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Top 15 Websites to Find Free Images For Your Content Marketing. Finding an online library stocked with pictures that are of high quality and available to use for free can be a daunting task.

Top 15 Websites to Find Free Images For Your Content Marketing

All the effort you are putting in selecting your search words seem to only yield images that either vaguely agree with your needs or are completely irrelevant. This can waste a lot of your time and get you really worked up. Waterlogue: App for turning photos into watercolors. I've recently become obsessed with Waterlogue, an Iphone-only app that takes photos and transforms them into watercolor-style images.

Waterlogue: App for turning photos into watercolors

It doesn't allow for any tweaking of brush size or anything, but the effect is pretty striking. (Thanks to Amy Burvall for introducing me to it!) Free High-Resolution Photos. Rabe Crater / ESA/DLR/FU Berlin / CC BY-SA 3.0... Incredible Historical Photos From One of the World’s Best Museums. Dude who's probably the zookeeper smoking a pipe and feeding two American black bears at the Lincoln Park Zoo. (1900) © The Field Museum, Z79947 Security guard with plaster, wood, and metal moon model. (1898)

Incredible Historical Photos From One of the World’s Best Museums

Create watercolour from picture

Picjumbo — totally free photos for your commercial & personal works. British library free images. Releases photos under a Creative Commons licence. Licences specify the terms and conditions under which things can be used.

releases photos under a Creative Commons licence

All too frequently in everyday life we come across restrictive licences that actually seem to discourage usage, disallowing copying or sharing. But a whole other family of free licences aim to encourage use and sharing, asking simply for proper recognition and reciprocal behaviour in return. Since its inception, CERN has used the web to share multimedia material openly. To signal clearly that we wanted people to use our photos and videos we crafted a pioneering free media licence. It included clauses that satisfied the demands of being an intergovernmental organization, and ensured consistency with our founding convention as a peaceful scientific collaboration.

As the web grew, multimedia material proliferated around the globe, and so did licences. So, encouraged and supported by our experiment outreach teams, we have made our first collection available under a Creative Commons licence. The British Library's Photostream. Britishmuseum's Photostream. NASA: 2Explore's Photostream. Europeanspaceagency's Photostream. Nottingham Vet School's Photostream. Wellcome images' Photostream. Defence Images' Photostream.

United Nations Photo's Photostream. U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos' Photostream. Jisc's Photostream. National Library of Ireland on The Commons' Photostream. The National Archives UK. Who are we?

The National Archives UK

We are The National Archives, the UK government's official archive, containing over 1,000 years of history with records ranging from parchment and paper scrolls through to digital files and archived websites. We are also at the heart of government information policy, to ensure the survival of today´s information for the future. What are these images? We've selected these images to give a flavour of our massive holdings.

As well as our 11 million catalogued documents our collection of maps, photographs and artwork is huge and it's also growing as more images are located in files and new material arrives from government departments. NASA HQ PHOTO's Photostream. Bbcworldservice's Photostream. University of Exeter's Photostream. RDECOM's Photostream. NASA Goddard Photo and Video's Photostream. National Media Museum's Photostream. Archives on Flickr Chart - Public.

Library of Congress free pictures

Search: "thomas tolkien" UICloud – Le moteur de recherche des designers d’interfaces. UICloud – Le moteur de recherche des designers d’interfaces Si vous cherchez des éléments graphiques pour vos pages web, qui sont sous licence Creative Commons, je vous invite à essayer UICloud.

UICloud – Le moteur de recherche des designers d’interfaces

Ce site est un moteur de recherche permettant de trouver son bonheur graphique dans plus de 37 000 éléments et 1 600 sets graphiques. De l'interface complète, au bouton "Download" en passant par la barre de progression et la maquette de l'iPhone, si vous êtes designer amateur ou confirmé, vous allez pouvoir faire le plein de PSD. Une excellente idée non ? Vous avez aimé cet article ? Où trouver des images libres de droits : plus de 60 sites sur une carte heuristique.

Olivier Legrand propose une carte heuristique avec liens ressources pour trouver des images libres de droit a prori pour illustrer des créations en mindmapping.

Où trouver des images libres de droits : plus de 60 sites sur une carte heuristique

A priori seulement, car cette carte qui recense des banques de photos libres de droits, des images en version icônes ou des solutions en ligne pour créer des avatars peut correspondre à bien des projets Web. Bref, cette carte heuristique recense plus de 60 sites pour trouver des images libres de droit ; une veille exhaustive et attentive. Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : France Tags: carte heuristique, cartographie, image, libre de droits Posté par Jean-Luc Raymond le samedi 2 février 2013 Crédit média : Etsy Catégories : Blog NetPublic, Création multimédia, Formation numérique, Ressources NetPublic.

Eurostar Stock Photo Images. 115 eurostar royalty free pictures and photos available to download from over 100 stock photography brands. Photoshop CS2 (et autres Creative Suite 2) offert par Adobe ! Stock Photos and Royalty Free Images : Stock Photography.

Free photoshop

Screen Grab Pro. Mozilla Firefox Start Page. 5 free photo sites for your blog. If you are anything like most bloggers, you have a hard time finding quality, affordable photos you can legally post.

5 free photo sites for your blog

Well, fret no more! Here are five great websites with free — yes, you read that right — photos for you to add a little flair to your blog. Morguefile: This site is filled with amateur photos of anything you could ever want. Pizza? Check. No matter the subject of your blog, you can be sure to find a photo for your next post on one of these sites. This post is by Christine Kane, a graduate of communication and journalism. Image credit: Stockvault Clarification: The original version of this post did not include limitations of use for Woophy photos. How to edit photos with the Pixlr online editor. Not so long ago, you needed software installed on your computer to do any kind of photo editing.

How to edit photos with the Pixlr online editor

That’s still the case if you want to accomplish highly complex tasks such as stitching panoramas together, but a huge range of photo editing jobs can be done using online tools. Here, we’re going to look at the very competent Pixlr. There are several advantages that online photo editors such as Pixlr offer over traditional software. One is obviously that you avoid the process of having to download and install it. Plus, because Pixlr is web based, new features are automatically added and become immediately available the next time you arrive at the website. Yet another advantage is that you can use Pixlr from any computer - as long as it has an internet connection and Flash support.

There are other image editing applications on the web, but we like Pixlr because it's so flexible and has lots of features. Llaizer : un logiciel gratuit et pratique pour créer facilement des collages photos. Create a photo wall effect. Free Web Tools to Crop, Resize, Rotate, Add text and Effects to your Photos. Images and pictures are great visual aides in teachning.

Free Web Tools to Crop, Resize, Rotate, Add text and Effects to your Photos

We all include them in our lesson planning for illustration and more elucidation purposes especially when it comes to explaining hard concepts. It's awesome to add your personal touch to images you use like adding a text, a caption, chaging colour, ect. It makes you control what you want share and this is why I compiled a list of some great photo editing tools that teachers can use very easily and in most of the times without any registration. I have also previously published another equally important list of free web tools that lets you turn picture into avatars and cartoons, check it out.