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Potporne tehnologije bro ura. 10 Ingenious Inventions for People With Disabilities. Tech companies create products with the consumer in mind, tasking a new smartphone, tablet, operating system or app, with a specific market demand. A number of companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs, focus on people living with disabilities. They create adaptive devices to help improve their customers' lives. Known as assistive technology, these gadgets include anything that helps a person complete everyday tasks, and they cover all ranges of complexity. We've rounded up 10 especially cool pieces of assistive tech that illustrate how advanced the space has become. There are pragmatic inventions, such as cars designed specifically for wheelchair users; gadgets that near science fiction, such as bionic arms; and even common devices that prove helpful, such as robotic vacuum cleaners.

Have you used or seen any awesome gadgets like these? Show As Gallery Homepage image: Flickr, MilitaryHealth. Technology brings new era for readers with disabilities. Up to 10 percent of readers struggle with standard print, but there are new ways to read By Richard Orme Posted on 24 October 2013 The Author Richard Orme In a career spanning more than two decades, Richard Orme has sought to advance technologies for people with disabilities and make them more available. He has worked with a wide range of adaptive technologies, written for journals, presented at international conferences and developed software systems in partnership with assistive technology companies. He has learned a great deal from hundreds of children and adults with disabilities while identify technology solutions for education and employment.

Over the last few years, Orme worked with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), leading their engagement with publishing, broadcasting and technology sectors to improve access for people with sight loss. In 1868, four men gathered at 33 Cambridge Square in Hyde Park, London. Dr. A surge in e-books How people are reading e-books.

Using Tablet Computers with Elementary School Students with Special Needs: The Practices and Perceptions of Special Education Teachers and Teacher Assistants / Utilisation des tablettes électroniques avec des enfants d’école primaire à besoins spéciaux. The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). If you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with PDFs, Highwire Press provides a helpful Frequently Asked Questions about PDFs. Alternatively, you can download the PDF file directly to your computer, from where it can be opened using a PDF reader. To download the PDF, click the Download link above.

Fullscreen Fullscreen Off Copyright (c) 2013 Genevieve Marie Johnson This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Meeting the Tech Needs of Disabled Students. At Pajaro Valley Unified School District, a 7th-grade student with cerebral palsy had been enthusiastically participating in her class’s online reading assessment program using the same tablet computer as all middle school students.

But because her physical issues caused her eyes to leave the page of the book she was reading and lose her place, she continually tested well below grade level on reading comprehension. So Shannon McCord, an assistive technology specialist and volunteer liaison in the Watsonville, Calif., district’s Technology Services Department, worked to help the girl improve her scores. She wanted to rely on as much common, everyday classroom technology as possible — but was prepared to innovate and customize where necessary. “I came up with a solution so that she could listen to the text, but I also didn’t want to take the text away from her,” McCord recalls.

Versatile Networks Help Accomodate Everyone Keeping the Playing Field Level. Technology makes higher education accessible to disabled students. There are over 11 million people with a limiting long-term illness, impairment or disability in the UK. Many of them are using educational resources and completing university courses. Universities have a responsibility to provide these students, and all students, with the necessary learning materials regardless of their accessibility needs.

It is here, in the place where educational resources and students with disabilities intersect, that technology has a vital role to play. Technology could operate as the great equaliser. It could – and indeed, it should – help move all students towards a level playing field. Textbooks are core to the university learning experience, yet for students with disabilities, particularly those with visual impairments, they can be a challenge.

A study conducted by the Higher Education Academy among students in the UK indicated that resources are a common issue affecting the happiness of disabled students. Technology can change things. Učenici s teškoćama i izazovi obrazovne prakse. Izvorni znanstveni članak DOI: 10.15516/cje.v17i0.1472 Učenici s teškoćama i izazovi obrazovne prakse Dejana Bouillet ; Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb Jasna Kudek Mirošević ; Elementary school Dragutin Tadijanović in Zagreb Puni tekst: pdf (264 KB), Hrvatski, Str. 11 - 26 , Puni tekst: pdf (264 KB), Engleski, Str. 11 - 26 , SažetakDobro je poznato da sve obrazovne politike promoviraju inkluziju kao glavnu ideju svakog suvremenog obrazovnog sustava.

