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Squeak Smalltalk. Language: Introducing Knowledge-Based Programming. 3 Websites To Get Started With Learning C++ Programming Language. Learning to program can be difficult for many, even with relatively easy programming languages.

3 Websites To Get Started With Learning C++ Programming Language

While Java is easier to get started with (where we have numerous articles here at MakeUseOf for Java as well as Internet scripting languages and deciding which one to learn), C++ may not be. However, those with some programming experience will find learning C++ less difficult than beginners, although there are plenty of good websites to teach yourself with. Why Learn C++? Why would you care to learn C++? It is a very powerful programming language which basically has a “trust the programmer” motto. Due to this, most programs are at least partially written in this language or its cousin, C. LearnCpp is a great place for both beginners and somewhat experienced programmers to get started with C++.

Out of all the sites I list here, I recommend trying this one out first before all the others. CPlusPlus is another great website for learning C++. CoDéfi. Club Code, le club des codeurs en herbe. Coding Game for Kids Code Master Think Fun Review. We love board games!

Coding Game for Kids Code Master Think Fun Review

We love STEM! Reproduction - le Pixel art. Voici un atelier que j'ai découvert chez Mais que fait la maîtresse?

Reproduction - le Pixel art

Coding, Robotics and the Jobs of the Future. Hex FRVR - Hexagon Puzzle Game. The Best Websites to Learn How to Write Code. The best tutorials and websites where you can learn how to write code in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python and all the other popular programming languages.

The Best Websites to Learn How to Write Code

The Learn to Code movement has picked up momentum worldwide and that is actually a good thing as even basic programming skills can have a major impact. If you can teach yourself how to write code, you gain a competitive edge over your peers, you can think more algorithmically and thus can tackle problems more efficiently. Don’t just download the latest app, help redesign it. Don’t just play on your phone, program it. — Obama. There’s no reason why shouldn’t know the basics of coding. Gone are the days when you had to enroll in expensive computer training classes as now exist a plethora of web-based courses that will help you learn programming at your own pace in the comfort of your web browser. If you are ready to take the plunge, here are some of the best websites that offer courses in a variety of programming languages for free. Hour of Code. DataDecode - Code Décode. Une application pour coder et décoder les données Jouez avec la data, tagguez, mettez les mots en action.

DataDecode - Code Décode

15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) According to, 90 percent of parents in the U.S. want their children to learn computer science—it will be crucial for many jobs in the near future—but only 40 percent of schools teach it. Critics claim that it is mainly the more affluent schools that offer computer science courses, thus denying those who attend poorer schools the chance to learn necessary skills. A focus on STEM is not enough: also reports that while 70 percent of new STEM jobs are in computing, only 7 percent of STEM graduates are in computer science. It is imperative that savvy schools begin to focus some STEM resources on computer science and programming. In my opinion, parents of every student in every school at every level should demand that all students be taught how to code. They need this skill not because they’ll all go into it as a career—that isn’t realistic—but because it impacts every career in the 21st-century world. Tortue logo - A vous de jouer. Choisis un domaine, puis un jeu ! Immersive Coding. Vous avez une minute ? Pour comprendre le codage à l’école. Apprendre à coder et comprendre les données avec DataDecode — Enseigner avec le numérique. Code-Décode est une collection de ressources numériques en ligne pour initier les enfants au code et à la culture numérique.

Apprendre à coder et comprendre les données avec DataDecode — Enseigner avec le numérique

DataDecode est l'une de ces applications ludiques développée dans le cadre du projet qui s'adresse à tous les jeunes de 9 à 14 ans, aux enseignants et aux animateurs qui souhaitent organiser des ateliers code ou aborder autrement certaines notions de français. DataDecode propose à ses utilisateurs différentes activités. La première consiste à débattre autour des vidéos « Culture Code » et « Le code et moi » qui traitent de l'information et de la prolifération des données numériques. Dans un registre plus ludique, DataDecode invite aussi l'utilisateur à réaliser une série de missions pour comprendre la notion de donnée en jouant, en expérimentant, voire en programmant (génération de textes, base de données, jeux littéraires, collaboratif/asymétrique, économie des données).

Jouer à «robot-idiot» pour s’initier aux algorithmes. Ressource Activité débranchée .

Jouer à «robot-idiot» pour s’initier aux algorithmes

Initiation aux algorithmes . Creative Computing. Scratch 3.0 is here!

Creative Computing

In celebration of Scratch 3.0, we are hard at work developing a new version of our Creative Computing Curriculum Guide to be released in early 2019! The new guide will be full of activities for exploring the intersection of creativity and computing. In the interim, we're delighted to share an updated version of the second edition. Scalable Game Design wiki. Frogger is a good first game design activity for students with no programming background.

Scalable Game Design wiki

Journey is designed to present several computational thinking patterns in an incremental fashion. Sokoban is a good second game design activity for students who have already completed the Frogger tutorials. PacMan is a good first game design activity for high school students with no programming background. More games: Space Invaders Sims-like games AgentCubes games (3D) coming soon! The Contagion simulation approximates how contagions are spread among humans who are in close proximity to one another. The Forest Fire simulation enables you to explore how forest fires unravel by letting you set fires to virtual forests with different parameters. More simulations: AgentSheets simulations AgentCubes simulations (3D) coming soon! Cryptris - Un jeu sur la cryptographie asymétrique. TouchDevelop. National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) In addition to traditional classroom work, learners can use a variety of online tools and games.

National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS)

Educators can utilize multiple education platforms, and students learn both within and outside the classroom. Aprende a codificar. E-Learning Challenge #24: Create a Simple E-Learning Game. View the e-learning game I know there are a lot of folks in the community who are looking to build games in Storyline, or who just want to know more about using games in e-learning. If either sounds like you, then you’ll love this week’s challenge. This week we’re going to look at transforming a quiz into a simple e-learning game. In reality, these types of games are more like glorified progress meters than high-production games. But they’re fun for learners to take, and just as much for course designers to build. 15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) CodeMonkey.

Learn to code. Learn to code. Code Monster from Crunchzilla. Code Kingdoms. Code Maven from Crunchzilla.

<h2>Code Maven gets teens excited about programming. It is an interactive tutorial where anyone can experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Maven from Crunchzilla uses Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want to play with Code Maven. Otherwise, Code Maven will not be able to play with you. Code Kingdoms - Unit 1 - Lesson Plans. Code Kingdoms Teacher's Pack. Code Kingdoms Sandbox Guide (OOSY & 3Ws) Learn. Play, Design & Code Retro Arcade Games Grades 2+ | Blocks CS First Unplugged Grades 2-8 | Blocks, Unplugged, Scratch Discover Python with Silent Teacher Grades 6+ | Python. Learn to code. Codechef. Hour of Code.