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Solar Energy

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David Butcher: The WEBworks Solar Power and Pedal Power Calculator. Solar Array Output Calculator Step 1: Enter Solar Array Size and Efficiency Enter the length of the array: Enter the width of the array: Enter the efficiency of the array in percent: Step 2: Enter Solar Array Tilt and Orientation Towards Sun Tilt Qualities range from 1 - Flat, to 10 - Perpendicular to the sun at high noon.

David Butcher: The WEBworks Solar Power and Pedal Power Calculator

Tilt Quality (1-10): Orientation Qualities range from 1 - pointing North, to 10 - pointing South. Step 3: Enter Power Cost Enter the cost for 1 KWh of power in your area: Step 4: Results Below Estimated Solar Array Output Peak Output Watts: 0.06 Probable Real-World Peak Output: 0.05 Daily Watt-Hours: 0.29 Daily Grams of Greenhouse Gasses Avoided: 0.29 Percent of Global Electrical Use (41,095,890,410,000 Wh/Day): 0 Percent Value of Electricity Generated Per Day: 0.0002 Solar Array Cost at $3/Peak Watt: $.19 Equivalent Pedal Generator Hours Single: 0.002 Hrs.

Equivalent Petroleum Generator (20% Efficiency) Peak Equivalent Horsepower: 0 Equivalent 24Hr. Solar energy as Renewable and alternative energy, Solar technology & energy information. The Earth receives an incredible supply of solar energy.

Solar energy as Renewable and alternative energy, Solar technology & energy information

The sun, an average star, is a fusion reactor that has been burning over 4 billion years. It provides enough energy in one minute to supply the world's energy needs for one year. In one day, it provides more energy than our current population would consume in 27 years. In fact, "The amount of solar radiation striking the earth over a three-day period is equivalent to the energy stored in all fossil energy sources. " Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. Roll-up solar panels power Flat Holm island. Media playback is unsupported on your device Roll-up solar panels are being used to help power an island off the coast of Cardiff.

Roll-up solar panels power Flat Holm island

The Rapid Roll system allows flexible solar panels to be unrolled like a carpet from a trailer in two minutes. The pioneering technology aims to meet demands from increased tourism and environmental and logistical challenges on Flat Holm. The hope is for the technology in future to offer a solution in areas hit by natural disasters like hurricanes. This is the first time the system has been used in Wales and it is the first long-term deployment of the technology anywhere in the UK. The technology was developed by John Hingley, managing director at Renovagen, based in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.

Capture solar power with your curtains. LONDON, England (CNN) -- Imagine every time you closed your curtains, you were capturing enough solar energy to power your laptop.

Capture solar power with your curtains

The technology is available, but no one's packaged it up in a handy DIY kit at your local hardware store. Solar textiles use the same technology as traditional solar panels to convert sunlight into energy. Sheila Kennedy hopes to be the first. She's not an interior designer but an architect and professor in practice at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is convinced that solar textiles will revolutionize the way we collect and consume power. "I've been thinking about what happens when power and light become flexible, literally flexible," she said. She calls it "soft power," as in the "soft energy path," a term coined Amory Lovins in the 1970s as a way to describe a world where renewable energy would gradually replace the centralized grid.

Kennedy's work with soft power builds on both of these ideas. Its limitations are its performance. Cheap, spray-on solar cells developed by Canadian researchers - Technology & Science. Silicon-free solar cells, light and flexible enough to roll up or use as window blinds, are under development at a University of Alberta lab.

Cheap, spray-on solar cells developed by Canadian researchers - Technology & Science

The solar cells are made using nanoparticles — microscopic particles just 30 to 40 atoms across — that are very cheap to produce from zinc and phosphorus, said Jillian Buriak, a University of Alberta chemistry professor and senior research officer of the National Institute of Nanotechnology. “We turn these things into inks or paints that you can spray coat onto plastics,” Buriak told Quirks & Quarks host Bob McDonald in an interview that aired Saturday. Download the full interview with Jillian Buriak or listen to the rest of the show. Bringing Serenity and Flow to a Small Home. WWTP Solar. Your Community > WWTP Solar Project Click here to view the WWTP solar production New Glarus WWTP Solar Project Electric customers in New Glarus are benefitting from a new application of solar power.

