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Dérives du lean : pourquoi la méthode s’est écartée des principes originaux - Industrie. ANALYSE Suite à l’échec de plusieurs projets ces dernières années, industriels et syndicats professionnels portent un regard circonspect sur le lean management. Pour Philippe Lorino, professeur à l’ESSEC, il s’agit là du résultat d’un détournement de la méthode, qui aurait dérivé progressivement au fil des décennies. A l’occasion d’un colloque sur le lean, organisé par l’Observatoire des Cadres le 15 octobre dernier, il fournit des pistes pour expliquer les raisons de ces dérives.

Régulièrement pointée du doigt, la méthode lean est parfois vue comme un nouveau prétexte pour licencier. On l’accuse d’être un retour à une organisation tayloriste du travail, d’être source de frustrations, d’entraîner des troubles musculo-squelettiques... A tel point que si une entreprise rencontre des difficultés, inutile de chercher plus loin : c’est la faute à la méthode inspirée du système de production de Toyota.

Au-delà de 80 %, le chaos Créer un matelas de ressources Retour aux sources Frédéric Parisot. Dérives du lean : pourquoi la méthode s’est écartée des principes originaux - Industrie.

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Basics, training sources. Ateliers, jeux. LeanEssays: Friction. One third of the fuel that goes into a car is spent overcoming friction. By comparison, an electric car loses half as much energy - one sixth - to friction. Who knew electric cars had such an advantage? Friction is the force that resists motion when the surface of one object comes into contact with the surface of another. You can imagine parts moving against one another in cars, but do you ever wonder what happens when your products and services come in contact with customers? Friction in the Customer Journey Think of friction as the cognitive overhead that a system places on those who use it.

Uber set out to remove the friction from taking a taxi by reimagining the entire experience, from hailing to routing to paying; from drivers and cars to insurance and regulations. Full Stack Startups Large companies have the same full stack of capabilities as startups, but these capabilities lie in different departments and there is friction at every department boundary. Consider banks. Failure 1. Wiki @Ayeba - home. Scrum Reference Card | The Scrum Reference Card, and Other Articles by Michael James (MJ), Software Process Mentor.

Are you agile ? Mandaté par l’un de mes clients pour mettre en place le portfolio des projets du groupe (1000 collaborateurs), j’ai sollicité plusieurs personnes que je soupçonnais d’avoir, chacunes à leur niveau, assez d’expérience, de recul, de culture d’entreprise et d’esprit de synthèse pour contribuer à l’objectif : une vision d’ensemble, une cartographie, et sa projection dans le temps. Au fil des discussions, j’ai été interpellé par une nuance à laquelle, jusque là, je n’ai jamais fait trop attention. Projets tactiques, projets stratégiques… Se noue alors un dialogue avec Alexis Beuve: – Alexis, pourquoi tiens-tu à ce point à distinguer des projets tactiques et des projets stratégiques ? Interloqué, voire choqué (il me provoque en fait), il répond : – Pablo… Pablo… est-ce que tu te moquerais de moi ?

Un peu c’est vrai, car Alexis est aussi auteur et éditeur. Reprenons. – Pablo… il faut que tu lises la préface d’un livre. . – Mais donc en deux mots ? – En deux mots ? Product Owners – Tu jugeras. . – Ah ? ScrumMaster_Checklist_12_unbranded.pdf. Pdf. INVEST in Good Stories, and SMART Tasks | XP123. (French) In XP, we think of requirements of coming in the form of user stories. It would be easy to mistake the story card for the “whole story,” but Ron Jeffries points out that stories in XP have three components: Cards (their physical medium), Conversation (the discussion surrounding them), and Confirmation (tests that verify them). A pidgin language is a simplified language, usually used for trade, that allows people who can’t communicate in their native language to nonetheless work together. User stories act like this. We don’t expect customers or users to view the system the same way that programmers do; stories act as a pidgin language where both sides can agree enough to work together effectively.

But what are characteristics of a good story? I – IndependentN – NegotiableV – ValuableE – EstimableS – SmallT – Testable Independent Stories are easiest to work with if they are independent. Negotiable… and Negotiated A good story is negotiable. Valuable A story needs to be valuable. Small. 7 Obstacles to Enterprise Agility | Scrum Reference Card. Print version I work with divisions of large companies that are struggling to become agile, starting with Scrum. While each organization is in a distinct business sector using different technology and management cultures, each one shares a common pathology, a kind of “giantism.”

This article lists common obstacles to agility in large organizations and explores the possibility that the symptoms of giantism are entirely avoidable. At first glance, an organization’s challenges will appear to be “too much to do” or “not enough resources” or “changing business climate.” Upon closer inspection, the root causes will turn out to be bad habits, unexamined reflexes and misconceptions. A division of a well-known company cited as a 1997 success story by a famous Scrum pioneer came to Danube Technologies, Inc. for help in 2009 because market forces revealed it was less agile than its competitors. Obstacle #1: Naive Resource Management It is naive to think of human beings as resources.

Théorie, complexité

Hard_intelligent.jpg (JPEG Image, 539 × 758 pixels) How we succeeded with Waterfall for years!. L'Agiliste - Changer sa façon de gérer un projet. Error :: LessSite. Craig Larman.