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Getting Started - Google Fonts

Getting Started - Google Fonts
This guide explains how to use the Google Fonts API to add fonts to your web pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style. A quick example Here's an example. Then open the file in a modern web browser. Making the Web Beautiful! That sentence is ordinary text, so you can change how it looks by using CSS. You should now see a drop shadow under the text: And that's only the beginning of what you can do with the Fonts API and CSS. Overview You can start using the Google Fonts API in just two steps: Add a stylesheet link to request the desired web font(s): Style an element with the requested web font, either in a stylesheet: or with an inline style on the element itself: For a list of fonts you can use, see Google Fonts. Specifying font families and styles in a stylesheet URL To determine what URL to use in your stylesheet link, start with the Google Fonts API base URL: For example: Related:  Tips, How-to and TutorialsWeb designgoogle

What’s the Best Font For Your Site? If you think it’s up to your designer, you’re wrong. You see, there are designers who focus on how your website looks… …but you’re running a business. You want a font that looks great and PERFORMS AMAZING. So, what’s the perfect font? Why Is The Font On Your Site So Vitally Important? Answer this question: “What’s the main goal of a font?” Yes, a font communicates your brand to your readers and customers, but what’s the REAL goal? A font’s main purpose is to be read, and that’s it! People shouldn’t need to TRY to read your text, it should just happen. Quite simply, a font that’s EXTREMELY easy to read. If you or your designer attempt to use a “cutesy” font because you think it looks nice, you’re doing it wrong. And now that we’ve got that out of the way… What’s the Best Font For Your Site? You’ve seen how the width of your content can either turn people on or off to your content. Well, your font choice can have the same effect. So, what’s the right font? …Simple fonts and Fancy fonts. What happened?

Google fonts : tests de lisibilité Avant d’utiliser les polices proposées par Google dans le Google font directory, j’ai décidé de les tester une par une, sur OS-X et sur Windows afin d’évaluer leur lisibilité. Cet article propose un récapitulatif des résultats sous forme de pdf téléchargeable gratuitement (Français/Anglais) ainsi qu’une analyse détaillée… Webdesign et typographie 2010 aura incontestablement été l’année de la typographie sur le web. Alors qu’il était déjà difficile d’utiliser intelligemment les polices de la petite liste dite « web-safe », celà devient carrément compliqué de s’y retrouver sans être typographe avec ces milliers de polices à portée de main… Sachant qu’en rêgle générale, plus nous avons de choix possibles, plus nous avons du mal à choisir, alors autant revenir aux bases pour faire des choix cohérents. Evaluation de la lisibilité J’ai donc décidé de me lancer dans une petite série de tests basiques pour évaluer la lisibilité des polices proposées par Google dans son « Google font directory ».

Campañas personalizadas - Ayuda de Analytics Añada parámetros a las URL para identificar las campañas que aportan tráfico. Al añadir parámetros de campaña a las URL de destino que utiliza en las campañas publicitarias, puede recopilar información sobre la eficacia global de las mismas y ver en qué entornos son más eficaces. Por ejemplo, la campaña Rebajas de verano puede generar muchos ingresos pero, si la muestra en distintas aplicaciones sociales, querrá saber de cuál proceden los clientes que más ingresos reportan; o si muestra varias versiones de la campaña por correo electrónico, anuncios de vídeo y de aplicación, puede comparar los resultados para ver dónde el marketing es más eficaz. Cuando un usuario hace clic en un enlace de referencia, los parámetros que usted añade se envían a Analytics, y los datos relacionados están disponibles en los informes de las campañas. Parámetros Hay 5 parámetros que se pueden añadir a las URL: Cada parámetro debe estar emparejado con un valor que debe asignar usted mismo. Configuración manual

How to Find Affordable Expired Domains Hey, what’s up everybody. It’s Brian Dean from Quick Sprout. In this video, I’m going to show you how to buy affordable expired domains and how to evaluate the potential value that an expired domain could bring to your site. Now, expired domains is pretty gray hat, black hat type of thing because there’s basically two things you’re going to do in an expired domain. You can add it as part of a private blog network or you can 301 redirect an expired domain to your site to bring some trust and authority to your site. The great thing about this is that it’s kind of like a metasearch engine for all the places that you can find expired domains around the web. When you do that you’ll get a list of domains that have been deleted and deleted just means someone didn’t renew the registration and either it never went to an auction or it went through an auction and no one bought the domain. As you can see just within expired domains they have over two million deleted .com domains.

