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Butterick’s Practical Typography

Butterick’s Practical Typography
This is a bold claim, but I stand be­hind it: if you learn and fol­low these five ty­pog­ra­phy rules, you will be a bet­ter ty­pog­ra­pher than 95% of pro­fes­sional writ­ers and 70% of pro­fes­sional de­sign­ers. (The rest of this book will raise you to the 99th per­centile in both categories.) All it takes is ten min­utes—five min­utes to read these rules once, then five min­utes to read them again. Ready? The ty­po­graphic qual­ity of your doc­u­ment is de­ter­mined largely by how the body text looks. That’s it. Then, if you’re ready for a lit­tle more, try the sum­mary of key rules. If you’re ready for a lot more, start at the fore­word and keep reading.

Commercial Type The Elements of Graphic Design Review Over the past few weeks we’ve been taking an intensive look at the elements of design—the basic building blocks of graphic design and composition—through real world examples. It’s great to know the theory, but applying it is where all the knowledge comes together to form a successful design. I presented them in the order I originally did on Creative Curio in the first few posts here. When I initially chose the order, I did it from what I thought was the least complex to the most complex. We started off with line. Graphic design element number two was shape. The design element of space can be a simple concept to understand, but not very easy to master. Size and scale are lumped into the same category and it is difficult to talk about one without the other, but they are not the same thing. Texture is a fun element to experiment with and use to bring realism to your designs. Value, in my opinion, is the least considered element of design. What do you think is the most forgotten element?

Typographic logos: 40 eye-catching examples | Logo design It's tough enough to create an effective and memorable logo design, let alone restrict oneself to using typography alone. But often getting down to the bare essentials is where the most remarkable solutions and brilliant ideas emerge. Sometimes it's a beautifully thought out ligature that nails it, or an imaginative use of letters. At other times it's clever use of colour, scaling or re-arranging of letters or even subtly removing something from the logotype that gives it a twist of brilliance. Dan Cassaro aptly summed up this potential of a purely type-based identity when he said that "Letters sit squarely between information and meaning so what we choose to do with them is very important and exciting" (p8, Little Book of Lettering by Emily Gregory). These examples from across the globe show the way. Take a look, and you should emerge freshly inspired and challenged to look at typography in a new way... 01. 02. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 24 Heures du Mans 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Ajouter une police dans Wordpress - w18w L’indépendance photographique entraîne vers des chemins parfois étranges. La présentation son travail sur internet est une nécessité d’aujourd’hui. Certains privilégieront des réseaux sociaux, d’autres des abonnements. Aujourd’hui, j’ai installé deux nouvelles typos sur ce site. Une fois la police téléchargée, il faudra la traduire en langage « internet ». Maintenant que les fichiers sont présents, il faut demander à wordpress d’utiliser cette police de caractères. Il faudra évidement remplacer ce qui est en vert par le nom de la police de caractère et ce qui est en rouge par le nom du dossier qui a été crée dans le répertoire du thème qui est utilisé. Tout est en place à présent pour que la police de caractères s’affiche. Une fois le fichier style.css éditer, il suffit de l’uploader sur le serveur pour qu’il remplace l’ancien fichier et la typo est incorporée.

How to become a designer without going to design school | Karen X. Cheng I got my job as a designer without going to design school. I had hacked together my own design education in 6 months while working a full-time job. I didn’t think I was ready but started applying for jobs anyway – and got a job at a great startup, Exec. To be clear, I’m nowhere near as good as those design prodigies that come out of a 4-year education at an elite school like RISD. But I’m definitely good enough to do my job well. I’m the only designer at Exec, so I do a pretty wide range of things – visual and interaction design, print, web, and mobile app design. Maybe you want to change careers and become a designer full-time. This is a guide to teach yourself design. Update: I first published this blog post over a year ago. Step 1. First, learn how to draw. You don’t have to sit in a room with a bunch of other artists trying to draw a naked woman.You don’t even have to get that good at drawing. Learn graphic design theory Start with the book Picture This. Learn how to write Step 2.

Lost Type Co-op Traditional Artistic Skills - Gnomon Workshop - A Foundation in the Digital World | The Gnomon Workshop News Image Source: www.thegnomonworkshop.comImage Digitally painted by Jeremy Vickery As digital art production software becomes more and more a part of mainstream knowledge, through computers, smart tablets and smart phones, the more traditional art mediums get tossed to the wayside. Here is a map showing all the schools in the world k-12 that are incorporating tablets as of February of 2013, and a study performed by company Open Colleges shows that in the United States 91% of teachers have access to a computer in the classroom. Children at younger and younger ages are getting their hands on touch screens instead of finger paints, using styli instead of pens, pencils, or charcoal. Photoshop is now a piece of software widely known for being able to make ordinary people look like supermodels, and it does so in a frighteningly diverse range of professionalism. What does studying traditional mediums teach? Image Source: www.thegnomonworkshop.comRendering by Jeff Patton

14 fonts gratuites de grande qualité Ces derniers temps, j'ai cherché à débusquer de nouvelles fonts gratuites capables de satisfaire vos exigences en terme de qualité et de bon goût. Ce n’est pas le choix qui manque. Tous les jours de magnifiques fonts sont créées. Mais le temps que vous passerez à les chercher ne sera pas investi sur vos projets. Dans cette sélection de fonts gratuites, je vous présenterez Foro Rounded, Supergrass, Prism, Salt & Foam et bien d’autres fonts de qualité. Astroman Typeface Astroman est une police de caractères disponible uniquement en minuscule accompagnée de quelques signes de ponctuations. Corbert Regular Une font sans serif aux formes géométriques influencées par le mouvement Bauhaus et moderniste. Supergrass Font Un projet de font destiné à l’identité du Festival Supergrass de Vigevano réalisé par le collectif RUN BVS. Technik Mono Technik Mono est une police regular composée de 527 caractères à télécharger au format Opentype. Global Prism BillMoney Font Savu Condensed Nougat Foro Rounded light
