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5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools
I thought I could read my students' body language. I was wrong. As an experiment, I used Socrative when I taught binary numbers. What I learned forever changed my views on being a better teacher. Why Formative Assessment Makes Better Teachers Formative assessment is done as students are learning. Here's what happened in my classroom. "We've got this, it's easy," they said. I looked at the other students and asked, "Do you have this?" They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a "yes." My teacher instincts said that everyone knew it, but I decided to experiment. I was floored. I taught for another few minutes and gave them another problem. But the end result was not what you think. I am sold. Good teachers in every subject will adjust their teaching based upon what students know at each point. Formative Assessment Toolkit Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each tool. 1. Socrative can be used for quick quizzes and also on the fly, as I've already shared. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Two stars and a bloody wish! A heap of epithets is poor praise: the praise lies in the facts, and in the way of telling them.Jean de La Bruyère We are held hostage by our superstitious belief in the mystical power of marking to cure all educational ills. It won’t. A teacher inscribing marks in students’ exercise books is every bit as mundane as it sounds; in my 15 years in the classroom it rarely resulted in much. But that’s not really why we mark. How to Assess an Arts Integration Lesson One of the many things I hear from teachers about attempting an Arts Integration lesson is “how and why should I assess the arts piece”? This is such a valid concern because many classroom teachers have never had any formal training in an artform, nor were they ever taught the pedagogy of teaching the arts in their educational programs. This is something that needs to be provided during teacher education programs, but until that time comes, many teachers are uncomfortable “grading” an Arts Integration lesson product. First off, let’s just start with good teaching practice: If you teach it, you assess it. Otherwise, what’s the point in teaching it? So if you are teaching an Arts Integration lesson (the benefits of which are so many it’s mind boggling), then you need to assess the arts piece.

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Plickers 2.0 An Easy to Use Student Response System Why Should You Use Plickers? Plickers is a FREE app that can be used on any IOS or Android operating system developed by Nolan Amy. Students will receive a card that has a number on it and the answer choices A, B, C, and D. Self-Assessment Inspires Learning Self-reflection is self-assessment, and one of the most significant learning tools we can model for our students. Ultimately, we want our children and adolescents to be the self-assessors of their work, dispositions, and goals. Research repeatedly reports that the difference between good teachers and superior teachers is that superior teachers self-reflect. The brain is wired for this strategy, and it has been a part of our evolution. When we teach to a child's or adolescent's brain, we empower that student with the "inner resources" that directly affect his or her ability to pay attention, engage, and create meaningful learning experiences. School culture is simply about relationships, and the brain is a relational organ designed to survive, think, and feel.

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Socrative - Chromebook Classroom Socrative is a student response system. Instead of students using clickers to answer questions, they use their Chromebooks (or any web enabled device). Socrative can be used for bell ringers, quizzes, checks for understanding or exit tickets. Socrative recently released Socrative Snow. Snow was a major update to the interface and some other improvements to the tool itself.

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