American Transportation statistics - How United States ranks Definitions Airports > With paved runways > 1,524 to 2,437 m: This entry is derived from Transport > Airports > With paved runways, which gives the total number of airports with paved runways (concrete or asphalt surfaces) by length. For airports with more than one runway, only the longest runway is included according to the following five groups - (1) over 3,047 m (over 10,000 ft), (2) 2,438 to 3,047 m (8,000 to 10,000 ft), (3) 1,524 to 2,437 m (5,000 to 8,000 ft), (4) 914 to 1,523 m (3,000 to 5,000 ft), and (5) under 914 m (under 3,000 ft). Only airports with usable runways are included in this listing. Not all airports have facilities for refueling, maintenance, or air traffic control. Citation "United States Transport Stats", NationMaster. "United States Transport Stats, NationMaster." 1960-2013. 'United States Transport Stats, NationMaster', < [assessed 1960-2013] "United States Transport Stats", NationMaster.
Study Shows People Are Clueless About Energy Savings – Here’s What Actually Works. Quick, name one of the best things you can do to save energy at home. If you said “turning off the lights,” you’d be wrong. But you are not alone, most Americans say the same thing. A new survey shows most people have misconceptions about what works best to save energy. Keeping lights off isn’t a bad idea in itself, but it has significantly less impact than swapping out the bulbs for more energy-efficient ones, says Shahzeen Attari, who published a paper on the survey. In some cases, leaving energy-efficient lights on may actually be more effective: according the the Department of Energy, the lifespan of compact fluorescents, or CFLs, is decreased by being frequently switched off and on. Survey participants were asked an open-ended question on what they thought was the single most effective thing they could do to conserve energy in their lives. This graph shows survey participants’ mean perceived energy usage or savings in watts per hour versus actual energy usage or savings. 1.
Soil Stabilizer, Asphalt Alternative, Cement Alternatives History of Asphalt Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the beloved Little House on the Prairie, tells of her first encounter with an asphalt pavement. She was on a wagon journey with her parents in 1894 that took them through Topeka. "In the very midst of the city, the ground was covered by some dark stuff that silenced all the wheels and muffled the sound of hoofs. Today, this dark, resilient material covers more than 94 percent of the paved roads in the United States; it’s the popular choice for driveways, parking lots, airport runways, racetracks, tennis courts, and other applications where a smooth, durable driving surface is required. But the story of asphalt begins thousands of years before the founding of the United States. The first recorded use of asphalt as a road building material was in Babylon around 625 B.C., in the reign of King Naboppolassar. We know that the ancient Greeks were familiar with asphalt and its properties. Asphalt Roads Come to America Patented Roadways
Rotating Solar House Generates Five Times The Energy It Consumes What’s cooler than a rotating house? One whose solar panels produce five times the energy the house uses. That’s pretty incredible, considering that even zero-energy structures are rare. German architect Rolf Disch built the home, called Heliotrope, to follow the sun throughout the day. A giant 6.6-kilowatt-capacity rooftop solar panel called the Sun Sail slurps up the rays of energy, pumping them into the home and grid. The Sun Sail itself rotates separately from the house, adjusting itself to the best possible position at all times. The house is green inside as well. Is it nice to live in? This video tours the house inside and out. Hat tip to Inhabitat
Fractal Field Breakthru-Technologies SCHEDULE and Online Links since 1999 home of design culture: designboom is the first and largest independent publication dedicated to architecture and design NASA Satellites' View of Gulf Oil Spill Over Time NASA Satellites' View of Gulf Oil Spill Over Time Two NASA satellites are capturing images of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which began April 20, 2010 with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. This short video reveals a space-based view of the burning oil rig and, later, the resulting spread of the oil spill. This version updates a previous version of the video through July 14th. The images in this video were selected to show the spill most clearly.
Pureone Home Page solar powered roadways by scott brusaw aug 07, 2012 solar powered roadways by scott brusaw ‘solar powered roads’ by scott brusaw american electrical engineer scott brusaw has developed a system of solar powered roads as an initiative to change the face of national highways. his project ‘solar roadways’ aims to re-purpose existing concrete and asphalt surfaces that are exposed to the sun with solar road panels. he is currently introducing the technology in driveways, bike paths, patios, sidewalks, parking lots, playgrounds, before integrating them onto public roads. aside from providing sustainable transportation solutions, the concept will provide socio-economic advantages in all aspects of daily life. LED demonstration ‘solar roadways’ video illuminated road ways informing traffic of any danger top: winter without solar roads, bottom; winter with solar roads rodrigo caula I designboom
2011: The Year Data Centers Turned Green | Wired Enterprise Iceland plays its geothermal ace in the high-stakes green data center market. Photo: Verne Global The amount of data the world stores is on an explosive growth curve. According to research outfit IDC, the digital universe will grow 44 times larger over the course of the decade, thanks to the rise of worldwide obsessions with things like social media and cloud computing. But this data center boom comes at a time of high energy prices and heightened concern about carbon emissions. Data center operators are gaining control of their energy bills and earning green points by increasing data center efficiency, from server processor chips to warehouse-size buildings. Out of necessity, the huge Internet players — Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Yahoo, and Apple — are finding ways to use greener energy and get more out of the energy they use. 2011 was a banner year for green data centers, with dozens of state-of-the-art facilities opening for business. Facebook: Prineville, Oregon
Virent, Inc.