Inkluzivno obrazovanje omogućuje djeci s teškoćama i bez njih da zajedno uče u istim razredima, u skladu sa svojom dobi, uz dodatnu, individualno prilagođenu podršku djeci koja je trebaju. Međutim, u obrazovanju još uvijek postoje velike nejednakosti u pristupačnosti obrazovanja i ishodima učenja nekih skupina djece, budući da postoje marginalizirane skupine koja doživljavaju izuzetno nisku razinu pristupačnosti obrazovanja i kvalitete učenja. [Engleski] Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities - LD@school. Add to favoritesPrepared by Gabrielle Young, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Jeffrey MacCormack, M.Ed., Doctoral Student, Queen’s University Assistive technology refers to the devices and services that are used to increase, maintain, or improve the capabilities of a student with a disability (Dell, Newton, & Petroff, 2012).

While the phrase assistive technology may make us think of computers and computerized devices, assistive technology can also be very low-tech. For example, pencil-grips (the molded plastic grips that slip over a pencil) are considered assistive technology. Assistive technology that helps students with learning disabilities includes computer programs and tablet applications that provide text-to-speech (e.g., Kurzweil 3000), speech-to-text (e.g., Dragon Naturally Speaking), word prediction capabilities (e.g., WordQ), and graphic organizers (e.g., Inspiration). Assistive Technology Summary Points Computer-assisted Instruction References. Djeca s teskocama HR 6 13 w. SIR%20Zarko%20Stankovic%205232011. Moderna tehnologija u službi djece s intelektualnim teškoćama. Mathew Wotto, 11-godišnji dječak s autizmom, sjedi uz iPad, a uz njega sjedi i njegova učiteljica. Podigla je malu novčanicu od 20 dolara i upitala ga: "Koliko je ovo novaca?

“ Mathew pogleda prema iPadu, pritisne ikonu za identifikaciju novčanica i zatim pritisne ikonicu s 20 dolara. Učiteljica Edwina Rogers zadovoljno kimne glavom. Uslijedila su nova pitanja: "Koji je dan u tjednu? “, "Kakvo je vrijeme vani? U većini slučajeva Mathew odgovara verbalno, ali je brži i opušteniji uz pomoć uređaja. Matthew je samo jedan od sve većeg broja djece s razvojnim i intelektualnim teškoćama koji se služi elektroničkim uređajem, u njegovom slučaju iPadom, s dodanom aplikacijom za učenje Proloquo. Učenici s invaliditetom su se i do sada služili asistivnom tehnologijom Tako da suvremena tendencija spajanja modernih tehnoloških uređaja s tradicionalnim učenjem ne treba čuditi.

"Služimo se s velikim brojem različitih programa. B. Edita Baković: Asistivna tehnologija u školi. Asisitvna tehnologija je zbirni naziv koji uključuje asistivna, adaptivna i rehabilitaciona sredstva za osobe s invaliditetom. Takođe uključuje proces izbora, pronalaženja i korištenja tih sredstava. (Wikipedia, 2012) Asistivna tehnologija obuhvata instrumente, aparate, sredstva i uređaje koje učenici sa teškoćama u razvoju koriste da bi obavili zadatke koje inače ne bi mogli da obave. Uz to, asistivna tehnologija obuhvata i alatke pomoću kojih te zadatke mogu da obave lakše, brže i bolje. Ti instrumenti mogu da budu industrijski proizvodi ali mogu da potiču i iz domaće radinosti – od jednostavnih hvataljki za olovku, do skupocjene opreme kao što su računari. aparatima, kao što su televizor, radio, računar ili svjetlosni izvori… Asistivna tehnologija koja koja se može koristiti kod teškoća sa pisanjem Asistivna tehnologija se može koristiti kada učenik ima poteškoća sa motornim aspektima pisanja ili sa sastavljanjem pisanog teksta.

Aspektima pisanja su: – obična ili hemijska olovka. How tech-driven learning can benefit students with disabilities. As technology makes its way into classrooms, the question of what effect innovative strategies will have on students with disabilities remains wide open. In some ways, technology use is nothing new for special education students and teachers. Assistive technology has been a key part of helping disabled students succeed in school and afterwards for decades.

But some experts say that the new push for tech-driven, personalized learning environments has the potential to destigmatize their use and provide more opportunity for learning for disabled students. A history of exclusion As a post from Ashley Bateman and Don Soifer at the Lexington Institute stated, “Traditional school models have not served students with disabilities well.”

