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Ley lines

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Metatron - Enchanted Rock - Austin Texas. Earth-Keeper Chronicles October 2009 - Issue # 36 " It should not be surprising to understand that Atlanteans occupied certain areas of Texas, for its lands were along the land bridge that connected Poseida to the Yucatan.

Metatron - Enchanted Rock - Austin Texas

Sea levels were much lower then you see. We tell you that there was a pyramidal complex located very near Enchanted Rock that was used ceremonially for the calibration of Crystal Skulls in alignment to the energy of the granite dome cathedral. Beyond North and South: Evidence for Magnetic Monopoles: Scientific American. Editor's note: The original online version of this story was previously posted.

Beyond North and South: Evidence for Magnetic Monopoles: Scientific American

Magnets are remarkable exemplars of fairness—every north pole is invariably accompanied by a counterbalancing south pole. Split a magnet in two, and the result is a pair of magnets, each with its own north and south. For decades researchers have sought the exception—namely, the monopole, magnetism’s answer to the electron, which carries electric charge. It would be a free-floating carrier of either magnetic north or magnetic south—a yin unbound from its yang. Two research groups—one led by Tom Fennell of the Laue-Langevin Institute in Grenoble, France, and the other by Jonathan Morris of the Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy—have offered experimental evidence that such monopoles do in fact exist, albeit not as electronlike elementary particles.

Penn State Magnetic Materials Group - Peter E. Schiffer. Ley line. Ley lines /leɪ laɪnz/ are supposed alignments of numerous places of geographical and historical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths, natural ridge-tops and water-fords.

Ley line

The phrase was coined in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, in his books Early British Trackways and The Old Straight Track. He sought to identify ancient trackways in the British landscape. Watkins later developed theories that these alignments were created for ease of overland trekking by line-of-sight navigation during neolithic times, and had persisted in the landscape over millennia.[1] Since the publication of Michell's book, the spiritualised version of the concept has been adopted by other authors and applied to landscapes in many places around the world. Both versions of the theory have been criticised on the grounds that a random distribution of a sufficient number of points will inevitably create "alignments". Alfred Watkins and The Old Straight Track[edit] His work referred to G.

Ley Lines and Earth Mysteries. Ley Lines, Neolithic Structures and Magnets. I would like to begin this post by saying that I have not come to any conclusions and about this topic. Rather I am merely presenting a series of thoughts, based on recent research I have been doing. Some of the things here have been discussed on ats in detail before. I have been utterly baffled about this subject, I have been having dreams about it most nights and I awoke a few minutes ago with the absolute need to spew out some of these thoughts on Ley Lines.

Magnets, and their possible role in the creation of giant neolithic structures around the world. One note is that I am in no way a physics or science major. For centuries neolithic structures around the world have baffled scientists. Did the Egyptians. Is THIS the secret knowledge apparently passed down from the gods? Is THIS the reason that these structures still baffle us? I personally believe that if this is the case, many questions must follow. First off i want to look at a place called Rock Gate in Florida, built around 1929. National UFO Center. The God Hypothesis Saturn's Moon Enceladus Has Geysers Cassini captured the "tiger stripe" fissures on the Saturns moon Enceladus, from which geysers were first spotted in 2005.

The discovery started a debate over whether "icequakes" grind the frozen crust of the moon enough to warm and release gases there or whether a lake is hidden within Enceladus. The extended mission flew only 29 miles above tine moons South Pole. The discovery started a debate over whether "icequakes" grind the frozen crust of the moon enough to warm and release gases there or whether a lake is hidden within Enceladus, feeding the geysers.

The geyser discovery alone on Enceladus surprised scientists, who thought that the 310-mile-wide moon was too small to harbor any significant earthquake activity or a core hot enough to power geysers. UFOs Fly Straight Lines or Ley Lines Over Sacred Sites (Most of St. St.