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Lean Six Sigma

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Vos choix influeront alors sur votre vie ou votre mort. Better Value Stream Mapping Software. Lean Insider: Lean and Human Resources. Lean HR Processes. Leadership from the Senior Management Team: What Do They Do, Anyway! - Management Meditations. As companies implement lean management the responsibility of leaders is critical to successful change management.

Leadership from the Senior Management Team: What Do They Do, Anyway! - Management Meditations

All significant change in the culture of the organization requires strong and dynamic leadership and this must come from not only the single leader, but the leadership team as a cohesive model for the organization. I have coached many senior management teams and observed their norms of behavior. Of course, they are diverse. However, in many companies the job of the senior management team is not clear. The quality of problem-solving and decision-making is often not what it should be.

Membership: Does the Leadership Team Represent the Core and Enabling Processes? Who should be on the senior management team? The senior management team should be comprised of the senior executive of each of the most important core and enabling processes. What is the Value-Adding Work of the SMT? Continuous improvement is not something that should just be done on the shop floor. Strategic Planning: Online & DVD Based Six Sigma Training and Certification Videos.

“Thanks for the outstanding videos.

Online & DVD Based Six Sigma Training and Certification Videos

These are very informative and are an excellent supplement to our internal practices. These keep us excited about the topics covered since they are much more energetic than typical training videos. Finally, training videos that are worth the cost!” - Chris Ely, Improvement Management Manager, Ceva Logistics “Our team watched the 5S videos and everyone was right on task.

. - Phil Gouy, Regional Operations Specialist Manager, Numotion “We are so satisfied with the variety and content of topics that we incorporate specific Gemba Academy modules as integral components of our in-house Lean training, from new-hire orientation to more advanced sessions. Lean & Quality Powerpoint Training Presentations. Business Performance Improvement Models by Operational Excellence C... Heijunka and Production Leveling. Written by Steve Stephenson April 2013 Just-In-Time production (JIT) is a part of lean manufacturing.

Heijunka and Production Leveling

What it means is to reduce inventory as much as possible, only make those products that customers need, and only order the parts and supplies needed to make those products. Production is tightly tied to demand and waste is eliminated. But, if only JIT principles are applied, is waste really eliminated to the maximum extent possible? Heijunka is the Japanese term for production leveling, or smoothing out demand that drives the production process. What Are The Three Wastes? Muda is the most familiar category of waste. But, there are two other categories of waste that also need to be addressed. The second category of waste is called muri. The third basic category of waste is mura. The common solution to mura is to use increased inventory to smooth out uneveness in customer demand and production process.

Lockout-tagout. Folding lockout scissor clamp, allowing six contractor padlocks to lock out one device.


Lockout-tagout (LOTO) or lock and tag is a safety procedure which is used in industry and research settings to ensure that dangerous machines are properly shut off and not started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or servicing work. It requires that hazardous power sources be "isolated and rendered inoperative" before any repair procedure is started.

"Lock and tag" works in conjunction with a lock usually locking the device or the power source with the hasp, and placing it in such a position that no hazardous power sources can be turned on. The procedure requires that a tag be affixed to the locked device indicating that it should not be turned on. Lean Six Sigma Training Guide - Six Sigma Free Online Training. Layout Planning - Lean Sigma Supply Chain. The process of arranging a work space for a factory or office is often done informally.

Layout Planning - Lean Sigma Supply Chain

The people working in the area all have opinions about who should be where or what equipment goes here or there. Here’s a better way, Richard Muther’s Simplified Systematic Layout Planning: Chart the RelationshipsEstablish Space RequirementsDiagram Activity RelationshipsDraw Space RelationshipsEvaluate Alternative ArrangementsDetail the Selected Layout Plan Let’s dig in … To chart the relationships make a list of each activity involved on a relationship chart and code and score the interaction between pairs as so : Kanbanery. Best Lean Books to Get you Started. It can be a bit bewildering trying to work out where to start with lean.

Best Lean Books to Get you Started

One good way to get an understanding of what lean is all about and to get a few ideas that you can apply in your business yourself is by reading about it. However there are now literally hundreds of books on the subject, and not all of them are particularly useful. Searching for Superman – why CI/Lean initiatives often fail (Part 2) « theleansubmariner. Failure is not an option… but most of the time it is assured One common set of factors that can affect success or failure for a Continuous Improvement/Lean Initiative is the recruitment, selection process, and use of a CI/Lean leader.

Searching for Superman – why CI/Lean initiatives often fail (Part 2) « theleansubmariner

Leadership at all levels has an impact on every initiative but this becomes more critical during a cultural change initiative like CI/Lean. Selecting the wrong CI/Lean leader can set the organization up for failure. Worse yet, a poor start can actually make it harder for the next time when it is even more important for success.

From Part 1, its not hard to imagine the scene in HR when the company decides to move forward with its CI/Lean Program. Méthode des six chapeaux. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Méthode des six chapeaux

Pour cela, chaque participant prend un « chapeau » d'une couleur particulière, lui assignant ou lui reconnaissant un rôle. Ce chapeau peut changer durant la réunion. Crit res RIC pour maintenance préventive. La raison d'être de la maintenance préventive est de trouver un compromis économiquement satisfaisant entre l'ensemble des coûts induits par une politique d'attente de panne et de réparation P1 et l'ensemble des coûts induits par une politique de maintenance préventive et les réparations résiduelles P2, sachant que la décision d'engager la maintenance préventive n'a de sens que si P2 < P1.

Crit res RIC pour maintenance préventive

Une panne immobilisant une machine génère des coûts directs liés à la réparation : Ces coûts seront d'autant plus importants que la machine est une ressource critique dans le processus. VIS & Priorité politique de Maintenance. La discrimination V.I.S Pour afiner quelle politique maintenance est appropriée pour quelle machine, une approche de filtrage-priorisation ou discrimination par les criticités est une aide précieuse. L'approche VIS vise à discriminer les machines selon leur caractère Vital, Important ou Secondaire. Le caractère Vital d'une machine s'estime par l'impact de son indisponibilité. Si un arrêt machine a un impact considérable et immédiat sur l'ensemble de la production au point que l'on ne peut se permettre sa défaillance, elle peut être qualifiée de VitaleUne machine sera jugée Importante si son indisponibilité a un impact important et rapide sur la production.

Dans un tel cas, il faut minimiser et raccourcir les arrêts pour pannes et défaillances. Ces définitions sont trop générales pour être opérationnelles. Vidéo analyse ABC à partir 2min24s. Lean.

Bonne source d'info

Kanban supermarché. Ordonnancement par Kanbans. Système Kanban et Ordonnancement. Kanban Calculation - Lean Sigma Supply Chain. “That’s not the formula I use” was the start of the debate. So looking at a few reference books and searching the web here’s what I’ve come up with. How can something so simple have so many variations? Let us count the ways … 1. Cause & Effect Diagram with Addition of Cards - CEDAC.