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Tests utilisateurs

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UserTesting: Remote Usability Testing Software. Results in 1-hour. Les tests utilisateurs : plus faciles que vous ne pensiez! Les tests utilisateurs, aussi appelés tests d’ergonomie, permettent de détecter facilement les problèmes d’un site web.

Les tests utilisateurs : plus faciles que vous ne pensiez!

En fait, l’expression « tests utilisateurs » n’est pas réellement appropriée, car c’est le site qu’on teste, et non l’utilisateur… Est-ce compliqué d’en réaliser pour son site? Pas du tout! En gros, on assoit une personne devant le site web à tester et on l’observe dans le but de trouver des problèmes ou de démontrer qu’il est facile à utiliser.

La méthodologie que je recommande est tirée de l’excellent livre de Steve Krug: Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems. Voici un bref aperçu de cette méthodologie.

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Contextual Interview. During these interviews, researchers watch and listen as users work in the user’s own environment, as opposed to being in a lab.

Contextual Interview

Contextual interviews tend to be more natural and sometimes more realistic as a result. They are also usually less formal than lab tests and don’t use tasks or scripts. Conducting Contextual Interviews In a contextual interview, you watch and listen as the user works. You don't usually give the user tasks or scenarios. To understand what a user is doing or thinking you can ask questions as the user navigates the site. Individual Interviews. In individual interviews, an interviewer talks with one user for 30 minutes to an hour.

Individual Interviews

Individual interviews allow you to probe their attitudes, beliefs, desires, and experiences to get a deeper understanding of the users who come to your site. You can also ask them to rate or rank choices for site content. These interviews can take place face-to-face, by phone or video conference, or via instant messaging system. Testing. Usability testing refers to evaluating a product or service by testing it with representative users.


Typically, during a test, participants will try to complete typical tasks while observers watch, listen and takes notes. The goal is to identify any usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine the participant's satisfaction with the product. To run an effective usability test, you need to develop a solid test plan, recruit participants , and then analyze and report your findings. Benefits of Usability Testing Usability testing lets the design and development teams identify problems before they are coded. Planning a Usability Test. One of the first steps in each round of usability testing is to develop a plan for the test.

Planning a Usability Test

The purpose of the plan is to document what you are going to do, how you are going to conduct the test, what metrics you are going to capture, number of participants you are going to test, and what scenarios you will use. Typically, the usability specialist meets with the site or product owner and members of the development team to decide on the major elements of the plan. Often, the usability specialist then drafts the plan, which circulates to management and the rest of the team. Once everyone has commented and a final plan agreed upon, the usability specialist revises the written plan to reflect the final decisions. Running a Usability Test. Once you have planned your test and recruited your test participants, it’s time to get ready to conduct your test.

Running a Usability Test

To do so, you’ll want to think about which moderating technique is right for your test, set up your space and equipment, and make sure that you do a pilot test prior to testing with actual participants. Choosing a Moderating Technique In her Moderating Usability Tests article, Jen Romano Bergstrom notes that choosing the best moderating technique for your test depends on your session goals. Some common moderating techniques include: Usability Toolkit. Methods. Project Management (4) A project plan takes into account the approach the team will take and helps the team and stakeholders document decisions made regarding the objective, scope, schedule, resources, and...


Creating an interdisciplinary team with the right mix of skills is vital to the smooth and successful execution of any project. Team members may be able to cover multiple roles or there may... Use your kick-off meeting to discuss the business case related to the site, the vision and mission based on user and organizational goals, and the vision for the site moving forward. Website requirements are a list of necessary functions, capabilities, or characteristics related to your website and the plans for creating it. Task Analysis. Task analysis is the process of learning about ordinary users by observing them in action to understand in detail how they perform their tasks and achieve their intended goals.

Task Analysis

Tasks analysis helps identify the tasks that your website and applications must support and can also help you refine or re-define your site’s navigation or search by determining the appropriate content scope. Purpose of Task Analysis. Online Surveys. An online survey is a structured questionnaire that your target audience completes over the internet generally through a filling out a form.

Online Surveys

Online surveys can vary in length and format. The data is stored in a database and the survey tool generally provides some level of analysis of the data in addition to review by a trained expert. Benefits of Surveys. Recette de test utilisateur, Partie 2. Introduction.

Recette de test utilisateur, Partie 2

Sondages en ligne et Test utilisateur. Comprenez les besoins et les attentes de vos utilisateurs pour mieux y répondre. Avant de vous engager dans un processus de refonte ou dans toute autre action liée à la structure de vos présences Web, assurez-vous de réellement comprendre les besoins de vos utilisateurs et de valider les décisions stratégiques souhaitées grâce à des interviews, des sondages ou des tests utilisateurs. La recherche utilisateur vous permet également de cerner les irritants et inefficiences de vos présences en ligne et d’y remédier efficacement. Recette de test utilisateur, Partie 1. Introduction Cet article propose une recette de test utilisateur. On peut parler de recette parce que mettre en place un test nécessite de passer par plusieurs étapes. Chacune de ces étapes exige des ingrédients spécifiques. Il est important de savoir où se procurer ces ingrédients et comment les mêler.

Comme pour les recettes de cuisine, la dextérité vient avec l'expérience.