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5 Humane Alternatives to Declawing Cats - Playful Kitty. Declawing cats is a very controversial topic for both veterinarians and cat owners. Recently, the AVMA changed their policy on declawing cats to add “… the procedure is a major surgery that should only be performed after alternatives have been sought to prevent destructive clawing.”

Many countries around the world have banned the surgery calling it animal cruelty. Why is there controversy over declawing cats? Photo Credit Beatrice Murch The procedure for declawing cats involves amputation of not only the claw, but the bone up to the first knuckle. This amputation can be very painful for the cat and lead to disfigurements of the paw. On the other side of the argument, it is believed that declawing cats is a necessary evil. If you don’t want to declaw your cat, try some of the humane alternatives below. Humane Alternative #1: Cat trees & Scratchers Photo Credit: Camille Gevaudan This is the alternative that you will probably want to circle, highlight, or star.

Humane Alternative #2: Soft Paws. Champo, Paris 5e. International Festival of Authors Takes Place Oct. 18-28. October 13, 2012 Kim Thúy, photo by Camille Gévaudan Toronto’s 32nd International Festival of Authors takes place at Harbourfront Centre from Oct. 18 to 28, 2012. The literary festival brings together authors of contemporary literature from around the globe for readings, interviews, lectures and book signings. Some of the festival highlights include: An Evening with Rohinton Mistry features the Giller-Prize-winning author in performance and in conversation with CBC’s Eleanor Wachtel on Thurs., Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. An empty chair will appear on stage at each festival event to signify writers who have been silenced for peacefully expressing his or her beliefs.

Although celebrated Canadian author and recent Nobel Prize for Literature nominee Alice Munro was scheduled to appear at the festival on Fri., Oct. 19, she had to cancel her appearance due to frail health. Tickets for regularly-priced events are $18 for adults, $15 for supporters and free for students (subject to availability). Top 10 des noms envisageables pour Android L  Android MT. Chacun y va de son pronostic pour le nom d’Android L, prochaine version de l’OS made in Google, avec des arguments plus ou moins fondés. Et si la firme de Mountain View créait la surprise, comme avec KitKat ?

Et si le nom complet d’Android L était… 1 – Android Licorice Android Réglisse ? C’est la rumeur du moment. 2 – Android Lollipop Android aime les sucettes, les sucettes à... Le nom le plus évident. 3 – Android Layer Cake Un gâteau en couches Toujours dans le même gif animé de Google, on voit que le gâteau est fait de plusieurs couches. 4 – Android Lemon Meringue Pie Crédit photo : Camille Gévaudan On s’attendait tous à un Android Key Lime Pie, alors pourquoi ne pas essayer de replacer une tarte ? 5 – Android Lychee Pudding Crédit Photo : Bruno Navez Voilà un fruit original à intégrer dans une pâtisserie. 6 – Android Lagan Nu Custard Un gâteau traditionnel indien servi lors des mariages. 7 – Android Leipziger Lerche Crédit Photo : Lordus En Europe aussi on sait faire des pâtisseries !

Et vous ? Mélenchon : "Je pèse 79 kilos, je chausse du 42" Jean-Luc Mélenchon a pris cette affaire de transparence très au sérieux. Peut-être un peu trop ! Le co-président du Parti de gauche a dévoilé jeudi soir sur son blog, sa déclaration de patrimoine, mais d'une manière à tourner en dérision la lubie gouvernementale de la transparence. Ne se limitant pas au patrimoine mobilier ou immobilier, comme l'ont fait la plupart des politiques depuis les aveux de Jérôme Cahuzac, Jean-Luc Mélenchon en profite également pour dévoiler…ses mensurations ! D'où le message suivant, en préambule de sa "vraie" déclaration de patrimoine :"Je m'appelle Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Je suis né le 19 août 1951 à Tanger au Maroc. Je mesure 1,74m. Je pèse 79 kilos. Après ce préambule vraiment amusant, il faut l'admettre, le second paragraphe est tout de suite plus offensif, et c'est Marine Le Pen qui en prend pour son grade. Il conclue d'ailleurs cette déclaration par une petite annonce : il cherche un appartement plus grand dans son quartier du Xème arrondissement. Bensonhurst Bean » Blog Archive Concrete And Plastic "Boardwalk" Approved By Commission » Bensonhurst's News Blog. Bye bye boards. (Source: Khomille via Flickr) Yesterday the Public Design Commission approved a plan to replace a large section of Coney Island’s iconic wooden boardwalk with a combination of plastic and concrete. Despite a large turnout of outspoken locals who presented a strong case to restore the historic Riegelmann Boardwalk with real wood, yesterday’s yes vote green-lights the use of recycled plastic and concrete on a section in Brighton Beach stretching from Brighton 15th Street to Coney Island Avenue.

