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Outils divers pour une classe numérique. MMA7361. Premiers tests avec l'accéléromètre 3 axes MMA7361.


Ce composant a pour but de m'aider à définir la position d'un robot. Voir la doc sur Sparkfun. Il mesure la gravité et son orientation.Une video d'explication sur les accéléromètres est disponible ici. Le branchement est le suivant : MMA7361 - Arduino VCC - 3.3V GND - GND XOUT - A0 YOUT - A1 ZOUT - A2 SLP - 3.3V L'alimentation 3.3V de l'entrée GSEL permet de passer de la précision 1.5G à 6G. Processing Afin de visualiser les mesures de l'accéléromètre je me suis intéressé au logiciel Processing. Visualisation graphique des valeurs d'accélération Ci-dessus les valeurs brutes X, Y et Z de l'accéléromètre sont affichées sous forme de graphe.

Programme Arduino void setup() { analogReference(EXTERNAL); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { int xValue = analogRead(A0); int yValue = analogRead(A1); int zValue = analogRead(A2); LibGDX Tutorial 5: Handling Input–Touch and gestures. In the previous tutorial we looked at handling mouse and keyboard events, both event driven and polled.

LibGDX Tutorial 5: Handling Input–Touch and gestures

Now we will look at how touch works. To follow along at this point you need to have a touch enabled device ( multi-touch with a mouse is tricky to say the least! ) although all the code will work in Desktop and HTML targets, you simply wont be able to test it. Let’s jump right in with an example. This example shows how to handle multiple simultaneous touches: Multitouch Now when you run it, diagnostic information will be displayed for each finger you are touching with: For each finger it displays the coordinates the finger is touched up, up to a total of 5 fingers.

So what exactly is going on here? At the end of the day, touches is basically identical to mouse clicks, except you can have multiple of them and there are no buttons. Touch gestures There are a number of common gestures that have become ubiquitous in the mobile world. Handling multiple InputProcessors. Rules and Guide. Ludum Dare is an Online Game Jam event where people from around the world create a game in a weekend.

Rules and Guide

More details here. New to the Ludum Dare website? Go here. For the October Challenge, go here. For Mini LD, go here. Change Log: As of August 2010 (Ludum Dare 18), Ludum Dare is now a dual event. As of August 2011 (Ludum Dare 21), Ludum Dare Jam games are now rated! As of December 2011 (Ludum Dare 22), we’ve added a new Entry Voting Category: Mood. Ludum Dare is two similar events taking place over one weekend. Download Center. VisionColor ImpulZ™ - 35mm Film Emulation LUTs. L'homme augmenté. Redlaboratory1.