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Sino-Italian Exchange Event 2020 - Campania e Pechino nella ricerca sul Covid 19. Memorie della “spagnola”: un’antologia – Aiso Italia. Michele Mezza, Andrea Crisanti, Antonello Soro: IL CONTAGIO DELL'ALGORITMO Le Idi di Marzo della ... Un vaccino contro le fake news. Condividi Intervista di Viviana Kasam ad Armando Massarenti, filosofo e giornalista, caporedattore al Sole 24 Ore e firma storica del supplemento culturale Domenica.

Un vaccino contro le fake news

Ispirato dalla pandemia delle cattive informazioni, stai scrivendo una summa sulle fake news. Con che ottica? Si tratta di un libro incentrato sulla scienza dei dati, di cui sono coautore con Antonietta Mira, grande esperta di big data, già autrice di modelli matematici efficaci per prevedere l’andamento della diffusione di altri virus, come il “banana bunchy top virus”. Coronavirus, cos'è davvero e come difenderci. Del coronavirus abbiamo letto tutto il possibile, nelle ultime settimane.

Coronavirus, cos'è davvero e come difenderci

All'inizio, poco più di 50 giorni fa, con lo sgomento di chi assiste all'impensabile in un Paese lontanissimo come la Cina. Exponential growth and epidemics. COVID-19. At the end of December 2019, Chinese public health authorities reported several cases of acute respiratory syndrome in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China.


Coronavirus latest: WHO describes outbreak as pandemic. We are no longer updating this page.

Coronavirus latest: WHO describes outbreak as pandemic

Find Nature’s latest coronavirus coverage here. Read highlights from the coronavirus research literature here. 22 April 17:05 bst — Deaths suggest the coronavirus was in the United States weeks earlier than thought The first US COVID-19 death might have occurred in California on 6 February — three weeks before the first reported death, in Washington state. After autopsies, three people who died in Santa Clara County between 6 February and 6 March have been confirmed as having died of COVID-19, according to a statement released by the county’s department of public health on 21 April. The revised cause of death shows that the deadly disease had footholds in the United States earlier than previously thought. 22 April 16:45 bst — Climate scientist and IPCC veteran dies of the coronavirus John Houghton, a climate scientist and a senior member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), died of COVID-19 on 15 April, aged 88.

How Bad Will the Coronavirus Outbreak Get? Here Are 6 Key Factors. Sorveglianza integrata COVID-19: i principali dati nazionali. Sette cose che ci insegna il coronavirus - Annamaria Testa. Potremmo chiederci che cosa ci sta insegnando, e soprattutto che cosa ci sta ricordando questa faccenda del coronavirus su noi stessi, sulla nostra condizione e sul nostro modo di percepire quanto ci accade intorno.

Sette cose che ci insegna il coronavirus - Annamaria Testa

Provo a mettere in fila sette cose. In un sistema complesso, una piccola variazione nelle condizioni iniziali può avere enormi conseguenze. Atti e Norme - Nuovo Coronavirus. Map tracks coronavirus outbreak in near real time. By Doug Donovan /Published Jan 23 The Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering has built and is regularly updating an online dashboard for tracking the worldwide spread of the coronavirus outbreak that began in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Map tracks coronavirus outbreak in near real time

Lauren Gardner, a civil engineering professor and CSSE's co-director, spearheaded the effort to launch the mapping website on Wednesday. The site displays statistics about deaths and confirmed cases of coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, across a worldwide map. It also allows visitors to download the data for free. "We built this dashboard because we think it is important for the public to have an understanding of the outbreak situation as it unfolds with transparent data sources," Gardner said.

"We built this dashboard because we think it is important for the public to have an understanding of the outbreak situation as it unfolds with transparent data sources. " Lauren Gardner Co-director, Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Situation update worldwide, 1 March 2020. Data presented on this page are collected between Monday and Wednesday for the preceding week and published on Thursdays Disclaimer: National updates are published at different times and in different time zones.

Situation update worldwide, 1 March 2020

This, and the time ECDC needs to process these data, may lead to discrepancies between the national numbers and the numbers published by ECDC. Users are advised to use all data with caution and awareness of their limitations. Data are subject to retrospective corrections; corrected datasets are released as soon as processing of updated national data has been completed. Download latest data How are the data collected? Since 31 December 2019 and as of week 2021-2, 94 582 873 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 2 036 713 deaths.

Daily risk assessment on COVID-19, 1 March 2020. As countries regained control of transmission and alleviated the burden on healthcare, many measures were relaxed or removed to allow for a more viable way of life with the virus in circulation.

Daily risk assessment on COVID-19, 1 March 2020

Covid-19 - Situazione in Italia. Coronavirus - Trasmissione, prevenzione e trattamento. Trasmissione I coronavirus umani si trasmettono da una persona infetta a un’altra attraverso: la saliva, tossendo e starnutendo contatti diretti personali le mani, ad esempio toccando con le mani contaminate (non ancora lavate) bocca, naso o occhi una contaminazione fecale (raramente).

Coronavirus - Trasmissione, prevenzione e trattamento

Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Lancet Inf Dis Article: Here.

Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)

Mobile Version: Here. Data sources: Full list. Downloadable database: GitHub, Feature Layer. Lead by JHU CSSE. Technical Support: Esri Living Atlas team and JHU APL. Cases and Death counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).Recovered cases are estimates based on local media reports, and state and local reporting when available, and therefore may be substantially lower than the true number. Coronavirus in Italia, i dati e la mappa.