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Tips and Tricks for Life

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Replace a Broken Zipper in a Coat or Jacket. Step #1: PrevNext I will be replacing the zippers on this jacket and coat today.

Replace a Broken Zipper in a Coat or Jacket

Both have separating zippers. Step #2: What is a separating zipper? Step #3: The reason for a dysfunctional zipper varies. Step #4: Now about #5—slider doesn't slide up and down smoothly. Step #9: With basting done it has come time for the actual sewing! 101 Household Tips for Every Room in your Home. I love to discover tips which make housework easier!

101 Household Tips for Every Room in your Home

From time-saving tricks to finding new and ingenious uses for old things, the Internet provides a wealth of information and advice. In this post I've collected 101 visual tips from all over the web to help you save time and money in every room of your home. About this post Most of these tips were found via Pinterest (which by the way is a great resource for discovering tips to help around the home!). Wherever possible, I've attributed the image and tip by means of links to the original site or web-page, but if you think I have made a mistake please let me know the original source and I will correct the link. What are your favourite household tips? Do you have any favourite tips from this list? How to Write an A+ Research Paper. This Chapter outlines the logical steps to writing a good research paper. To achieve supreme excellence or perfection in anything you do, you need more than just the knowledge. Like the Olympic athlete aiming for the gold medal, you must have a positive attitude and the belief that you have the ability to achieve it.

That is the real start to writing an A+ research paper.

Fine, Curly Hair

Olive Oil Benefits &150; Olive Oil Uses &150; Olive Oils. Olive oil is more than a cartoon character, historic symbol of peace and glory or food staple of the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet.

Olive Oil Benefits &150; Olive Oil Uses &150; Olive Oils

It is actually tremendously useful stuff, finding applications in personal care, home improvement, green cleaning, natural remedies and other areas. It's long been reported that there are a number of health benefits of olive oil. As a foodstuff it has a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, which studies show promote "good" cholesterol (HDL) while lowering "bad" cholesterol (LDL). Olive oil is also known to be gentle on the digestive system, and even may help prevent gallstones and soothe ulcers.

Good quality olive oil contains valuable vitamins and nutrients, and it is loaded with antioxidants, which many believe help protect the body from cancer. These days there are an increasing array of organic and boutique olive oils offered for sale, some of them quite pricey. Instructions: How to Spring Clean With Nontoxic Home-made Products. Tackling spring-cleaning this month?

Instructions: How to Spring Clean With Nontoxic Home-made Products

Us too. But there's no sense in doing it if you're going to create a big mess for the planet (and your body) in the process. Cleaning up your act isn't as straightforward as running to the pharmacy and picking out a bottle covered in claims of eco-friendliness and biodegradability, however. When it comes to home cleaning products a lot of eco claims are unverified and—worse—unverifiable, with rare exceptions like Seventh Generation.

Instead of wondering what kinds of toxic chemicals you're flushing down the toilet or dumping down the drain every time you decide your apartment's gotten a little grungy, stock up on a few things listed below, and keep these easy recipes handy. All-purpose cleaner. Windows and mirror cleaner. Floor soap. Carpet deodorizer. Tubs, countertops, and sink scrub. 25 clever ideas to make life easier. Via: Why didn’t I think of that?!

25 clever ideas to make life easier

We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw). Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40 (also works on walls). Via: Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band. 10 Unique Uses For Used Tea Bags. Everyone is familiar with the health benefits of tea: it fights cancer, reduces risk of stroke and other diseases, and revitalizes body cells.

10 Unique Uses For Used Tea Bags

Yet, after you’ve drained your delicious cup of tea, you find yourself discarding the used tea bags. Well, don’t. You’ll be surprised at the number of ways you can reuse these materials. 75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda. Baking soda is a chemical compound that appears as a fine powder.

75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda

It releases bubbles of carbon dioxide when it interacts with an acid and a liquid. It’s most commonly used in baking, where it acts as a leavening agent. The following are 75 other uses for baking soda aside from making muffins soft and fluffy.