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Blue Economy : Green Economy 2.0

Blue Economy : Green Economy 2.0

Share or Die: Voices of the Get Lost Generation in the Age of Crisis America stands at a precipice; limitless consumption, reckless economics, and disregard for the environment have put the country on a collision course with disaster. It’s up to a younger generation to rebuild according to new forms of organization, and Share or Die: The Get Lost Generation in the Age of Crisis is a collection of messages from the front lines. From urban Detroit to central Amsterdam, and from worker co-operatives to nomadic communities, an astonishing variety of recent graduates and twenty-something experimenters are finding (and sharing) their own answers to negotiating the new economic order. Collaborative consumption networks instead of private ownershipReplacing the corporate ladder with a “lattice lifestyle”Do-it-yourself higher educationWorker and housing cooperatives As a call-to-action, “share or die” doesn’t only refer to resource depletion, disappearing jobs, or stagnating wages. What people are saying about Share or Die:

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