The 7.4 Million dollar project could very well be used as a prototype for the eventual replacement of wood on the walkway’s entire 42 blocks. Only a small section of wooden planks in Coney Island’s amusement area is expected to remain. “It’s a travesty,” Rob Burstein, president of the Coney-Brighton Boardwalk Alliance, told the News. “This makes a mishmosh of the boardwalk and creates both an aesthetic and a maintenance nightmare.”

“This project is ugly, ugly, ugly,” said Todd Dobrin. Best Boardwalks. Day at The Beach | Blogging While Nursing. Khomille from Flickr Last weekend, the hubby and I decided to take our daughter to the beach. She’s been watching Kai-Lan’s Beach Day and some how remembers the word for dig in Chinese. After several days of her saying dig and beach, we bit the bullet and drove the 10 minutes to the water. Here are some things that we’ve learned: 01. 02. 03. About point three. Coney Island Beach in Brooklyn will occasionally have jelly fish (fall) and horseshoe crabs (early spring) that wash up on the shore as well as all the black shells from the muscles and bits of crab legs (all year-long) here and there. Needless to say, I didn’t find the beach necessarily safe for her.

I think I was more excited for her to experience sand than she was. We get to the beach, I take her sandals off and place her feet in the sand (after she tells me she’s ready). She takes two steps, then stops. With her feet firmly planted where they were ( about one foot apart) she stumbled back to me so I can pick her up. Kalley C. News. Quelle est la différence entre les inscrits, les votants et les suffrages exprimés ? Législatives : "Le Conseil constitutionnel n'aura pas d'état d'âme à annuler l'élection" Officiellement enregistré par le Conseil constitutionnel, le recours de l'avocat Pierre Ciric concernant l'élection de Corinne Narassiguin (PS) aux législatives pour la circonscription d'Amérique du Nord pourrait connaître son dénouement d'ici 15 jours.

Explication avec Richard Ghevontian*, spécialiste de droit constitutionnel. France-Amérique : Quelles sont les chances d'aboutissement du recours ? Richard Ghevontian : Pour qu'une élection soit annulée, il faut prouver que les irrégularités ont eu une influence sur les résultats. Le Conseil constitutionnel peut tout à fait s'accorder sur le fait qu'il y a eu des problèmes lors du vote sans annuler l'élection pour autant. Dans le cas de la victoire de Corinne Narassiguin, il me semble que l'écart de voix est quand même assez élevé (1 559 voix de plus que le candidat de l'UMP Frédéric Lefebvre arrive second, ndlr). Pierre Ciric devra prouver que le dysfonctionnement a été massif. Selon moi, l'argument du sondage est le plus fragile. Vote blanc enfin comptabilisé ?Carré d'info.

Lassé que la voix du peuple ne soit pas écoutée par les gouvernants, un toulousain a mis en ligne une plateforme de comptabilisation des votes blancs et nuls. Comptabilisés, ces suffrages considérés comme non exprimés n’apparaissent pas dans les résultats officiels. Pour lui, ces bulletins contestataires doivent être connus comme les autres le soir des élections et pourraient, s’ils sont nombreux, pourquoi pas invalider le scrutin dans certains bureaux de vote. « Je vote depuis que je suis en âge de le faire.

