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COVID-19 on EU

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PROD0000000000508265. 轉自法國學者 Stéphane Corcuff 高格孚 字幕版. Eurogroup agrees on €540 billion corona-package. After several failed attempts, EU finance ministers on Thursday (9 April) agreed a €540 billion package to support member states, companies and workers in the coronavirus crisis, after The Netherlands and Italy overcame their differences.

Eurogroup agrees on €540 billion corona-package

Leaders will discuss in the coming days the recovery plan and the possibility of issuing so-called ‘coronabonds’. The deal was reached on Thursday evening after an intense round of bilateral contacts that postponed the start of the teleconference by more than four hours. The draft text was finally supported by Italy and Spain, the two countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, and The Netherlands, which was the last EU country still opposing light conditions to cheap loans provided by the European Stability Mechanism, the eurozone’s bailout fund.

European banks in the corona crisis. In the corona crisis, countless small businesses and corporations are fighting for survival, and employees are fearing for their jobs.

European banks in the corona crisis

This will have a huge impact on the European banking industry, on all fronts. First, revenues: net interest income is likely to suffer as scared and struggling customers (after an initial spike due to precautionary measures) take out fewer loans because of heightened income/profit uncertainty. Loan growth, even though lacklustre, had been one of the few bright spots in recent years. Fee income may suffer, too: in the payments business, the number of transactions is set to decline in line with economic activity. In asset management, while trading volumes should rise, investors will likely prefer safer asset classes where margins are lower. Home - Multimedia Centre. 新加坡本土感染病例明顯上升 境外移入降低. 新加坡今天新增武漢肺炎確診病例142起,創單日新高,其中140起是本土感染病例。

新加坡本土感染病例明顯上升 境外移入降低

迄今境外移入病例大幅降低,本土感染病例上升,防疫措施重心轉向控制本土病例散播。 新加坡衛生部晚間公布最新2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19,武漢肺炎)疫情數字。 在本土感染的140起病例中,55起與現有感染群有關,13起與先前確診病例有關,剩下的72起暫時與其他病例無關。 確診累計1623例。 新加坡為控制疫情散播,從昨天起到5月4日實施更嚴格的社交安全措施。 新加坡國會昨天通過武漢肺炎暫行措施法案,規定無論人數多寡、在家裡或公共場合,禁止私人與公共場所聚會,甚至包括未同住在一起的家人與朋友。 疫情快速蔓延,是歐盟走向結終的起點? 歐洲國家受到新冠病毒的大舉侵襲,3月下旬從英國王儲威爾斯親王查爾斯、首相強生及衛生部長,都相繼受到感染,疫情最嚴重的義大利和西班牙,單日死亡人數達到千人,更讓人驚心動魄。


整個歐洲陷入驚慌失措,步調不一,各自為政,歐盟對於災情的管控,可謂治絲益棼。 火上加油的是金融穩定的政策舉措,和各方的期盼有嚴重的落差;歐洲央行總裁拉加德「不認為任何人應該期待,央行會成為防疫紓困第一線」的發言,除了義大利總統嚴厲批評,義大利總理也強調,歐洲央行必須發布有助於控制疫情的金融措施。 一時之間,歐盟這個被視為「多層次治理」的政治典範,受到強烈的質疑,相較於英國央行降息50個基點的迅速處置,歐盟在英國正式脫離後的兩個月,遇到重大緊急危難的「以不變應萬變」,無法透過財政紓困與金融穩定措施,搶救水深火熱的義大利、西班牙與其他國家,這次疫情會不會成為歐盟走向歷史結終的起點,值得關切。 相對於英國「西敏寺模式」(Westminster Model)的單一國家、絕對主權、中央集權、強大的行政部門(strong core executive)、階層管控、以及清楚的問責(clear lines of accountability);歐盟多層次治理凸顯的則是分割的國家、互賴與不明確的主權(unclear sovereignty)、準聯邦的國家體制、歐盟執委會(行政)與歐洲議會和歐盟理事會(共同組成國會)、權力的分散與集體協商、乃至於界限不明的問責。 證諸於這次的疫情防治,歐盟當局連最基本的口罩、呼吸器、防護衣、民生物資之調度和提供都做不到,遑論超國家的良善治理(good governance)。 從防疫的因應對策來說,歐盟當局在整個3月份,進退失據,束手無策。 COVID-19 and the EU: A new Europe of borders? The measures taken by governments around the globe to contain the exponential spread of COVID-19 would have deemed extreme in any other circumstances.

COVID-19 and the EU: A new Europe of borders?

In a world that has become continuously more interconnected and interdependent over decades, freedom of movement was abruptly slashed. In Europe, member countries decided in an unprecedented step to close the EU’s external borders to non-EU citizens, following a proposal by the European Commission. By taking concerted action on external borders, the Commission had hoped to convince EU leaders to retract border closures between EU members and limit the damage to the EU’s internal market. Over the last weeks, virtually all EU governments introduced temporary restrictions to border traffic of various degrees ranging from border controls to outright closure.[1] In several cases this had a severe impact on freight traffic as border controls led to tens of kilometres of traffic jam, such as between Poland and Germany.

2 27022020 AP EN. EURO_COVID19_Dashboard - PUBLIC. Figures, colors and icons in country and territory lists Case totals include both probable and confirmed cases reported to WHO. 14-day incidence values represent incidence (# new cases reported) per 100 000 population over the past 14 days.


Percentages indicate change in 14-day cumulative incidence as compared to 14 days ago: Reported Transmission Status Pending / under investigation: transmission classification has not been reported to WHO Sporadic cases: one or more cases, imported or locally detected Clusters of cases: experiencing cases, clustered in time, geographic location and/or by common exposures Community transmission: experiencing larger outbreaks of local transmission defined through an assessment of factors including, but not limited to: large numbers of cases not linkable to transmission chains; large numbers of cases from sentinel lab surveillance; and/or multiple unrelated clusters in several areas of the country/territory/area.

COVID-19. Euro.who. Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 13 March 2020 08:00. Data presented on this page are collected between Monday and Wednesday for the preceding week and published on Thursdays Disclaimer: National updates are published at different times and in different time zones.

Situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 13 March 2020 08:00

This, and the time ECDC needs to process these data, may lead to discrepancies between the national numbers and the numbers published by ECDC. Users are advised to use all data with caution and awareness of their limitations. Data are subject to retrospective corrections; corrected datasets are released as soon as processing of updated national data has been completed.

Economy. The macro-economic outlook While our first concern is for the health of our citizens, the Commission is also actively monitoring the economic repercussions of the coronavirus in our Member States and beyond.


The Commission’s Winter Economic Forecast, presented on 13 February 2020, already identified COVID-19 as a new downside risk for the European economy and developments since then indicate that this risk is now partially materialising. However, the considerable uncertainty at this stage makes forecasting the impact of the virus on Europe very difficult. We are confident that the expertise and professionalism of Europe’s health and civil protection systems, and our overall coordination of national efforts, will serve to minimise that impact. Press corner. 【新聞稿】萊雅於歐洲啟動新冠病毒支援相助(Solidarity)計畫.