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Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology What is Universal Design for Learning? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to teaching, learning, curriculum development and assessment that uses new technologies to respond to a variety of individual learner differences. IDEA 2004 defines Universal design using the same definition as the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 3002. Before Special Ed: How Pre-Referral Works - Identifying a Learning Disability By Colleen Stump, Ph.D. If your child is struggling to learn, take time to find out about how the pre-referral process works at your school. When you become involved in planning with her educational team, your child will benefit. Purpose The purpose of the pre-referral process is to ensure your child tries reasonable accommodations and modifications before she's referred for special education assessment.

Tools For Life Georgia > Home Web Resources for Assistive Technology in the Classroom Web Resources for Assistive Technology in the Classroom The Power of Assistive Technologyby Janet Jendron, South Carolina Assistive Technology ProgramOverview of the common uses of assistive technology in the classroom. Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities by Janet Jendron, South Carolina Assistive Technology Program This article includes an overview of various hardware, software and low tech tools for students and teachers with a focus on literacy and a mention of available math tools. While there is an emphasis on middle and high school, many of the tools described are useful for elementary school students.

UDL Toolkits: Teaching Every Student The Planning for All Learners (PAL) process builds upon two prerequisites: A basic understanding of Universal Design for Learning, andCommitment of participating educators to make the curriculum and learning accessible for all learners. The PAL process begins with the formation of the PAL team, comprised of general education and special education teachers and other appropriate educational specialists at one grade level or with a content specific focus. The team meets regularly during the school year to focus on the foundation of instruction — the curriculum. Identification of a strong team facilitator, responsible for scheduling meetings and agenda, providing and/or facilitating "just in time" support, and actively promoting a growing PAL initiative, is essential to the success of the PAL team. The work of the PAL team must always be aligned with local district and school initiatives, and is guided by state and local curriculum standards.

LD OnLine: The world's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD TECHMATRIX - [Home] UDL Lesson Plan Instructions Instructions The Dilemma How can I teach grade-level standards to all students in general education, regardless of exceptionality? How do I assess and grade them? How do I keep students who already know the skill challenged? How do I follow President Bush’s mandate and leave no child behind without watering down the curriculum?

Assistive Technology Solutions for Living, Learning, Working & Playing Response to Intervention
