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Beroepen in cijfers. Onderwijskiezer. De logootjes achter de benaming geven extra informatie.


Dit beroep is een knelpuntberoep. STEM: in het programma van deze richtingen overheersen duidelijk de STEM-componenten. Lichte STEM: in het programma van deze richtingen zijn er duidelijke STEM-componenten, maar deze overheersen minder dan bij de echte STEM-richtingen. Zorg STEM: in het programma van deze richtingen zijn er duidelijke STEM-componenten die gericht zijn op de zorgsector. Wat is STEM? Als je met de muis de naam van een beroep aanraakt, verschijnt een tooltip. Alfabetische beroepenlijst - Alle beroepen van A tot Z. Beroepsorientatie. Career Test - Personality Test - Career Interest Test - Central Test. Loopbaantests. GRATIS BEROEPENTEST van 123test voor de juiste beroepskeuze. - portal voor studiekeuze - voor 18-jarige afgestudeerden. Beroepskeuzetest / Studiekeuzetest - Carrièretijger. BEROEPENFICHE VDAB. Ben je op zoek naar informatie over beroepen, dan ben je hier aan het juiste adres.


We helpen je om je ideale job te ontdekken. Een overzicht: Beroepenfilms: werknemers tonen hoe hun werkdag er uitziet De job van...: medewerkers getuigen over hun job Beroepenfiches: gedetailleerde omschrijving van meer dan 550 beroepenWe zijn momenteel onze beroepenfiches aan het herwerken. Hierdoor kunnen we de competentierappotren en de link naar de arbeidsmarktinformatie over de beroepencluster niet langer aanbieden. Onze excuses hiervoor. Career test - take this free career test online at What career best fits your personality?

Career test - take this free career test online at

This free career test can give you insight into your career personality. Based on a characterization of your personality in terms of Holland Code personality types, you will learn what kind of work environments and occupations suit you best. The results of this career test provide you with a list of professions and occupations that fit your career personality. Choose a career that matches your preferences and you will increase your chances of being successful! It takes five to ten minutes to complete this free career test. Do not choose a work activity based on the status or money associated with it. If you like doing the activity, click the on the picture.

On the picture. Free Jung Personality Test (similar to MBTI / Myers Briggs) Common Careers for Personality Types. Research has shown that many of the different Personality Types tend to have distinct preferences in their choice of careers.

Common Careers for Personality Types

We have incorporated observations of each type's character traits which affect career choice along with some suggestions for possible directions. We have also included lists of actual careers which the various types have chosen in their lives. This material is provided for your reference, and is intended to be an informational guide. It does not comprise a complete analysis of ideal careers for individuals, and does not guarantee success or failure at any occupation.

As we know, individuals vary greatly. Best Jobs For Every Personality - Business Insider. Careerlink Inventory. The one-page career “cheat sheet.” "Like letters from a long-lost pen pal.

The one-page career “cheat sheet.”

I LOVE your emails. " Want to get them, too? Join thousands of readers signing up here to stay in touch. Do you like your job? Do you like what you do? I've spent time with a wide range of folks - people in start-ups, people in recently established businesses, people in small companies, and people in large companies. Given statistics that say that as much as 80% of people don't like their job, and some 25% of us are un- or under-employed, I scratched out a quick flow chart for questions to ask yourself about your current job -- or a job you are considering.

Reflection Questions: (Answer Yes, I'm Not Sure, or No) Am I my best self in this relationship? If yes: (More than 5? If I'm not sure or No: Ask the following follow up questions: Will this change? This is an exercise I do every few months, as well, to check in. And so, -- voila!