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Comprensión lectora basada en evidencias | Un blog sobre investigación acerca de la comprensión lectora Catlin Tucker, Honors English Teacher | Blended Learning and Technology in the Classroom List of Posts | The Construction Zone Skip to content The Construction Zone Occasional thoughts about education and 'who is in charge of the learning' Subscribe List of Posts Share this: Like this: 1 Comment Post a comment Trackbacks & Pingbacks Critical Thinking using “Skype in the Classroom” | The Construction Zone Leave a Reply Note: HTML is allowed. Subscribe to comments About Did you know you can write your own about section just like this one? Search %d bloggers like this: The complete guide to reading—and even enjoying—classic literature The classics. Literature’s Greatest Hits. You’ve been hearing about these supposedly elite, magnificent books for forever, yet you’ve never really picked one up and cracked open its cover. That time is now: whether you want to get through a single novel just to say you did, or find yourself ready to plunge into a year-long literary exploration, we have some pointers for you. Make a list—or a few lists What makes a classic book, anyway? Authoritative lists are here to help. You’ll notice certain books cropping up again and again: J.D. But keep in mind that “the classics” span a broad range. Instead of making one massive, overwhelming bucket list, break it up. Figure out what you already love All contemporary work is “imbued with the classical work,” Brooklyn Public Library librarian Ben Gocker points out. If you’re a devotee of Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games books, there’s a chance you’ll get obsessed with George Orwell’s 1984 or Philip K. “Think of it as monkey bars,” Gocker suggests.
NSTA News Even though much has been written about cooperative learning in recent years, busy high school teachers contending with heavy curricular and teaching demands might not know much about the instructional method. Equipped with only a partial understanding of cooperative learning, some teachers may view it as a series of forced artificial constructs while others may view it as simply separating students into groups for an activity. Cooperative learning definition Cooperative learning is an instructional method in which students work in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal under the guidance of a teacher. The method is characterized by the following features, which are distinct from other forms of group work: Learners positively depend on each other in a team to achieve a mutual learning goal. Cooperative learning research In addition, research shows that humans learn best when they collaborate with others and actively process personally meaningful information. References
Oito ações para construir uma escola leitora | Tempos de aprendizagem | Gestao Escolar 1 Aproveite os mais diversos ambientes PORTAS ABERTAS Sem lugar para o acervo, a EM Ivo de Tassis usa armários nos corredores. Não é por falta de sala exclusiva que o acervo deve ficar encaixotado. "Já vi bibliotecas em corredores e até na entrada do banheiro", diz Celinha Nascimento, mestre em literatura brasileira e assessora de escolas públicas e particulares. Entre 2001 e 2009, Anália Fagundes Felipe foi diretora da EM Ivo de Tassis, em Governador Valadares, a 315 quilômetros de Belo Horizonte, e usou um carrinho para facilitar o contato com os livros.
Daily Teaching Tools for Enhancing Your Effectiveness with Kids História breve do livro eletrónico | TIC, Educação e Web História breve do livro eletrónico Clique na imagem para aceder ao documento. Segunda entrega del estudio desarrollado por Ernesto Priani e Isabel Galina sobre el panorama del libro electrónico, publicado en la revista La Gaceta nº 538, en este caso recorren la historial del libro electrónico.Desde sus inicios con el Proyecto Gutenberg, que se enfocó primordialmente a la digitalización de textos literarios, pasando por el boom de internet, el HTML, el PDF, el XML, el Epub, y llegando a los dispositivos de lectura modernos.Los autores explican la historia del libro electrónico sobre tres líneas: como texto digital, de acuerdo con los dispositivos disponibles para su lectura, y una tercera, de acuerdo con el formato que se utiliza para codificar el texto digital (que afecta tanto a las posibilidades de presentación del texto digital como al dispositivo que se utiliza para leerlo). Fonte. Sobre Jorge Borges Professor.