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Cute Crafts and DIY. The 30 Minute $6 Dress Tutorial. Guest post by Rachael at Talk 2 the Trees.

The 30 Minute $6 Dress Tutorial

The perfect dress is hard to come by. I like my dresses to be cheap, and long enough. (I’m not a fan of super short dresses!) Cheap and long dresses don’t seem to go hand in hand.. so, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! Here is a tutorial for a simple yet cute dress. Here’s Your Supplies List: 1. Here’s How you Make it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Here’s the tutorial in pictures… Believe it or not, this dress only took about 30 minutes to make. About the author. Cute Crafts and DIY. Simple Mother's Day Card Ideas. With Mother's Day just two short days away I thought I'd share a few simple card ideas with you that you can throw together in a pinch.

Simple Mother's Day Card Ideas

These cards can be made using paper scraps you have on hand and can be put together in a matter of minutes. Cute Crafts and DIY / fathers day present. One Pretty Thing - DIY craft tutorials. Home. Wedding Mailbox Card Holder: BUY or DIY? I’ve had mailboxes on the brain ever since a lovely reader asked where she could get her hands on a postbox similar to this rather awesome DIY wedding card holder mailbox from this equally awesome grey & yellow wedding.

Wedding Mailbox Card Holder: BUY or DIY?

Photo by Kreatid Photography ~ see the rest of the DIY wedding here I had no clue whatsoever. We don’t really do postboxes with cute little flags in the UK ~ the postman or woman (postperson?) Has to come right up to our letterboxes to deliver our mail. But I’m always up for a wedding related challenge and I thought it’d be a fab subject for a BUY or DIY? So here we are… Lets start with a little inspiration, shall we? Wedding Mailbox Card Holder Vintage looking mailboxes surrounded by jars of flowers and /or succulents are a wonderful addition to the gift table. Via Mandy Lynne | via Martha Stewart Weddings | via 100 Layer Cake There have been a wave of ‘Up’ inspired mailboxes popping up at weddings. Via Wildflowers Photography. DIY luftfrisker/Air Freshener - Leas lirumlarum. Fabric Covered Flower Pots.

When you start a garden, you may be shocked at how expensive decorative pots for your flowers can be.

Fabric Covered Flower Pots

This is a quick and easy way to jazz up your flower pots with scraps of fabric. You could also use paper, just make sure you seal your pot well before planting. To make these decorative pots you will need: Plain Terra Cotta flower pots (I got a 3 pack of tiny ones from the Dollar store!) Fabric scraps large enough to cover the surface area of your pot Mod Podge glue Scissors A paint brush or sponge to apply glue Spray on clear coat(br> Paint and Ribbon to decorate pot rim (optional)

Cute Crafts and DIY. Look to inspire - page 8. Michael ann made.: make your work space work. From top left: here's looking at me kid's crafting room, how to make a craft closet from country living, an inspiring small space from decor8, how to make a big basket from pickles now that we know what tools we need to become more confident crafters, we need somewhere to put them and somewhere to use them!

michael ann made.: make your work space work

Let's talk about how we can make our work space work for us. crafty work spaces come in all shapes and sizes and the goal is to find an organized system that works with the space you already have instead of dreaming about that "someday craft room"here are some ideas to better optimize your space, no matter how big or small. - you will never use your space if you can't sit down to a clean desk! Find some place to store your works in progress so you can completely clean your desk after every craft session, even if you're not done yet. How much fabric do i need for a pillow. A Chunky Throw Pillow - a Fabulous Finger-Knitting Project. Finger-knitting has done grown up, as I like to say.

A Chunky Throw Pillow - a Fabulous Finger-Knitting Project

My latest finger-knitting project DIY is featured on Design*Sponge today. I have always thought finger-knitting quite beautiful. How sad that it is typically relegated to the world of “children’s” craft. Not that it isn’t a great craft for young children (to learn how, click here), but this pillow is here to step out and say, consider me. I think it is modern and updated and a perfect way to achieve that chunky knit look without actually knitting! Allie and I had so much fun making this pillow together. If you’re curious and would like to see more fabulous finger-knitting projects, check out this gallery of 5 Fabulous Finger-Knitting Projects by clicking the button below.

Make Decorative Throw Pillows from Recycled Sweaters. Curbly-Original Hi!!

Make Decorative Throw Pillows from Recycled Sweaters

I'm Rebekah from Potholes and Pantyhose, a site where I share and photograph detailed tutorials of my DIY projects, recipes, photography tips, and remodeling endeavors. Small-Room Solutions: Bedroom.