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Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills. The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of participating in commerce without the use of dollars or without the inclusion of corporate chains seems almost outlandish to many people.However, the fact remains that up until very recently (perhaps the last three to four decades) barter and independent trade was commonplace in this country.

Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills

Without it, many families could not have survived. Whether we like it or not, such economic methods will be making a return very soon, especially in the face of a plunging dollar, inflating wholesale prices, erratic investment markets, and unsustainable national debts. It is inevitable; financial collapse of the mainstream system ALWAYS leads to secondary markets and individual barter. Top Priority Goods To be sure, this list is a summary of items that will have high value during and after a breakdown scenario. Water Filtration: Stock up on water filters. 100 Items to Disappear First. 100 Items to Disappear First 1.

100 Items to Disappear First

Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Water Filters/Purifiers 3. Portable Toilets 4. From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks. 1. Long-Term Food Storage. Long-Term Storage of Special Survival Foods. Oxygen-Absorbing Packs My favorite way to remove the oxygen is by using oxygen absorbing packs.

Long-Term Storage of Special Survival Foods

The food most commonly used for long-term storage is whole wheat berries (Winter wheat) so I will use it as an example. Below is how I do it from start to finish: Butter in Your Food Storage. One evening at church one of the ladies mentioned that you could bottle butter and store it for 3 year.

Butter in Your Food Storage

I hadn’t seen so many women interested in a comment about preserving food in a long tim. I received the instructions from her and have been bottling butter for my food storage ever since. Items you need: 12 – 8 oz. jelly jars, lids, and rings (clean and sanitize bottle prior to bottling butter)5–¼ pounds butter or margarine (5 pounds + 1 stick)1 cookie sheet (optional)1 cooling rack (optional) Getting started:

11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime. Please accept our apologies.

11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime

You have reached a 404 Page Not Found Error. Please use our search box or main menu above to find what you're looking for. Image courtesy 501st Legion share this totally non-existent page with others. Bulk Food Storage Guidelines. See how to build your One year supply of food . . . for $225.

Bulk Food Storage Guidelines

StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide - Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment. Prepping Calculators. We're working hard to finish up our new marketplace, where you'll be able to find all of your preparedness, homesteading and food storage needs.

Prepping Calculators

Building and stocking your pantry by Jackie Clay. At the turn of the 19th century, most country homes had a walk-in pantry, as well as a root cellar for keeping vegetables and fruits.

Building and stocking your pantry by Jackie Clay

This pantry contained the essentials for daily meals. Today we have walk-in closets to hang all our clothes, but no pantry. Top 10 Smart Ways to Build Your Food Storage. Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness. Find resources to plan your family's emergency food storage and preparedness including 72-hour kits, calculators, food storage rotation and other emergency preparedness helps.

Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness

Provident Living, Official Site of the LDS ChurchThis site focuses on the eight aspects of the Welfare Program which includes food storage and emergency preparedness as well as caring for others. LDS Church PhilanthropiesThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a great philanthropies site! You can donate money online, find patterns and instructions for making clothing, quilts, hygiene kits, and many other needs. Mormon Food Storage. Here for you is the link, once again.

Mormon Food Storage

This company is the most famous and respected company of them all. Food Storage. Download video “Our Heavenly Father created this beautiful earth, with all its abundance, for our benefit and use. His purpose is to provide for our needs as we walk in faith and obedience. He has lovingly commanded us to ‘prepare every needful thing’ (see D&C 109:8) so that, should adversity come, we may care for ourselves and our neighbors and support bishops as they care for others. Canning, Dehydrating, Freezing and Home Food Preservation. Food Safety and Health · We share the relevant. Dehydration of Food, Drying Food Recipes and Dehydrator Use. Freeze-Drying" Freeze-drying is a special form of drying that removes all moisture and tends to have less of an effect on a food's taste than normal dehydration does.

In freeze-drying, food is frozen and placed in a strong vacuum. The water in the food then sublimates -- that is, it turns straight from ice into vapor. Freeze-drying is most commonly used to make instant coffee, but also works extremely well on fruits such as apples. An Experiment in Freeze-Drying You probably don't have a good vacuum chamber at home, but you almost certainly have a refrigerator. Survival Food – 56 food supplies from the store. When disaster strikes, there’s a pretty good chance your local grocery stores are going to be stripped bare in a matter of hours. From panicked people trying to stock up on last minute supplies, to those who failed to prepare for even short-term disasters and now find themselves facing the prospect of starving, your local grocery store is going to look like a battleground in a post-apocalyptic movie. Most grocery stores have a maximum 3 day supply of goods on hand before they run dry.

That means even short-term disasters like hurricanes, floods and earthquakes can cause supply chain problems that will quickly wipe out their inventory. Now throw in a long-term disaster that cuts of supplies for months, and you have a real recipe for disaster. To be prepared to face an emergency situation where food supplies are blocked, you need to invest in a long-term food supply. Survival Food that adds flavor & comfort: SaltSugar – Brown or WhiteRaw HoneyAlcohol – Whiskey, Vodka, etc… Oils: Resources: 11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime. The Survival Spot Blog.

Throughout history honey has been considered a food with unparalleled nutritional and physical benefits. For over 10,000 years (and maybe more) honey has been used as a staple food and as a medicine. This deliciously sweet substance is one of the few foods that can actually sustain human life all by itself. If you’re not already storing honey as part of your survival strategy, learning about all the surprising benefits of honey ought to convince you to start. Storage Honey lasts forever; if stored properly you will never need to worry about your honey going bad, forget about FIFO with honey.