Tech2Learn: Success Stories of Technology Integration in the Classroom

Facebook Edutopia on Facebook Twitter Edutopia on Twitter Google+ Pinterest Edutopia on Pinterest WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION The George Lucas Educational Foundation Enhancing Lessons With Blended Learning VIDEO: Blended Learning Energizes High School Math Students (2012) Educator Peter McIntosh helps his students to take ownership of their learning by using interactive subject-mastery tools like Khan Academy. Back to Top Collaborative Digital Presentations With Online Tools VIDEO: Collaborative Digital Presentations Enrich Projects (2012) Educator Kate Summers engages her students by asking them to "teach back" chemistry concepts to their peers via online demonstrations created with tech tools like Google Docs, Keynote, and PowerPoint. Engaging Kids With Digital Video Production Differentiating Instruction Through Technology Getting Started With Free or Low-Cost Technology Tools Programming and Video Games in the Classroom
Teachers' Comprehensive Guide to The Use of Social Networking in Education
Part One Update : Part Two has been posted. Click here to read it It is a fact universally ackowledged that Internet has radically changed the way we percieve of the world. Education has exponentially developed over the past two decades to engulf new forms and methods that no one would have ever anticipated before. "When Tim Berners-Lee developed the original software for World Wide Web in 1990, his aim was simply to help academics research each other's documents. Yes it is true that social media has already made a huge impact on education in just less than five years of its existence. Created in the mid 19th century, the potential of the internal combustion engine was initially under-estimated. The second example is of television.When the first black and white telivision appeared in 1929, an article in New York Times stated that " Television will never be a serious competitor for radio " ( Page 38 Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative Benefits of social networking on students :
Fundamentals of K-12 Technology Programs
By: Welcome to the Fundamentals of K-12 Technology Programs Sponsored by Call HP 800-88-Teach The world is connected and today's students are part of a digital generation. As districts plan for change, they look at the issues surrounding one-to-one computing programs in order to provide access and equity to all students. Brought to you by Tech & Learning and sponsored by HP, this new series Fundamentals of K-12 Technology Programs covers the educational technology topics that matter most to the profession's leaders, practitioners, and innovators as they plan and implement effective instructional technology integration programs. Topics for the series include: Program Planning, Implementation, and Sustainability Infrastructure & Networking Technology Systems: Servers, Storage and More Security Money Matters Educational Technology Leadership 21st Century Learning and assessment Professional Development Strategic Data Management & Decision Support Mobility Solutions Web 2.0 Register to View Log In
Full Loyalty, No Negativity? What Can Our Schools Learn from Apple? | The Christian School Journal
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone could write an article describing our schools titled “Full Loyalty, No Negativity?” I am a recent convert from a Windows PC to the Mac computing environment. That is a story for another day but what I want to share with you are some observations from my experiences in Apple stores and how those observations can be applied to move more of our students, parents, and employees closer to Full Loyalty with No Negativity. If you have been in an Apple Store recently (if you haven’t I encourage you to do so as an observant leader–but you may want to leave your wallet at home!) How do we get students, parents, and prospective parents to exhibit the same level of enthusiasm for enrolling their children in our schools and paying tuition as Apple customers do for Apple products? Consider some of the observations from a recent Wall Street Journal article; Secrets From Apple’s Genius Bar: Full Loyalty, No Negativity. APPLICATION: This is a tricky one.
Christian Educators Journal