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Biogas generator. Mini Bio-gas plant using food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste. I have been searching for some method of using the food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste efficiently, and came across information on producing bio-gas from organic waste.

Mini Bio-gas plant using food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste

The bio-gas produced from food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste, consisting of methane and a little amount of carbon di oxide is an alternative fuel for cooking gas (LPG). Also, the waste materials can be disposed off efficiently without any odor or flies and the digested slurry from the bio-gas unit can be used as an organic manure in the garden. Components of the Bio-gas Plant The major components of the bio-gas plant are a digester tank, an inlet for feeding the kitchen waste, gas holder tank, an outlet for the digested slurry and the gas delivery system for taking out and utilizing the produced gas. DIY Compact Survival Kit.

Urban Survival Kit. This is the most essential of all essentials.

Urban Survival Kit

The Samurai's blade was his soul, and so it is still--though my soul conveniently has pliers, scissors and screwdrivers along with a keen edge. Plastic bottle desalination. EDIT: In light of recent information " There's always a 'GOTCH' to a good idea isn't there....

plastic bottle desalination

With this system (and all systems that use plastics as evap-chambers/collectors) is that the plastic should be UV stable and BISPHONOL free. Most plastics used in the drinks industries are not made for permanence in UV rich envirinments. Also, some of the temperatures generated in the evaporation base will radiate heat into the surrounding plastics helping to free toxic elements such as bispenol and other yucky plasticisers.' I think that it is necessary to warn everyone NOT to use this device for anything other than exploring the basic principles of evaporation as a method of desalination (not that I genuinely believe that anyone would because the design really isn't that great .....)

In my country (Australia) one of the biggest current issues is water conservation, and in some areas, the development of desalination plants. WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM, cheap and effective. SO YOU HAVE an emergency supply of water, but you're not sure how pure it is.

WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM, cheap and effective

Here is an excellent, cheap setup you can easily DIY for purifying LOTS of water. It's based on the Berkey ceramic water element filtration system that's been around for a long time. LOOK ON AMAZON FOR "DOULTON" FILTERS. The ceramic material will filter down to .5 micron (that's 1/2 of a millionth of an inch) and according to the manufacturer will eliminate bacteria like E. coli and salmonella, and parasites like Crytposporidium and Giardia, microscopic impurities that will cause serious health problems and even death. A colleague of mine who has a great deal of knowledge in the area of food safety has studied this setup carefully and I have built a system per his recommendations.

Uncle John's portable solar water distiller ( For Survival ) This is something I made on a whim.

Uncle John's portable solar water distiller ( For Survival )

Its very simple to do and the pictures pretty much self-describe the directions to make it. Any old 2 liter plastic soda bottle will work. I made a 2 liter small one and a larger jumbo 3 liter.. But you can even use a 1 pint plastic soda bottle or even a larger water bottle of some type. The options are endless. ( elongated design ) The key with this is the flip back catch edge trough that collects the water. Materials: 2 liter soda bottle utility knife lighter Black rag Step 1 - cut the bottle in half using the utility knife.

How to- Wind Turbine Made from Scrap Metal... This is my first Instructable so bare with me.

How to- Wind Turbine Made from Scrap Metal...

This following Instructable is for A Wind Turbine that i Designed and Made out of Salvaged and Recycled Materials Because of the nature of the materials,everybody building them this way will all be different, don't let how i made this turbine affect how you make yours. build it with what you got. Wind turbines are not only Great to make but if made right can be good source of electricity.

Portable 12 Volt 17 Watt Wind Generator with Automatic Furling. I've just designed and built a practical, portable 12 Volt 17 Watt wind generator that is ideal (and appropriate) for setting up in campgrounds, parks, Earth Day exhibitions, research stations, and third world homesteads.

Portable 12 Volt 17 Watt Wind Generator with Automatic Furling

On "light breeze" days (5mph = 2.2m/s) when most wind generators are becalmed, this light-and-nimble unit reliably generates power, at charging levels, fully taking advantage of the erratic, gusting winds that are so common in near-ground conditions. A 48VDC, 1,600 rpm brushed permanent magnet motor (#370-350-00 / PE24113G -from a medical centrifuge), with a standard keyed 5/16 inch diameter steel shaft, was used to serve as the generator. A shaft arbor, 3/8-24 right hand (Grainger Item# 3ZN05 / Dayton Item# 3ZN05) was fitted on the shaft, to use as a 12 Volt generator, @ 550 rpm, when turned clockwise. The motor, weighing in at just under 3 pounds, has permanently lubricated bearings, but is not weatherproof.

Camping Wind Turbine. AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords.

Camping Wind Turbine

Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID. Hybrid solar panel (photovoltaic and thermal) I am not going to repeat all the details on how to build a solar panel, there are plenty of other instructables for this (search tool is your friend!).

Hybrid solar panel (photovoltaic and thermal)

Cheap and Easy Passive Solar Water Heater for your Home. ($300) Video Cheap and Easy Passive Solar Water Heater for your Home. ($300) Heat your water for free with a solar water heater.

Cheap and Easy Passive Solar Water Heater for your Home. ($300)

This $300 DIY solar water heater system even includes an electric backup water heater for cloudy days. It heats water to 135F (55C) on sunny days in a 80 gallon (310 liter) tank - and there are no moving parts - it relies in a thermosyphon to circulate the water. This heater uses PVC instead of copper. PVC has a much lower thermal conductivity than PVC does, however there are a few ways to over come this weakness. One way to I increased the efficiency was to use old florescent light bulbs as sleeves over the PVC pipe to act as a double glazing. The other way I increased efficient was increasing the surface area. I also installed an automatic electric backup heater for $30. Aluminum Bottle Alcohol Stove.

An Alcohol Stove made from AluminumBottles There are plenty of aluminum can stove designs out there. This one is different in that it is not made from aluminum cans but rather from aluminum bottles (aluminum beer bottles to be specific) After building a few stoves myself I wanted to design one to address a few shortcomings of other can stoves: 1. Priming - A number of stoves require an external heat source to bring the alcohol to vaporization temperature. Some require heating the bottom for a few minutes or burning some alcohol in a separate "primer pan" or on the ground around the the can as a means to heat the exterior of the of the stove to achieve a self-sustaining burn. Can Stove. Priming Wick for Alcohol Stove [and Pot Stand] Making char cloth in just a couple of minutes! There are many different ways to start fires however some of the most difficult involve catching a single spark.

In this instructable I'm going to show you how to make one of the most useable materials for catching that spark. It can be done anyware outside - I did this in a field in Gilwell, the international center of scouting over an MSR pocket rocket. If you've got an open fire that'll work just as well, but it's harder to control the heat - one of my scouts tried using a coke can and unfortunately because the fire we'd built was too hot, the coke can melted and the cloth caught fire.

The second advantage of using char cloth is that the embers burn much hotter than they would in fluffy seed heads or perhaps silver birch bark shavings. It actually burns longer too. Camping Gear. DIY Camping Hammock. Rain Barrels, Chicken Coops, and Solar Panels. To make all of these Instructables, download this collection of How To’s as an ebook. Download » Welcome to Rain Barrels, Chicken Coops, and Solar Panels: projects to get you off the grid, a collection of awesome do-it-yourself projects from!

The Instructables editors have chosen some of our best do-it-yourself off-the-grid projects to educate and inspire you to make great things with easily-available tools. Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. Since August 2005, Instructables has provided easy publishing tools to enable passionate, creative people to share their most innovative projects, recipes, skills, and ideas.