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Customer feedback management services. Customer feedback management (CFM) online services are web applications that allow businesses to manage user suggestions and complaints in a structured fashion.

Customer feedback management services

A 2011 study conducted by Aberdeen Group showed that companies using customer feedback management services and social media monitoring have a 15% better customer retention rate.[1] Methodology[edit] Various online CFM services use different approaches. The aim of most methodologies is to measure customer satisfaction, with some models also measuring related constructs including customer loyalty and customer word-of-mouth (see Webreep Model). The methodology behind each service has an important impact on the nature of the service itself, and is the main differentiator between them.

Feedback analytics[edit] Feedback analytics services use customer generated feedback data to measure customer experience and improve customer satisfaction. Surveys and polls[edit] Idea management[edit]


Dilo/ Wilo. Harvard Biz Review sur Twitter : "Your Employees Want the Negative Feedback You Hate to Give. Lean Manufacturing: The Skinny on the Facts. Lean manufacturing.

Lean Manufacturing: The Skinny on the Facts

While you may think you have strategies in place to make you more efficient, you may be missing a big part of the picture. 2012 has come and gone. With a new year staring us down, it’s time for new resolutions. Resolutions involve change, which can be tough for manufacturers. Many manufacturers are conservative in their approach to changing IT solutions — solutions they have become extremely reliant upon and familiar with. While some may believe they are well ahead of the game and have the best lean practices in place, they skipped one major exercise. Crunching the Cost: What Does Downtime Cost Your Business? In a nutshell — downtime is expensive. Several research firms have analyzed the cost of downtime across various industries. Now What? Once you’ve determined your downtime cost, what’s next?

Better Project Management Through Beta Distribution. Peter J.

Better Project Management Through Beta Distribution

Sherman February 25, 2011 As a Six Sigma professional responsible for managing projects, have you ever been asked the following questions? When do you reasonably expect to complete your project? What’s the probability of completing the project on time or on a given date? Visionary Tools Decison Making Software - E-reads.

Problem solving

Trello. Your entire project in a single glance. Karn G. Bulsuk: Full Speed Ahead. This website contains a whole series of articles on the Toyota Way, customised for use in a service industry setting.

Karn G. Bulsuk: Full Speed Ahead

It includes PDCA, Horenso, 5-why and visuals. The site also has downloadable tutorials, templates and tools for you to use.Kaizen Warping forward with Kaizen - an introduction to the whole kaizen concept, and how PDCA, horenso, 5-why and visuals fit into the model.Why kaizen implementation fails: six real reasons - an insight into what elements in an organization, if not dealt with, will destroy any kaizen efforts.Kaizen is an extremely powerful change management tool - kaizen might be a gradual improvement tool, but it also is one of the most powerful change management methodologies available to practitioners.Make small, incremental changes for effective kaizen - kaizen is not about making amazing changes happen over night.


Prioritizing Software Requirements with Kano Analysis. Practical Training.

Prioritizing Software Requirements with Kano Analysis

Proven Results. Alumni Resource Center Login 1-800-816-7861 Prioritizing Software Requirements with Kano Analysis By Scott Sehlhorst The Kano analysis model was developed to identify and contrast essential customer requirements from incremental requirements, and initiate critical thinking. Rate Noriaki Kano developed the Kano analysis model in the late 1980s to identify and contrast essential customer requirements from incremental requirements. Eric Ries: 10 Classic Strategies For A Fast, User-Focused Company Reboot. The following is the second excerpt from The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries.

Eric Ries: 10 Classic Strategies For A Fast, User-Focused Company Reboot

To read the first installment, go here. The decision to pivot is so difficult that many companies fail to make it. I wish I could say that every time I was confronted with the need to pivot, I handled it well, but this is far from true. I remember one failure to pivot especially well. A few years after IMVU’s founding, the company was having tremendous success. Unknowingly, we had fallen into a classic startup trap. We had built an organization that excelled at creating minimum viable products to test new ideas and running experiments to tune the engine of growth.

Remember that the rationale for building low-quality MVPs is that developing any features beyond what early adopters require is a form of waste. Was ist ...: Six Sigma? F_Programm_six-sigma. Lean Manufacturing Blog, Kaizen Articles and Advice. Lean manufacturing concepts explained.

Value stream

LEI/LEA Lean Transformation Model. The Lean Enterprise Institute and the Lean Enterprise Academy have recently created a Lean transformation model that I like a lot because it is an accurate representation of how Toyota developed the Toyota Production System concurrently with The Toyota Way over many years.

LEI/LEA Lean Transformation Model

A big thank you to John Shook. The model is a good one for everyone to follow. But, being a professor and someone who likes to think and improve things, I thought it might help people to see the model with a greater level of detail – in part to make it more specific and actionable. The details that I have inserted are consistent with the history and evolution of Toyota, inclusive of management’s thinking and practice. I hope you find this to be a helpful compliment to the above image. It is very important to recognize that the “Basic Way of Thinking” is the foundation for success.