Modular Workshop System OM08 - Paper Towel Module The Paper Towel Module for inserting a roll of paper. Details OM01 - Drawers Module x 6 The Drawers Module has six drawers with windows made of acrylic glass. Details 0M10 - Big Showcase WIP Module The Big Showcase WIP Module is fitted with acrylic glass to protect models from dust and damage. Details 0M11 - Ending Corner Drawers Module The Ending Corner Drawers Module for finishing side walls of the Modular Workshop System. Details OM12 - Ending Corner Shelves Module The Ending Corner Shelves Module for finishing side walls of the Modular Workshop System. Details Modular Workshop System - organization of the workplace tailored to your needs. Go to shop To connect modules use magnets that are included.
DNA/How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet This piece first appeared in the News Review section of The Sunday Times on August 29th 1999. A couple of years or so ago I was a guest on Start The Week, and I was authoritatively informed by a very distinguished journalist that the whole Internet thing was just a silly fad like ham radio in the fifties, and that if I thought any different I was really a bit naïve. It is a very British trait – natural, perhaps, for a country which has lost an empire and found Mr Blobby – to be so suspicious of change. But the change is real. Then there’s the peculiar way in which certain BBC presenters and journalists (yes, Humphrys Snr., I’m looking at you) pronounce internet addresses. I suppose earlier generations had to sit through all this huffing and puffing with the invention of television, the phone, cinema, radio, the car, the bicycle, printing, the wheel and so on, but you would think we would learn the way these things work, which is this: ‘Yes, child, that’s why they all went mad.
Wanderfly | Error Wealthy Affiliate Review | My affiliate blog NOTICE: This domain name expired on 10/07/2012 and is pending renewal or deletion. Share this .COM deal with friends! Over 53 million domains registered. Copyright © 1999-2012, LLC. All rights reserved. *One FREE .COM, .CO, .NET or .ORG with purchase of a new 12-, 24- or 36-month website builder plan. + New .COMs $7.99/yr plus 18 cents/yr ICANN fee. Harvard University Library: Open Collections Program: Home Mademoiselle B » B comme Brunch L’Esquisse – Lausanne Perché sur les hauts de Lausanne, en dessus de la Cité, c’est une belle bâtisse qui se dresse derrière quelques arbres bien fournis. Arrivé devant cette belle maison, on est partagé par le sentiment d’entrer dans une propriété privée et de se sentir presque comme à la maison. La porte d’entrée poussée et le palier passé, nous voilà à l’intérieur, dans un décor moderne et contemporain. Une fois installé, le menu se lit comme une jolie petite histoire… Toutes les formules du brunch sont accompagnées de délicieuses tartines et viennoiseries, confitures et beurre, café/thé et jus de fruits. Et si le ciel est dégagé lorsque vous vous y rendrez, faites quelques pas pour admirer la vue, elle surplombe Lausanne et le Léman. Bon Appétit!
Dashboard? More Like Bookshelf: Your Guide to Literary Tumblrs By Nick Moran posted at 6:00 am on February 3, 2012 96 [Ed Note: Don't miss Part Two and Part Three!] About two months ago, The Millions joined the Tumblr community. So far, the going has been great. The platform is perfectly suited for dynamic storytelling, and as a direct result, it is home to some of the friendliest book lovers around. For convenience, I’ve broken this list up among several categories, but I haven’t put these in any preferential order. 1. Awesome People Reading: Where to see what famous people read.Cover Spy: Where to see what MTA passengers read.Lisa Simpson Book Club: Where to see what Lisa Simpson reads.Bookshelf Porn: The SFW (despite its title) spot to ogle bookshelves.Slaughterhouse 90210: The middle of the television/literature Venn diagram.The Art of Google Books: Who’s scanning those books? 2. The Los Angeles Review of Books: Rapidly increasing L.A.’s literary cachet.The New Inquiry: The Times can look down its nose all it wants. 3. 4. 5. A. 6. W. 7. 8.
Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn A quick overview of the Hero’s Journey » Jordan McCollum Planning out a novel? Be sure to join my newsletter for a FREE plotting/revision roadmap, and check out the full series on plotting novels in a free PDF! Over the last two weeks, we’ve looked at two plotting methods. One helped us parse our story into parts, the other helped us grow it from an idea. But a weakness of both is that neither really tells us what kind of events we need in a story—especially in the sagging middle. The Hero’s Journey is based on the universal archetype work of Carl Jung, as applied by Joseph Campbell. I first learned about the hero’s journey in high school. Ahem. The Hero’s Journey The story begins in The Ordinary World. Then comes the Call to Adventure. Normally, the hero isn’t interested. Fear doesn’t have to be the only reason for refusal—he may also have noble reasons, or perhaps other characters are preventing him from leaving (on purpose or inadvertently). Sometimes it takes a mentor to get the hero on the right path. The Ordeal. What do you think?
Humanity's cultural history captured in 5-minute film All roads lead from Rome, according to a visual history of human culture built entirely from the birth and death places of notable people. The 5-minute animation provides a fresh view of the movements of humanity over the last 2,600 years. Maximilian Schich, an art historian at the University of Texas at Dallas, and his colleagues used the Google-owned knowledge base, Freebase, to find 120,000 individuals who were notable enough in their life-times that the dates and locations of their births and deaths were recorded. The list includes people ranging from Solon, the Greek lawmaker and poet, who was born in 637 bc in Athens, and died in 557 bc in Cyprus, to Jett Travolta — son of the actor John Travolta — who was born in 1992 in Los Angeles, California, and died in 2009 in the Bahamas. The team used those data to create a movie that starts in 600 bc and ends in 2012. The animation reflects some of what was known already. Historians tend to focus in highly specialized areas, says Schich.