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Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs

Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
inShare33 The best strategy for dealing with Internet Explorer 6 is not to support it. Stop. This isn't one of those rants about IE6 or a campaign to try to kill it. I've scoured the web for resources and also included some of my own fixes for IE6 and now I've put it all together in this cheatsheet/reference manual as a resource for anyone who has to deal with Internet Explorer 6. This massive IE6 guide took a while to put together, so bookmark it, share it, tweet it, and use it to save yourself and your coworkers hours of screaming at your monitor and banging your head against your desk or other inanimate objects. Update: Yann Faurie has graciously provided a French translation of this article. Table Of Contents Strategies Before addressing IE6-specific bugs and fixes, it's important to first visit some strategies that will help minimize the occurence of troublesome issues. Contents | Top IE6 Market Share Plan Your Design and Keep It Simple Use A Correct Doctype HTML 4.01 Strict A Simple Reset

Final Builds Site - IE Collection Release Date: Monday, December 26, 2011 Information:Internet Explorer is a browser developed by Microsoft. Windows Internet Explorer (formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer) is based on the Trident render engine. Utilu IE Collection contains multiple IE versions, which are standalone so they can be used at the same time. Conditional Comments work exactly the same as in the native versions. Utilu IE Collection also includes the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar 1.00.2189.0. Utilu IE Collection has the option to install the Firebug Web Development Extension for Internet Explorer. The user-friendly installation is fully customizable, which means that you can install only those components that you want. Utilu IE Collection fully supports upgrading, so there is no need to uninstall a previous version before installing a newer version: just install the newer version on top of the currently installed version with the same or more components selected.

Activating Browser Modes with Doctype In order to deal both with content written according to Web standards and with content written according to legacy practices that were prevalent in the late 1990s, today’s Web browsers implement various engine modes. This document explains what those modes are and how they are triggered. Summary for the Impatient The main conclusion to draw from this article is that you should start all your HTML documents (i.e. anything that gets served as text/html ) with <!DOCTYPE html> as the first thing in the source. If you want to take extra care to make sure that users of IE8, IE9 or IE10 cannot press a button that makes your site regress as if it was being viewed in IE7, either configure your server to send the HTTP header X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge for text/html or put <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> in the head of your HTML documents (before any scripts). The Scope of This Document The Modes Here are the various modes: Common Modes for text/html Content Quirks Mode Chrome Quirks

Атака лесных тигров Одно из многих полей для гольфа в Бангкоке. Здесь в Оленде я не только пишу самые непопулярные в мире посты про непальские подвалы, но и смотрю телевизор. Тот самый, что купил у китайца. Вечером по телевизору новости, которые день за днём рассказывают о том, что в Новой Зеландии ничего не происходит. Я не шучу. Во вчерашнем сюжете молодая мама пошла за подгузниками и случайно захлопнула себя во встроенном в стену шкафу. Это нормально, здесь в самом деле как минимум в четыре раза меньше жителей, чем в какой-нибудь Москве. Я расскажу, из чего состоял сегодняшний часовой выпуск полноценных вечерних новостей. За десять минут до начала нам показали, т.с., краткое содержание следующей серии. Но не будем о грустном — новости спорта. После новостей спорта и прогноза погоды новозеландский Познер с блестящей лысиной обычно встречается со заезжими звёздами или более детально освещает какой-нибудь из популярных сюжетов, упомянутых ранее.

xdissent/ievms - GitHub Firefox 4: HTML5 Forms Firefox 4 will come with better support for HTML5 forms. In the latest beta we are experimenting with a set of new features: more inputs types (email, url, tel, search), new attributes (placeholder, autofocus, list), decoupled forms and different validation mechanisms. This is thanks mostly to the hard work of Mounir Lamouri. Some examples will work in other browsers, but you’ll need Firefox 4 beta to see all of them. New input field types In the same fashion as new HTML5 elements, we have new field types to better express what kind of input we want. In this beta, Firefox comes with four new kind of inputs : Of the four new input types, url and email will also validate their content. We also have support for a new kind of field: You can use this element to represent an area of the page that reacts to the interaction with a form. Text fields have been improved with <datalist> support. New input attributes Autofocus When you add this to a field, it will receive focus as soon as possible. url

Атака лесных тигров At Raven, we experiment a lot. We consider our projects as our own version of skunkworks. Sometimes the experiments are driven by mere curiosity, while others are meant to see how far we can push the boundaries of a service. All of our experiments have one common element, problem solving. When we first created the URL shortener, we did it to solve a problem. Campaign variables are great, because you can assign a source, medium, and name, like Twitter and/or Social Media Campaign. So campaign variables is the main reason we built, period. Several months after we debuted an SEO friendly URL shortener that supported campaign variables, many existing and new shorteners added them to their service. With the mass support of campaign variables, it wasn’t necessary for us to keep running. Spammers use of became epic. We appreciate everyone who properly used in their campaigns and on a daily basis.

Debugging tool for Safari on iPhone, iPad and PhoneGap apps - Remote Inspector (Firebug) for JavaScript, HTML and CSS CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE Проклятый цветок Если котик кажется милым — это паразит диктует вам свою волю. Фотография: Thinkstock Мы привыкли, что котики милые. Кандидат биологических наук и научный журналист Александр Панчин рассказал о механизмах котогнездового паразитизма, и тех уловках, благодаря которым пришельцу удается убедить хозяина в том, что он — член семьи, а значит нуждается во всей доступной еде, любви и заботе. ( О котанах, жуках-извращенцах и природе влеченияRéduire ) Обсудить в блоге автора stas_kulesh: Вопросы про &quot;свалить за бугор&quot; Установка света на съёмочной площадке в павильоне Королевской киностудии в Катманду. Здесь в Окленде, а именно в этом журнале нередко бродят настроения «хочу уехать». Для определёности, я решил провести небольшое исследование и попросить читателей ответить на несколько простых вопросов по поводу наболевших «надо валить», «хочу туда» и «крысы бегут с тонущего корабля». Родина, семья, друзья, среда, иммигрантские дела и жизнь за границей — это не шутки. Важно! Poll #1494136Вопросы про "свалить за бугор" Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 1488 Хотели бы вы уехать из России (СНГ) жить за границу? Какую страну вы бы выбрали для жизни? Сколько вам лет У вас есть дети? Чем вы зарабатываете на жизнь? Отвечайте, не думая. Как бы вы ни ответили на последний вопрос, если хочется, напишите в комментариях, чем обусловлен ваш выбор.

So! What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?  You will be quite a craftsman! The Pro­fes­sional Ori­en­ta­tion in the USSR meant, first and fore­most, a process of advis­ing the youth on the future career choices. A group of teach­ers and fresh grad­u­ates of a col­lege would go to high schools to give talks to school kids in order to deliver the first hand infor­ma­tion on voca­tional choices. Every occu­pa­tion is regarded highly in the Soviet Union — well, this slo­gan turned out to be quite untruth­ful. Please read on find out about the dif­fer­ences in social lad­der between the dif­fer­ent occu­pa­tional groups. The hier­ar­chy of labour was a prime ele­ment in social dis­crep­an­cies in this country. Cer­tainly the sys­tem of social­ism would deny the mere exis­tence of the dual labour mar­ket, yet all occu­pa­tions in the USSR occu­pa­tions were covertly divided into the pri­mary and sec­ondary ones. Gagarin, from ‘Paper sol­dier’ movie There were two rea­sons for it – a polit­i­cal and an eco­nomic one. MGIMO grad­u­ate

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