Graduation rates and performance on tests have lagged and students with disabilities often face zero-tolerance discipline strategies that make it difficult for them to learn and can result in disproportionate suspensions and expulsions. How to make it work. Assistive Technology in the Classroom | Assistive Technology Tools. Technology is everywhere these days. But did you know that there are specific tech tools that can help people who learn and think differently? These tools—called assistive technology, or AT—are often inexpensive and easy to use. What is assistive technology? How can kids and adults benefit from these tools, and where do you start? Read on to learn more. Assistive Technology Basics AT is any device, software, or equipment that helps people work around challenges so they can learn, communicate, and function better. These tools can help people work around their challenges, while also playing to their strengths. There lots of myths about AT.

While AT has many benefits, keep in mind that it can’t “cure” things like dyslexia or ADHD. Examples of Assistive Technology Tools Despite the word “technology,” not all AT tools are high-tech. Many AT tools are high-tech, though. How to Find the Right Assistive Technology Tool With so many AT tools available, finding the right one can be overwhelming. Assistive technology helping students with disabilities and learning difficulties succeed. Progress: the Proloquo2go app is one of many gadgets and devices that can be tailored to assist students with their specific learning difficulties. Photo: Apple A student with cerebral palsy operates a computer using his cheek, while another with writing problems uses a digital keyboard with the main keys highlighted so predictive text can do the rest, and a vision-impaired student uses the "speak the screen" feature on her mobile device to listen to what is on the screen.

This type of technology, also known as assistive technology, is improving education for students with physical or learning difficulties, helping them do tasks they cannot normally do, or enabling them to do tasks better, and to work in mainstream classes. At the recent Special Education Technology Needs (SETN) conference in Sydney, Kieran Nolan, ICT technician at Wooranna Park Primary School in Dandenong North, ran a session on engaging and motivating special needs students with immersive technologies.

Social inclusion. The best adaptive technologies are designed by people with disabilities. Photo courtesy ASU This post is part of Future Tense, a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate. At noon on Wednesday, March 4, Future Tense will host an event in Washington, D.C., on technology and the future of disability. For more information and to RSVP, visit the New America website. Consider for a moment all of the visual cues you rely on when you walk into a room full of people. You can see how many people are there, where they are located, which directions they are facing, and whether they are moving.

You can also read the many nonverbal cues that add to what they are saying. Sighted people take these cues for granted, interpreting this vast supply of information subconsciously. Technology—particularly multimedia and ubiquitous computing—can help enrich life, enhance productivity and promote independent living for people across the entire spectrum of abilities. I encouraged him to come work in my lab with a team to see how we could solve this problem. Disability Innovation: What might the future be for technology and care? Disability Innovations is a blog series that gathers some of the most interesting new products and services that aim to make disabled people’s lives easier. We are having a tech fortnight to focus on technology and hope it will inspire more innovation in the disability field. In this post we hear from George My name is George and I am a law student at the University of York.

I, like most people my age yearn for independence from my family and seek to carve a future for myself. However, achieving independence is made harder when you live with a physical disability which means I occasionally have to depend on carers to assist me with care. While striving for this independence, I have spent a considerable amount of time wondering what the future of care will look like.

What is out there now? At the moment there seems to have been a trend towards inventing more devices to help with care tasks. Another area where there have been lots of recent developments is toileting. Like this: Related. Can we use innovation and technology to better promote the rights of people with disabilities? The Accessible Icon Project challenges disability stereotypes with a new active accessibility symbol that helps re-imagine how society and individuals view people with disabilities.

Picture by Cara Hesse at Genzyme. Based on the latest data,around 15% of the world’s population live with some form of disability. A special category represents youth with disabilities, who often face two-fold disadvantages even in developed countries. The good news is that there are many ways technology and innovation can improve their lives. As mentioned in the recent World Economic Forum’s blog, “speech recognition, automatic doors, ramps, hearing gadgets – these all help disabled people access information, work opportunities and tools for professional development.”

Technology can make legal protection more understandable and accessible for people with disabilities and learning difficulties. Like this: Like Loading... How tech advances are helping innovators do more for people with disabilities. Mobile innovations for persons with disabilities require increased spectrum. Disability innovation: Introducing tech fortnight with eye gazes and music.

Innovative ways technology can help people with disabilities - How emerging technologies can help with care for ill or frail family members. Disabled Individuals Bring Innovation to the Workforce | Jay Ruderman. Making technology work for disabled people. Integrating-technology-balmeo. Future Internet | Free Full-Text | Internet Access by People with Intellectual Disabilities: Inequalities and Opportunities | HTML.

ATLearningDifferences. MahlburgR Reading Intellectual Disabilities. Assistive Technology in the Classroom. Assistive Technology Devices Products and Information.