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Home of the daily Maths Challenge

Home of the daily Maths Challenge

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How do we make John Hattie’s “Visible Learning” work in maths? Visible Learning is John Hattie’s mantra. I’ve written previously about being a big fan of Hattie’s work about what affects achievement. He’s collected just about every piece of academic research and collated a ranked taxonomy of factors that affect achievement. Visible Learning is his suggested approach to teaching in a way that incorporates many of the significant drivers of achievement. He sums up what Visible Learning looks like using the analogy of teaching someone to abseil. The main features of the learning being:

qbyte: Nick's Mathematical Puzzles Welcome to my selection of mathematical puzzles. What's new? See puzzle 160. The math puzzles presented here are selected for the deceptive simplicity of their statement, or the elegance of their solution. They range over geometry, probability, number theory, algebra, calculus, trigonometry, and logic. The Makings of First Class Maths So the level 6 tests were introduced into primary schools at the end of KS2, and I took a sharp intake of breath: was the maths curriculum about to become narrowed for our most able learners? I appreciated that there were many children for whom a greater level of challenge was required to retain an interest and purpose in maths. However, I feared that in reality our most able children would be accelerated through monotonous, dry level 6 materials (or, more to the point, past papers) in order for them to reach the level 6 holy grail. My belief, a view supported by all manner of research and guidance, was that more able children need to be given deep, conceptual mathematical experiences rather than to be accelerated through maths content.

Transum: Maths Puzzles There is a great amount of satisfaction that can be obtained from solving a mathematical puzzle. There is a range of puzzles on this page, all with a mathematical connection, that are just waiting to be solved. You can earn Transum Trophies for the puzzles you solve. How Many Squares? Independent Learning using iPods in Maths (iPodagogy) Since the beginning of September we have been trying to maximise the use of 1:1 iPods in year 6 in all areas of curriculum. The potential of enhancing teaching and learning in mathematics through the use of this technology has been particularly interesting. We have been developing the creative use of a range of Apps to support progress, engage children and add relevance to maths teaching with positive outcomes ( 10 Practical ways to use Apps in Maths ) We have also explored a wide range of maths specific Apps which have helped pupils mainly in the areas of number fact and tables recall. ( Apps for Maths ) Recently we have extended the use of the iPods to allow them to support independent learning, and play a central role in effective formative assessment.

If This Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right - Growth Mindset Blog by Emily Diehl, Director, K-12 Professional Learning and Curriculum Design, Mindset Works Just Tell Me What To Do One of the most frustrating classroom experiences occurs when students disengage from learning because they're scared to be wrong. As a teacher, I met many students who wanted someone to just give them the answer and now with my own children, I see it again.

3 Teaching Techniques That Made My 2014 - Mr Thomas' Blog January 2, 2015 At the start of this academic year I wanted to really put the theory of learning I knew into practice. Here are three teaching techniques I tried that I’ll be taking with me into 2015. 1.

Bar modelling- a powerful visual approach for introducing number topics Building on my recent post about a taxonomy for deep learning in maths, I have been trying to think a bit deeper myself about what each type of ‘deep learning link’ might look like. In particular, I have been researching and putting a lot of thought into what effective ‘visual models’ look like for the ‘key nodes’ I have previously identified as the most important foundation maths knowledge for students to master before starting their GCSE maths course. These are principally number topics. Primary Maths Apps for children - 4 great apps that help teach maths With so many great apps available for Apple and Android, how do you choose which primary maths apps are the best for children? Here are 5 maths apps that help a range of abilities and will help children improve their maths abilities while augmenting classroom teaching The Number Monster by Wombi The Number Monster by Wombi is for kids aged three and up. It aims to teach children their numbers with fun animations and simple click-and-drag gameplay.

investigation The monthly NRich puzzle poster is out. This month it is a nice number investigation into the sum of consecutive whole numbers. Click here to download the poster. You can view and download more of the monthly posters from the archive here. I put a request out in the TES forums for ICT resources and lesson ideas. A chap called Kevin Bertman replied sharing many great ideas which are all on his fantastic website e to the i pi. Meaning and Magic amid the Muddle of Mental Mathematical Models. Forgive the gratuitous alliteration. In recent months, I’ve been thinking about the basics of maths education a lot. There have been three main contexts: 1. The teaching of maths at Highbury Grove: I haven’t taught maths myself for years but I line-manage the department and I’ve observed 12 Maths lessons in the last two weeks all by different teachers, spanning a range of topics, ages and ability levels. 2.

#MathsCPDChat on times tables strategies Pre-reading: Strategies for learning, remembering and understanding the times tables. Some additional thoughts for starting out teaching the times tables with year 2s onwards, prompted by a #MathsCPDChat These are the things I think are important for mastery of the tables (most of which, I suspect our primary colleagues are doing): 1. Begin with manipulatives - physical objects to aid in seeing multiplication as repeated addition, e.g. 2 beads + 2 beads + 2 beads is equivalent to 3 lots of 2 beads. [15 mins in the first ever lesson, then 15 minutes of the same at the end of the same day.