WWTP Solar

An array of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels were installed on the roof of the administration building at the Village’s Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTP). The solar PV system collects energy from sunlight and converts it into electricity, providing renewable, emissions-free energy to the building. The system includes 24 roof-mounted panels with a total output of 5 kilowatts, providing approximately 6,200 kilowatt-hours of emissions-free electricity each year to the administration building at the facility. New Glarus Utilities pursued various grant opportunities, including funding from its power supplier, WPPI Energy, as well as Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy, to help fund the purchase and installation of the solar PV system. “We’re working hard to lead by example,” said Jelle. Home Solar Leasing - Pro Con of Solar Panel Lease.

Home Automation, X10, Remote Control, Lighting, Wireless Security, IP Cameras. Solar Power Rocks - Wisconsin Solar Power Rebates, Tax Credits, and Incentives. Passivesolardesigninwi_factsheet. Docview. Need a new roof? Solar power's included. OneRoof Solar is offering a new twist on the solar lease: when you replace your roof, you can get integrated solar panels with no incremental cost.

Need a new roof? Solar power's included

The company today announced it raised a $50 million series A round led by the solar arm of Korean conglomerate Hanwha Group. The company also said it has secured the funding to finance solar installations at residential customers. Solar leases , which are available in about 20 states now, have quickly become a popular way to have solar photovoltaic panels installed. Instead of purchasing the panels, homeowners pay a monthly fee and the solar installer or bank owns the panels.

With the monthly fee and lower electricity bills from the solar panels' production, consumers pay a lower amount than they were paying before panels were installed. Wisconsin Solar and Wind Rights. Wisconsin has several laws that protect a resident's right to install and operate a solar or wind energy system.

Wisconsin Solar and Wind Rights

These laws cover zoning restrictions by local governments, private land use restrictions, and system owner rights to unobstructed access to resources. Wisconsin permitting rules and model policy for small wind can be found here. The state's original laws, enacted in 1982, have subsequently been amended and expanded numerous times. Limitations on local zoning restrictions First, under Wis.


Tax information. Wisconsin partnership wins funding in national Solar Rooftop Challenge. A group of Wisconsin cities and nonprofit organizations was awarded $467,188 on Thursday to help develop ways to remove red tape with the goal of bringing down the cost for homeowners and businesses to add solar power.

Wisconsin partnership wins funding in national Solar Rooftop Challenge

The funding from the U.S. Department of Energy was part of $12 million awarded nationwide to 22 different projects. Solar Energy in Wisconsin. Learn Solar Energy in Wisconsin By William Hurrle, Community Builders and Niels Wolter, WisconSUN 2000, updated 2003 IntroductionSolar Energy System Output OrientationSiting It simply feels good to be plugged into the sun, into natural flows of energy – just like it feels good to garden, walk in the woods, or canoe on a lake.

Solar Energy in Wisconsin

Some people think there is not enough sun in Wisconsin for solar energy systems. They are wrong! Madison is at 43o North latitude, the same as Rome. Figure 1. One benefit for photovoltaic (PV) solar energy systems in Wisconsin is that the annual peak of the solar resource (and a PV system’s output) occurs on sunny summer days. During Wisconsin’s winter, especially in November and December, there is less sun, an average of only 2.5 hours of sun per day available to power PV systems. A state-by-state solar pricing guide. What's the average cost to go solar in your state? One Block Off the Grid has created four maps that break down cost, payback period and what you could save by going solar.

One Block Off the Grid along with energy analytics firm Clean Power Research took the results of more than 45,000 solar estimates from U.S. homeowners in 2011 and plugged them into the maps below to create a state-by-state pricing guide. The infographic below is actually four maps, which break down solar costs per state; short-term (monthly) and long-term savings; and estimated payback time on that solar installation. The numbers aren't perfect. The results represent state averages and don't guarantee the performance or savings for any particular system. Renewable Energy Corporation – Solar Panel Installers in Md., Va., and D.C. Leasing solar panels – commonly known as “third-party owned” solar panels – has earned attention as an alternative to purchasing solar panels.

Despite historically low solar panel costs, the cost of installing a PV system leads some homeowners to consider leasing solar panels instead of owning them. But leasing solar panels ins’t always a smart option. What is Third-Party Owned Solar Power? TPO involves solar companies financing the installation and maintenance of residential PV systems.