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Flash/Flex UI Automation

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5 Great Automation Tools Based On Image Recognition. Another summary, this time to take to the workshop a set of tool for automated tests based on recognition of images.

5 Great Automation Tools Based On Image Recognition

This type of treatment application corresponds to the type of Blackbox testing and allows you to quickly achieve the intended results. I advise you to view all links included, their order is random, so read carefully. I have not seen a large operating systems based on the scripts in such technology. Whether they operate on a professional level? Are they reliable? Project Sikuli Very simple script language connected with great screenshot and slice tool. RoutineBot Well-known tool, mature and rapidly growing. Ranorex Enterprise class tool, very professional and mature. T-Plan Robot Intresting tool formerly known as VNCRobot, based on VNC connection to test machine. EggPlant Another technology agnostic test automation tool.

Products for Software Testing, Test Automation, Open Source Testing. Testing Anywhere - Automated Testing Software for automating web testing, software testing & more. Does QuickTest Professional support Flash/Adobe Flex applications? Screen Scraper Run-Time features. Automating software through the user interface might not be the ideal solution, but more often than not it is the most convenient approach, allowing the implementation of nonintrusive application integration in days instead of the months that might be waiting for you if you attempt the integration at the database or business logic layer.

Screen Scraper Run-Time features

UiPath has been specifically designed with the goal of making UI automation easy to use and universally available for all applications under Windows, regardless of the UI framework used to implement a particular app. GUI Automation starts with UiPath API Under the hood, there is a simple and beautifully crafted UI Automation library that lets you interact with the UI elements that make up the UI of the third-party app as if they belonged to your own app. It’s like jQuery, but it works for all applications in Windows, and not only for browsers. UI Automation & Screen-Scraping API Wizards Understands standard controls for most UI frameworks.

Automated UI Tester For ActionScript / FAQ / FAQ. Automation. SKYBOT SCHEDULER. Skybot Scheduler is the easy-to-use, yet powerful job scheduling system for Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers.


With Skybot Scheduler, you can build an event-driven schedule quickly and easily across multiple platforms. Whether being used for Windows job scheduling, UNIX jobs, or as a Linux job scheduler, Skybot Scheduler handles complex dependencies and notifies you of errors quickly, so minor problems don't become major headaches. Reduce Errors & Increase Efficiency When day-to-day operations and maintenance are automated by Skybot Scheduler, your business runs more smoothly, reliably, and with fewer errors than those managed by human operators or dependent on time-based job schedules.

Jobs can be distributed across a group, allowing users to optimize resource use and maximize throughput—avoiding overload of any one of the agents. Focus on More Important Projects Access & Monitor Your Systems from Anywhere Deploys in Minutes—Not Weeks Improve customer service with an event-driven process. Automated Web Testing with Testing Anywhere. Testing Anywhere is the only software you need for all types of web testing.

Automated Web Testing with Testing Anywhere.

Test functionality or performance of web-based applications, test websites, perform data-driven testing or integration tests. Even test GUI based functionality using 4 different ways to automate GUI. Testing Anywhere offers a sophisticated test editor with over 585+ actions including conditional actions to insert checkpoints, an image recognition tool and an easy to use workflow designer to create test suites for process testing, allowing testers to quickly automate even the most complex web testing. An in-built web recorder understands web objects and intelligently records your website test script, allowing you to test web-based applications as well. Testing Anywhere also offers a unique ability to distribute your test cases as EXE so that you can run test cases in different environments in minutes, without the need to install the software on every machine. Downloads. Automated Software Testing. What's New Rev up your testing engines.

Automated Software Testing

With more powerful upgrades, you can run tests faster and cover more testing ground than ever before. Check out the latest versions for all your automated testing needs. Learn More TestComplete Platform. Flex Test Automation Tool - RIATest. Welcome to Gorilla Logic. Looking for FlexMonkey, FlexMonkium, or for Flex support within MonkeyTalk?

Gorilla Logic

You're in the right place. Gorilla Logic is proud to have created FlexMonkey - the best testing platform for Flex and AIR applications - and FlexMonkium, the key to automating Flex and Web-pages together. Our passion for quality drove us to create these tools and to provide them to the community free and open-source. Today, Gorilla Logic is harnessing that same passion to provide the best testing platform for mobile apps with MonkeyTalk. Sharpening our focus on this area means making some choices, and one of them has been to step back our ongoing investment in Flex technology.

That doesn't mean we are laying down our FlashBuilders for good: We can still provide you with the premier Flex and FlexMonkey talent Gorilla Logic is known for - including product fixes or enhancements - on a custom consulting basis. FoneMonkey is now MonkeyTalk, which supports iOS, Android, and hybrid apps.