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NEURO-PEDAGOGIE. Best of 2014: Contemporary Art Week! Kehinde... - People of Color in European Art History. Comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau pour mieux enseigner. Atelier Mémoire - Idées ASH. Dans l'école, les résultats des évaluations de GS, CP et CE1 mettent en évidence que de nombreux élèves sont en situation de difficulté scolaire dès le cycle 2.

Atelier Mémoire - Idées ASH

Ils semblent présenter un problème de traitement de l'information. En mars 2007, avec mes collègues de GS et de CP, nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'une re-médiation à ce problème cognitif est possible en agissant sur l'enrichissement des processus et de l'élaboration. Dans le cadre de notre projet d'école, nous décidons de créer une mallette de jeux pédagogiques pour alimenter un ATELIER MEMOIRE hebdomadaire.

Cet ATELIER MEMOIRE fonctionne depuis 2007 dans les classes de GS et de CP, et l'enthousiasme des élèves est incontestable. Chacun progresse à son rythme, en jouant, dans le calme... Nous souhaitons aujourd'hui que d'autres élèves puissent en profiter. Cet atelier se déroule : ... en proposant des activités ludiques faisant appel à des stimuli visuels, auditifs et kinesthésiques. L'atelier fonctionne avec des groupes de 5 élèves. Apprendre à mémoriser : quelques principes pour guider les activités - IEN cahors 1. Les quatre piliers de l’apprentissage - Stanislas Dehaene.

L’enfant est doté d’intuitions profondes en matière de repérage sensoriel du nombre.

Les quatre piliers de l’apprentissage - Stanislas Dehaene

Avant tout apprentissage formel de la numération, il évalue et anticipe les quantités. Apprendre à compter puis à calculer équivaudrait à tout simplement tirer parti de ces circuits préexistants, et, grâce à leur plasticité, à les recycler. L’apprentissage formel de l’arithmétique se « greffe » sur le « sens du nombre » présent chez l’enfant, et sollicite la même zone cérébrale. Le maître-mot, alors, est la plasticité cérébrale. Car c’est précisément ce qui nous permet d’apprendre. Les circuits cérébraux : des capacités disponibles dès l’origine Les circuits cérébraux qui sous-tendent les apprentissages ne sont d’ailleurs pas si variés. L’apprentissage de la lecture active une région spécifique, mais il mobilise et active aussi d’autres zones. Différentes zones du cerveau Mais ce recyclage n’est pas une simple réutilisation. LE CERVEAU À TOUS LES NIVEAUX!

Apprendre à apprendre - Métacogniton, méthodologie. Stunning Steampunk Sculptures by Pierre Matter. Multicultural Steampunk Inspiration on Pinterest. A Multicultural Perspective on Steampunk. The world is not enough...but it is such a perfect place to start. Click to enlarge While steampunk is most easily summarized as “Victorian science fiction,” it is important to remember that this terminology is used to reference a period of time rather than a specific culture.

The world is not enough...but it is such a perfect place to start

While it is sometimes mistakenly assumed that Europe or the West must inevitably be the dominant subject of steampunk fiction, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, the blending of science fiction and alternate history found in steampunk make it possible to take the existing complexity and diversity of the 19th century world and bring non-European discourse into an even greater form. Europe receives a great deal of attention in steampunk for understandable reasons. The Industrial Revolution began in England and spread to the Continent sooner than to most other parts of the world. The Americas are an easy place to move to after departing the European side of steampunk.

When discussing the Americas, one cannot forget the continents’ native peoples. G.D. Steampunk and History. The steampunk subculture is an extremely friendly and open community that eagerly welcomes anyone who shares its fascination with 19th century science fiction and fashion.

Steampunk and History

But while the community embraces modern principles of openness and equality, it can look back on the time period that inspires its aesthetics and study with curiosity the comparatively backward and often unsavory views and practices of the age. This article will look into the 19th century and explore several of these social issues. Please note that while this piece will discuss the topic of different 19th century cultures, it is not an extensive study of multiculturalism. Anyone interested in multicultural steampunk should take a look at’s first ever article on the subject, written by me for Steampunk Month one year ago, as well as my earlier articles on the subject for the Steamfashion community.

Oriental Steampunk (14 books) Will African-Americans Get Hip to Steampunk in 2013? IBM made a pretty interesting prediction using their social analytics data.

Will African-Americans Get Hip to Steampunk in 2013?

They stated that steampunk will take hold in 2013. To be honest, I thought Missoni and other neo-African designers would take off in 2013 as well as the natural hair movement and the 90s hip-hop nostalgia with gumby haircuts and Adidas. Steampunk Moves Between Two Worlds. Steampunk Scholar. Steampunk Abstractions: The Inevitability of Imperialism. Earlier this year, I wrote a brief essay on imperialism, questioning the idea that “of course steampunks are going to dress up as colonists and imperialist explorers” because Victorian-inspired steampunk is set during an imperialist time.

