge. In order to purchase this product you must be certified or qualified.

HRG - Hardiness Resilience Gauge

Find out if you are qualified or learn about certification above. To find out more about the release of the Hardiness Resilience Gauge please contact your Partner Relations Consultant or click here. If you are visiting our site from outside of North America, please order directly from one of our international partners in your area. Évaluation de la transformation numérique. How Agile Is Your Organization? - Bain & Company Interactive Diagnostic. Have you tested your strategy lately? Ten timeless tests can help you kick the tires on your strategy, and kick up the level of strategic dialogue throughout your company.

Have you tested your strategy lately?

“What’s the next new thing in strategy?” A senior executive recently asked Phil Rosenzweig, a professor at IMD, in Switzerland. Keys to unlocking great decision-making. April 19, 2018 – by Aaron De Smet and Greg Jost.

Keys to unlocking great decision-making

How to make your organisation more agile. Primeur: une boîte à outils pour devenir une entreprise à impact social. Yann Pezzini, conseiller stratégique en impact social chez Credo, en compagnie de la première cohorte de la formation "Intégrer l'impact social au coeur de son modèle d'affaires". (Crédit: Arnaud Gendreau) Pourquoi avez-vous initié votre projet entrepreneurial?

Boîte à outils — Credo. Blog – Change Agents Worldwide. In Change Agents Worldwide, we had a conversation thread recently about how we talk about each other, so that others might know us better. Lois Kelly and I agreed to correspond. Now, I have never met Lois in person. So what am I to suppose? Well, importantly, and this is pivotal to the ideas of social business practice, I do know her through the network, through others with whom I have high trust relationships.

Paradigm Learning. Org DNA Profiler Survey. Org. Effectiveness Simulator. World Economic Forum - Knowledge Platform (TopLink) Intelligent Automation Universe. Blending proprietary industry data with quarterly updates from intelligent automation (IA) technology vendors, the Intelligent Automation Universe (IAU) allows users to explore IA activity (including RDA, RPA, cognitive and AI) in business services across the world. It’s the only neutral platform to house continuously-updated customer and vendor data on all aspects of IA, which users can directly interrogate to cut through the white noise and find answers to their IA questions. The IAU provides interactive data on the global IA customer adoption footprint (where, who, what processes, functions and tasks); a comprehensive vendor directory, including an ‘apples to apples’ comparison of 31 vendors’ technical capabilities; a Case Study Catalogue™ of real-world IA implementations, with quantifiable, tangible results; and the newly launched consultancies/integrators directory.

TANGRAM : la référence de l’innovation sociale. On ne change pas le monde avec des sentiments. Voici des outils. Credit: 123rf On ne change pas le monde avec de bons sentiments ni avec de l’argent. L'un comme l'autre ne suffisent pas. Il faut du temps et de la discipline pour comprendre le problème auquel on s’attaque, afin de ne pas tout casser autour de soi avec ses gros sabots ni réinventer la roue ni gaspiller son temps et de précieuses ressources. Il faut des processus systématiques pour déployer les solutions intelligemment. Et puis, il faut des indicateurs pour mesurer le chemin parcouru et de l’humilité pour ajuster le tir.

Ces constats se répandent de plus en plus dans le monde de l’impact et de l’innovation sociale. Au Québec, les individus et les organisations qui veulent apporter des solutions innovantes à des problèmes sociaux et environnementaux ont désormais des outils pour les accompagner. Ce billet vous présente quelques-uns de ces outils. Le guide pratique sur l'impact D’abord, on répond aux grandes questions suivantes : qu’est-ce que l’impact? HR Software, Simplified. Hanelly Organizational Transformation.