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Fact or opinion

Facebook Twitter Fact or Opinion rubric - G65567. Fact and Opinion. Fact and Opinion Lessons. Our students are getting ready to work on persuasive writing.

Fact and Opinion Lessons

Before they are ready to do this, they need some practice with determining the difference between fact and opinion. These lessons were created with the help of Cathy’s students teachers (Amanda Rush, Kellie Wood and Joel Larrison.) 2 Corners Game Put our fact and opinion signs in two corners of your room. Say a fact or opinion aloud. Students move to the correct corner of the room to show you if the statement is a fact or an opinion. Popsicle Stick Check Write fact on one side of a popsicle stick and opinion on another. Sign Your Name Place these fact and opinion statements around the room. Commercial Review Find a commercial on-line. Sports File Folder Game Students read the statements and place each on the fact or the opinion side. Write a Fact and Opinion Give students a topic or have them choose their own. Fact and Opinion Book Allow students to choose from our printable pages. Fact or Opinion. Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion.

Fact Versus Opinion - Educational Music Video - Song. Just Kids Games: Evelyn's Expedition. Fact or Opinion? FACT or OPINION?

Fact or Opinion?

For printable ad-free version from this page, please click on the small printer icon. See text below for links to other printable resources. At stressful times, we tend to be driven by our emotions and opinions, which create a vicious cycle by fuelling each other. Our emotions strengthen our opinions, which in turn, intensify our emotions. This leads to impulsive acts and unhelpful longer term consequences, which help to maintain the overall problem. It can therefore be helpful to ask ourselves whether what we’re thinking is FACT or OPINION. · If it’s a fact, then we can make choices about what we can or cannot do. · If it’s an opinion, then we can look at the facts – what we do know about the situation.

Example What words might we use to describe this picture? In the same way, individuals can have many varied opinions about the same event or situ ation. This might lead us to feel upset, and react in ways that are unhelpful. Get into the habit of asking yourself: Fact and Opinion Worksheets. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.2 – Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4 – Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Fact and Opinion Worksheets

ELA Standards: Writing ELA Standards: Speech View SourceCommon Core Lesson and Unit PlansUnderstanding Common Core State Standards. Fact/Opinion Exercises. Skillswise - Fact or opinion. Games . Binky's Facts and Opinions.