Steampunk Abstractions: The Inevitability of Imperialism

The logic goes: if steampunks are going to fashion personas after character tropes from that time period, they’re going to dress up in ways that harken back to imperialist ideals and reenact said ideals. This doesn’t mean the individual steampunks are actually dressing up with the intent of portraying imperialists. As I’ve said before, we often try to tease out a costume's specific meanings and hope that the attendant symbolism gets sidelined, or we ignore the attendant symbolism, or sometimes, we just aren't educated about these meanings and symbols enough to be aware of them.

Take, for example, the typical explorer’s outfit with the hat derived from a pith helmet. The floor is yours. The Problem With “Asian Steampunk” Zheng Yi Sao, 19th centry female pirate It’s not that the phrase “Asian Steampunk” is intrinsically flawed.

The Problem With “Asian Steampunk”

It’s just that the range of concepts displayed in “Asian Steampunk,” whether fiction, gaming, or costumes, are so so... limited. Steampunk Fashion - introduction. I’ve been lurking, mostly, and figured I’d do a proper introduction post.

Steampunk Fashion - introduction

I’ve been off the map for the past 2 years [mostly due to grad school] but people like jaborwhalky keep trying to prod me out of my hibernation with pointy sticks and banging pots and pans. Since the look seems to have gotten some attention, I figure I’ll give you some background on it. Asian Steampunk on Pinterest. Asian steampunk. Adopted By Aliens: The Blog of The Gibbs Sisters: Black Victorians: African Americans in Steampunk and Historical Fiction. African Americans in victorian era America were a fascinating group.

Adopted By Aliens: The Blog of The Gibbs Sisters: Black Victorians: African Americans in Steampunk and Historical Fiction

So fascinating, in fact, that Shawnelle and I have spent the better half of a year researching the people and period. Their stories and images reveal stoicism, impeccable style and a determination to move beyond the atrocities of their parents' generation and build a better world for their children. Young Black Victorians in late 19th Century America were optimistic, and hungry for culture and education. Manners ruled the day (and manners ruled with an iron fist). It was an era where ladies were ladies, men were gentlemen and corsets were worn tight.

The Gilded Age of the 19th Century remains one of the greatest ages of invention, romanticism and excess, a period in America that has since been romanticized by the art, literature and fashion of steampunk. BlackScienceFictionSociety - Home To All Things Black Science Fiction. Steamfunk & Rococoa: A Black Victorian Fantasy.

Steam Funk. THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY BLACK PEOPLE: African & African-American Steampunk! For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan of what is now called Steampunk – a mash-up of fantasy and science fiction that embraces a fantastical past while incorporating a spirit of progress, exploration and do-it-yourself ingenuity.

THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY BLACK PEOPLE: African & African-American Steampunk!

Always a voracious reader, I devoured Jules Verne’s novels – From the Earth to the Moon; 20,000 Leagues under the Sea; and Around the World in 80 Days. One of my childhood rituals was to sit at the feet of my mother and, together, we would watch Wild, Wild West. My mother, a huge fan of westerns (she has probably seen every western ever made in English…yes, really) and comedic spy stories (Get Smart and I Spy are her favorites) was in heaven. In my preteens, I was the first of my friends to break away from Dungeons and Dragons in search of a game that allowed me to create a world more like that of Wild, Wild West, in which espionage, steam power, trains and amazing gadgets were some of the tropes. A Look At The Steampunk Sub-Culture.

Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery, especially in a setting inspired by industrialized Western civilization during the 19th century. The 'steam' in the term originates from the industrialized culture of the 19th century. The birth of steam engines. The latter part of the compound term 'punk' refers to the rebellious nature which is about challenging authority, do-it-yourself attitudes, and cultivating your own culture within a monotonous lackluster culture spear-headed by the status quo.

The Intersection of Race and Steampunk: Colonialism’s After-Effects & Other Stories, from a Steampunk of Colour’s Perspective [Essay] By Guest Contributor (and regular commenter) Jha Steampunk! Variously described as an aesthetic, a genre within scifi/fantasy that sprouted from cyberpunk, and a subculture vaguely related to the goth counter-culture. Like many other things with vague origins and a tenuous identity that overlaps with others, it is hard to pin down what steampunk is. The only that we can all seem to agree on is the aesthetic involved. In a way, it’s a lot like the SCA’s medieval roleplaying, trying to recreate the past with all the good stuff and none of the bad. Here’s a good summary of the literary genre stemming from the 1980s, written by Lavie Tidhar. Steampunk africa. Steamfunk * YA Fiction * Sword & Soul. Silver Goggles: Steampunk POC: Balogun Ojetade (Black)

It's 2013! A Look At The Steampunk Sub-Culture.