Je fais le choix du cœur au premier tour et celui du dépit au second tour. . « La première initiative de ce genre en France » Il a créé une plateforme de comptage des votes blancs et contestataires pour la prochaine élection présidentielle. Dans les faits, cela revient tout simplement à relever le nombre de bulletins blancs et nuls de son bureau de vote. . « Je n’ai pas de raison particulière de me rebeller ni de souci dans ma vie et mon objectif n’est pas de foutre la merde» Google+ Journée d’étude à la BnF : Détournements Web 2.0 : Google, Facebook et Cie.

KNOWMADS, 21ST-CENTURY POLYMATHS | Glocal Thinking GLOBAL. The dictionary defines polimathy as the knowledge that spans across many subject areas. The origin of the word goes back to the times of the great erudite Greek philosophers in several spheres of classical learning, and more pointedly, to the prolific and multifaceted scholar Alexander Polyhistor, who earned this surname in recognition of his eminence as a polymathist.

The best known polymathist of all times was Leonardo Da Vinci; during the renaissance, the age of enlightenment, his oeuvre covered subjects right from painting to urban planning, medicine, botany, philosophy and more. When we think of the Renaissance man, who comes to mind is Leonardo. But he wasn’t the only one, Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Leibniz, Franklin are found among these great geniuses. Emerging from the Renaissance man, the encyclopedists were the first to attempt to compile universal knowledge. By Khomille. Is this the end of the specialist? About Alfonso Mazariegos. When Does Six Flags Great Adventure Open?

How To Keep Kids Safe on Amusement Park Rides. As Memorial Day Weekend signals the start of summer outdoor fun, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs encourages New Jerseyans to be safe on amusement rides. “While New Jersey has a very good safety record on amusement rides, we think it is essential to remind people about the importance of rider behavior,” said Acting Commissioner Constable. “Our engineering staff and ride inspectors in the Division of Codes and Standards do a great job ensuring rides are safe for operation, but riders must do their part as well.” The DCA recommends several rider and parental precautions that should be followed at this critical time of year when school trips and family excursions include visits to amusement parks, boardwalks, local fairs and traveling carnivals. Ride inspectors first urge that riders (and their parents or guardians) make sure they are comfortable with a ride before choosing to get on it. Additionally, riders are urged to:

Please Don't Walk Your Cat on a Leash! Is it safe to walk your cat on a leash in the city? Probably not worth it. The New York Times recently published an article — essentially a guide on how to train a cat to walk on a leash — that quickly shot up to the top of the newspaper’s most-emailed list.

The writer, Stephanie Clifford, working with TV cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy, talks about how her cat can now go on walks to the park in Brooklyn. I’m afraid that because of this article, thousands of people who live in cities will think it’s perfectly harmless to take their own cat to the park. Why am I afraid? Because it’s potentially dangerous, for several reasons.

For starters, city parks are filled with dogs, some of which are running off-leash, many of which consider cats prey. As Clifford herself cautions in her article (and as Pets Adviser has warned before), urban areas are chock-full of dangers for pets. Some cats simply aren’t suited for walks outdoors on a leash. In short, this whole story makes me nervous. Share it now! Presidential elections in France: Massive support for Mélenchon. The most striking feature of the presidential election campaign in France is the massive support shown for the Front de Gauche (Left Front) under the leadership of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Long before the campaign was really underway, there were clear signs that the most conscious and active layer of the working class was mobilising around the Front de Gauche. Mélenchon supporter at March 18 rally. Photo: Cyberien.On January 14th, for example, 6,000 workers and youth turned out to hear Mélenchon in Nantes.

The official launch of the campaign in Paris, on March 18th – the anniversary of the Paris Commune – took the form of a mass demonstration of more than 100,000 people on Bastille square. The meeting organised in Toulouse drew anything between 45,000 and 60,000 participants. Something like 300,000 copies of the brochure outlining the policy of the Front de Gauche have been sold. The Internationale being sung at 18 March rally. Source: La Riposte (France)