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What tech ed can I help you with?

What tech ed can I help you with?
Related:  It's good for me!manuel2000

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Comprensión lectora basada en evidencias | Un blog sobre investigación acerca de la comprensión lectora Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom 21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning | K12 educational transformation through technology E-Learning Queen List of Posts | The Construction Zone Skip to content The Construction Zone Occasional thoughts about education and 'who is in charge of the learning' Subscribe List of Posts Share this: Like this: 1 Comment Post a comment Trackbacks & Pingbacks Critical Thinking using “Skype in the Classroom” | The Construction Zone Leave a Reply Note: HTML is allowed. Subscribe to comments About Did you know you can write your own about section just like this one? Search %d bloggers like this: The complete guide to reading—and even enjoying—classic literature The classics. Literature’s Greatest Hits. You’ve been hearing about these supposedly elite, magnificent books for forever, yet you’ve never really picked one up and cracked open its cover. That time is now: whether you want to get through a single novel just to say you did, or find yourself ready to plunge into a year-long literary exploration, we have some pointers for you. Make a list—or a few lists What makes a classic book, anyway? Authoritative lists are here to help. You’ll notice certain books cropping up again and again: J.D. But keep in mind that “the classics” span a broad range. Instead of making one massive, overwhelming bucket list, break it up. Figure out what you already love All contemporary work is “imbued with the classical work,” Brooklyn Public Library librarian Ben Gocker points out. If you’re a devotee of Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games books, there’s a chance you’ll get obsessed with George Orwell’s 1984 or Philip K. “Think of it as monkey bars,” Gocker suggests.

The Best Interactive Web Tools for Educators Most of us are working at full capacity, and keeping up with technology can feel like one more chore on the to-do list. Still, learning your way around a few of the best Web tools is worth your time. Innovative teachers are frequently using intuitive programs and websites that are easy to learn. These web tool can save you a lot of daily hassles that you might not even realize you have been tolerating. Whether you want to move the class newsletter online or try out a flipped classroom, we’re sharing the best sites to do it. Sharing and Collaborating The Internet was invented to foster communication. Google Docs First of all, you never have to hit “save” in Google Docs. Google Forms Whether you want to send a quiz to your students or organize a field trip, Google forms can help you distribute and gather information. WordPress Create a class website or blog on this free, easy-to-use site. EduBlogs Set up blogs here for yourself or your students, and you can control the safety settings. EdX

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