Choosing web fonts: 15 expert tips Over the last few years, the possibilities for using type on the web have expanded enormously. In the bad old days of the web, designers were restricted to a few 'web safe' fonts, which meant everything looked pretty much the same, or using images to replace the type – a clunky solution that caused problems for the reader and technical problems in the browser. Nowadays, though, you can access an astonishing array of professional typefaces for use on your sites, bringing the aesthetics of print design to the web. Since around 2010, widespread support of @font-face in all the major browsers, plus a new web open font format, WOFF, has led to a technical revolution and the rise of a number of web font hosting services. Tim Brown is the type manager at Typekit. 01. 02. Once free from traditional 'web safe' fonts like Verdana and Georgia, make design choices based on the typefaces you use. 03. The web may move at lightning speed, but quality typesetting requires lots of patience. 04. 05. 06.

Google Swiffy As part of our transition of display ads to HTML5. the Swiffy Flash conversion tool is no longer available. We will continue to serve the Swiffy runtimes, so any files you have already converted will continue to play. Today more consumers are using the web in HTML5 compatible environments than Flash-compatible environments. In order to reach as large an audience as possible, we encourage everyone to transition to HTML5 authoring. Developers who currently create Flash SWF files have several ways to switch to HTML5 including Adobe Animate and Google Web Designer.

How to Test Responsive Designs By Jacob Gube Testing your responsive web designs is crucial because the user experience on mobile devices is quite different from desktops. But actual testing on all the mobile devices in the market isn’t practical for most of us. So a simple responsive design testing technique some of us do is resizing our browser’s window size to kind of match the viewport sizes of smartphones and tablets. Mobile devices have unique touch interactions like swipes and pinch-to-zooms, and likewise desktops have interactions like hovering and right-clicking. This tutorial will discuss an effective and practical method for debugging and testing your responsive designs. Google Chrome’s DevTools has a feature called device mode that’s loaded with helpful tools for testing and debugging responsive designs. Device mode is unprecedented. Here’s a run down of device mode’s main features: To start using device mode, open up your web design in Google Chrome. Responsive Design Testing on a Specific Mobile Device

Ideal line length for content Date: 3 May 2003 Author: Russ Weakley Is there an ideal line length for content? To quote a passage from “Web Style Guide – Basic design principles for creating web sites”. The ideal line length for text layout is based on the physiology of the human eye… At normal reading distance the arc of the visual field is only a few inches – about the width of a well-designed column of text, or about 12 words per line. Research shows that reading slows and retention rates fall as line length begins to exceed the ideal width, because the reader then needs to use the muscles of the eye and neck to track from the end of one line to the beginning of the next line. The challenge I’d like to design a site that uses optimal line lengths. Layout methods Most websites lay out content used either fixed width (set to an absolute measurement) or flexible width (set to a percentage of the screen, so that it scales in or out based on the browser window). Flexible-width columns also have problems. A solution

o3d - WebGL implementation of O3D Welcome to the new O3D Project Hosting site. This is the community website for the WebGL implementation of O3D, an open-source JavaScript API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser. Originally built as a browser plug-in, this new implementation of O3D is a JavaScript library implemented on top of WebGL. Here you can: Download the WebGL implementation of O3D. The WebGL implementation of O3D works in any WebGL-enabled browser. New to O3D? Visit the original O3D Developer site to learn the basics of the API. Join our developer groups. Turnaround Tuesday Columnas, anchos de línea y legibilidad Los principales motivos por los que los usuarios leen mejor unas páginas que otras dependiendo de su formato de párrafos. Los usuarios leen más rápido los textos con renglones de tamaño medio (60-80 cpl), que los de renglones cortos o largos. También son los de tamaño medio sus preferidos. Ello, junto a que sólo los lectores avezados leen mejor en dos columnas de texto que en una, sugiere que sigue siendo acertado utilizar el modelo de maquetación basado en tres columnas de elementos: barra de navegación, texto y opciones secundarias respectivamente. Esa maquetación funciona aún mejor usando márgenes e interlineado y, para resoluciones de pantalla de tamaño medio, empleando un ajuste líquido, que abarque todo el ancho de pantalla . Un aspecto importante a la hora de maquetar los contenidos de un sitio web es decidir cómo se ha de presentar la información textual para que su comprensión y legibilidad sean máximas. El ancho de línea Número idóneo de columnas "Streamline the page design.
