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Pleistocene Park - The Atlantic. Nikita Zimov’s nickname for the vehicle seemed odd at first.

Pleistocene Park - The Atlantic

It didn’t look like a baby mammoth. It looked like a small tank, with armored wheels and a pit bull’s center of gravity. Only after he smashed us into the first tree did the connection become clear. We were driving through a remote forest in Eastern Siberia, just north of the Arctic Circle, when it happened. The summer thaw was in full swing. Listen to the audio version of this article:Download the Audm app for your iPhone to listen to more titles. I had never seen Nikita happier. “In general, I like trees,” Nikita said. Behind us, through the fresh gap in the forest, our destination shone in the July sun.


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Spacelog: space exploration stories from the original transcripts. 100 Year Starship Study. Why Not Space? 24 views this month; 0 overall Ask a random sampling of people if they think we will have colonized space in 500 years, and I expect it will be a while before you run into someone who says it’s unlikely.

Why Not Space?

Our migration from this planet is a seductive vision of the future that has been given almost tangible reality by our entertainment industry. We are attracted to the narrative that our primitive progenitors crawled out of the ocean, just as we’ll crawl off our home planet (en masse) some day. I’m not going to claim that this vision is false: how could I know that? But I will point out a few of the unappreciated difficulties with this view. I was completely astonished by the prevalence of the “space” reaction to the inaugural Do the Math post on galactic-scale energy. Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Hubble Telescope.

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How the Big Banks stack up on Facebook, Twitter

Even the big banks are showing an eagerness to explore Web 2.0 technologies. Here, FierceFinance presents the social media activity of some of the major players on Wall Street. Hover over the various data points to see how each bank stacks up. Dashboard 2 <br /><a href="#"><img alt="Dashboard 2 " src=" height="100%" /></a> So far, six of the top banks command a large Facebook presence. All six of the biggest U.S. financial firms operate a Twitter account, with thousands of followers and daily "tweet" updates. But in order for banks to fully embrace social media and make them effective tools for the finance industry, they must first conquer regulatory and compliance issues. Truthy. 53) Back It Up - Caro Emerald.

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