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Amplified Analytics Online marketing research. Amplified Analytics Blog. SiteLogic Online Marketing Training and Consulting. GT METRIX. optimisation tps chargement page. 3 Ways Analytics are Transforming Customer Service. No matter what your industry, there’s one offering that can potentially serve as a great differentiator, and that’s service and support.

3 Ways Analytics are Transforming Customer Service

To know whether your organization is doing it well, or whether you need improvement and where, your brand needs the right analytics and beyond that, the means and knowledge to measure them effectively and then act on the insights. A recent survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit found that those polled believe customer service and marketing stand to gain the most from analytics, but see customer service as the most unprepared to actually deal with big data. Big Data’s Big Challenge The problem for most customer service divisions isn’t usually collecting customer data for analysis, but knowing what to measure and then how to take action.

An October 2013 Gartner report, Market Trends: Leveraging Analytics in Vertical Industries, identified four major categories of analytics: · Descriptive: What is happening now or what happened? Using HttpFox to check Google Analytics is recording correctly. Blog AT Internet. Google Analytics : 5 tableaux de bord optimisés à installer. Google Analytics : 14 nouvelles fonctionnalités annoncées. Mountain View a annoncé une rafale de nouveautés pour Google Analytics, mais aussi ses API, sa déclinaison Premium, Universal ou Mobile ainsi que Google Tag Manager.

Google Analytics : 14 nouvelles fonctionnalités annoncées

13 astuces avec Google Analytics. Google Analytics est une des sources les plus importantes d’informations sur vos clients et prospects.

13 astuces avec Google Analytics

Pourtant, tout comme Word et Excel, nous n’utilisons pas plus de 30% des possibilités offertes par Google Analytics… WebMetricsGuru. Digital Analytics Association. Are You Tracking Metrics That Mean Nothing? Spend more than 20 minutes with a B2B marketer and you will inevitably end up speaking about metrics.

Are You Tracking Metrics That Mean Nothing?

Marketers are constantly looking to measure the impact of their craft and gain a better understanding of overall performance. While we certainly should take the steps to measure marketing performance, many of the metrics being tracked today are meaningless. Why? Because there is simply no context behind them and metrics on their own provide no insights to the business. As marketers continue to improve and mature, we must analyze the right metrics to better inform us and enable better decision-making. If you are currently tracking the following metrics, think about what insights they provide, and consider that---without the proper context---metrics are meaningless. Cost per Lead Many marketers have become obsessed with trying to drive down their overall cost per qualified lead. Web form.) Number of Dials Number of Leads Generated. Company. Konrad FeldmanCo-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Konrad Feldman, CEO, co-founded and launched Quantcast in 2006 along with Paul Sutter to transform the effectiveness of online advertising through the use of science and scalable computing.


Prior to co-founding Quantcast, Feldman co-founded Searchspace (now Fortent) the leading provider of terrorist financing detection and anti-money laundering software for the world’s financial services industry. As CEO of Searchspace’s North American business, he established the business in the US and directed its rapid growth to become a market leader. Prior to Searchspace, Feldman was a Research Fellow in the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at University College London. Feldman holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University College, London. 5 techniques pour tracer “online” ses actions marketing “offline” 5 techniques pour tracer “online” ses actions marketing “offline” Dans un monde toujours plus multicanal , les marketers ont compris que les actions qu’ils lançaient “offline” pouvaient avoir des répercussions “online” et vice et versa.

Qu’il s’agisse: de publicité dans les grands médias, de relations publiques, d’évènementiel ou même de bouche à oreille… …beaucoup de personnes se rendent sur un site Internet car ils en ont entendu parlé “dans la vraie vie”. The Rise of Predictive Analytics: Inside Scoop with Eric Siegel. 10 useful Google Analytics custom dashboards. A bit of customisation always helps if you want to extract maximum value from Google Analytics.

10 useful Google Analytics custom dashboards

Custom reports are a great way to do this, but custom dashboards also play a useful role, allowing you to view key metrics at a glance and tailor the view to your own needs. Here I've rounded up 10 custom GA dashboards from various sources. Just click on the link under the screenshots to automatically add these to your Google Analytics profile... Mobile commerce dashboard A useful one for tracking your mobile performance from the excellent Justin Cutroni blog.

This one shows a range of valuable data in one screen: mobile revenues, top handsets, top mobile content, keywords and more. Mobile commerce dashboard The 'perfect' ecommerce dashboard This, according to Michael Wiegand, is the perfect dashboard for ecommerce sites. The perfect ecommerce dashboard. Install and Use @ Excellent Analytics for Google Analytics – data grabber. Metrics & ROI - How to Use Google Analytics to Increase E-Commerce Sales. Google Analytics is a great free tool for e-commerce websites.

Metrics & ROI - How to Use Google Analytics to Increase E-Commerce Sales

It can allow marketers and webmasters to record specific data about items purchased, learn how a user navigates the website, and focus on specific, actionable ways to increase sales. For instance, if many users are abandoning their shopping carts, finding out what pages users navigated to before leaving the site can help marketers narrow down the pages that may need to be replaced or edited in order to increase conversion rates and sales. Constant checking of product page traffic and item popularity can help the company keep an inventory full of products that consistently sell well online. HubScan - Accueil. Eight ways Google Universal Analytics will change the way businesses use data. Universal Analytics is the next iteration of Google Analytics, and last month it launched into public beta.

Eight ways Google Universal Analytics will change the way businesses use data

Universal Analytics is a completely new version of the Analytics tracking code, and it’s also a completely new way of looking at how we track and analyse our users. In short, it’s going to change everything. The main difference with Universal Analytics is that it tracks much, much more than just visits to a website. 11 valuable Google Analytics advanced segments. Along with custom reports (and sometiimes in conjunction with them), custom advanced segments are a great way of gaining extra insight and value from your Google Analytics account.

11 valuable Google Analytics advanced segments

In this post, I'll round up ten very useful custom segments that you can import straight into your GA account, and save yourself the trouble of creating them yourself. Please suggest any other segments you find useful in the comments... Just click on the link and, if signed in to Google Analytics, you'll be prompted to add the segment to your account. Not provided segment for organic search. Analytics Blog. À propos d'Universal Analytics - Centre d'aide Google Analytics. Grâce aux données Universal Analytics, qui sont recueillies et organisées différemment dans votre compte Google Analytics, vous pouvez mieux comprendre comment les visiteurs interagissent avec votre contenu en ligne.

À propos d'Universal Analytics - Centre d'aide Google Analytics

Avantages d'Universal Analytics Obtenez un nouveau code de suivi, plus flexible, qui vous permet de collecter les données à partir de n'importe quel appareil numérique. Universal Analytics propose trois nouvelles versions du code de suivi, que vous pouvez mettre en œuvre pour répondre à vos besoins techniques spécifiques.