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Self-Watering Veggie Table

Self-Watering Veggie Table
A Brief History of Gardening in Containers: Do you like gardening but digging in the dirt is too painful, messy, or time consuming? Container gardening is your answer. For many years now, container gardeners have been using pots, tubs, and boxes of all sizes to garden in. Recently, the advent of so-called "self watering" containers have helped gardeners to grow flowers, vegetables, and herbs with even more success. At the University of Maryland Extension, Jon Traunfeld designed a Salad Table which is essentially a shallow wooden frame with a large surface area and a mesh bottom that allows water to drain. The Idea: I loved the idea of a salad table as a way to maximize the space I have to grow salad greens to feed myself and my rabbits. What is Self-Watering? Related:  Water

How to Dehydrate Vegetables, Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden Dehydrating Vegetables from the Garden How to Dry Vegetables Instructions for Dehydrating Vegetables: Dehydrating vegetables (whether fresh from the garden, the farmer's market, or even just from the grocery store at in-season prices) for use in the off-season is one of the healthiest ways of preserving vegetables. Dehydrating vegetables preserves them with a nutritional content that far surpasses that of canned vegetables. The process of dehydrating vegetables can be broken into a couple of simple steps: preparation, including pre-treating the vegetables (if necessary) drying or dehydrating the vegetables storing the finished dehydrated vegetables Below, you'll find a list of common vegetable types that dry well, along with easy to follow instructions. Note: You may want to make sure that you like the end-product, or that you have recipes that your family will eat using the end-product, before going all-out Dehydrating or Drying Vegetables: ARTICHOKES 1. See also: 1. See also: 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

DIY IKEA Shelf In-Home Aquaponics - Planted Space Dubbed "Malthus," this Ikea-hacked project by Conceptual Devices pieces together a 100g fish tank, plastic grow beds, a pump and piping onto an IKEA Broder shelf, with wheels. Malthus is designed to be an in-home unit, and to grow one meal a day, a portion of fish with a side of salad. If you don't know yet, aquaponics is basically hydroponics + fish in a sustainable loop. The fish provides nutrients and CO2 to the plants, and the plants in turn purifies the water and returns O2 to the fish. Forming the width of two small refrigerators, this in-home aquaponics system is designed for "the next generation kitchen or living room," hoping to grow food right next to where you cook it. All elements of the unit can be found in home improvement stores, the shelf and structure are from IKEA, the water pump, LED strips, mechanical timer, and tubing can be found readily in any retail chain. Have your own DIY aquaponics setup you'd like to share with us?

Fun With Concrete To make all of these Instructables, download this collection of How To’s as an ebook. Download » "Fun With Concrete" examines unusual DIY projects from practical to zany, all using concrete. Learn how to pour a countertop, make a unique guitar stand, build home exercise equipment, and create a whole host of home decorating projects. Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables and How to Grow Them in Your Garden A perfectly ripe, juicy tomato, still warm from the sun. Sweet carrots, pulled from the garden minutes (or even seconds!) before they're eaten. Growing your own vegetables is one of those activities that balances practicality and indulgence. Broccoli is high in calcium, iron, and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, B6, and C. How to grow broccoliGrow broccoli in containers: One broccoli plant per pot, pots should be 12 to 16 inches deep.What to watch out for: Cabbage worm. 2. There is nothing like peas grown right in your own garden — the tender sweetness of a snap pea just plucked from the vine is unlike anything you can buy in at a store. How to grow peasGrow peas in containers: Sow peas approximately 2 inches apart in a pot that is at least 10 inches deep. 3. While snap beans (green beans/wax beans) are a great addition to any garden, it's the beans we grow as dried beans that are real nutritional powerhouses. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. OK, I cheated here. Try growing one or two (or all!)

Types of Water: Gray Water, Black Water and White Water" Sure, gray water sounds like something worth reusing, but what's in it exactly? First, let's draw the line between gray and black. The key difference between the two is that black water has come into contact with fecal matter. Fecal matter is a haven for harmful bacteria and disease-causing pathogens. Additionally, this waste doesn't break down and decompose in water fast or effectively enough for use in domestic irrigation without the risk of contamination. Gray water, on the other hand, has not come into contact with solid human waste. The line between white and gray, however, comes down to a number of possible additions made in the acts of washing, bathing, cooking and cleaning . ­If ­the household chemicals in gray water are kept to a minimum, most plants will be able to handle it. When everything you send down the drain winds up in your backyard, "environmentally friendly" certainly hits much closer to home.

Construire en terre paille : un poulailler-serre en torchis - Permaculture - Auto EcoConstruction Note : Pour la construction de maison en paille, on consultera "Une maison de paille à ossature bois". La permaculture est recherche la combinaisons les plus riches des ressources , qui sont aussi les plus écologiques. Ici, les habitants de la Ferme du Collet racontent la construiction d’un poulailler en torchis, à partir donc de matériaux locaux et écologiques : la terre terre et paille. Ce poulailler a la particularité d’être un poulailler-serre, qui combine poulailler et serre. Il réalise ainsi avec de très simples moyens ce que d’autres architectes appellent plus savament de la cogénération. Ici, c’est de la cogénération en énergie thermique et alimentaire... Principe Utiliser la chaleur dégagée par le métabolisme des poules, la nuit, pour chauffer la serre pendant les heures froides. Construction Pour la construction du côté poulailler, nous avons employé une technique normande de torchis (terre et foin). Le torchis normand Une ossature de poteaux est construite. Diego & Bertrand

Quick & Easy Index Card Boxes Since I don't often buy art materials, making gift boxes simply becomes a chore in my attempts to hunt down paper (for my lack of cardstock or anything of the kind) that is strong enough to hold materials. However, one day when I was preparing for school, I had an epiphany about one of the most obvious things in the world--index cards are just small pieces of cardstock. Make a few cuts and add a few drops of glue, and we can be onto something big here. Well, not really. But these gift boxes did turn out very nicely, and they would be useful for any kind of little gifts such as candy bars on Halloween / Valentine (whichever you prefer--the grotesque or the grotesquely romantic), little presents to count down Christmas, gift cards, little toys for small kids, any small pieces of jewelry, or a brick of tofu...basically anything that is small enough to fit inside an box made out of an index card. ANYWAY, on to our list of materials!

Best Ways To Water Your Garden | Reclaim, Grow, Sustain In summer, when there usually isn't enough rain to forgo watering all together and the heat is testing your plants, there is a temptation to inundate your soil with a constant flow of water. And it seems most give in to this instinct, abiding to daily waterings of their gardens without question. But with a lack of rain comes a need for water conservation. And oddly enough, less watering isn't actually counterintuitive to plant health. So in those peaceful moments when you've got your watering can in hand and you're lovingly showering your plants, the water gently pooling and sinking into the soil, perhaps you might consider whether you're making the best use of your water. How frequently should I water my garden? How much water do plants need? Where's the best spot to water a plant? When is the best time to water your garden? Water when it will do the most good, of course. It doesn't really matter which time as long as you do it right. How can I make my watering more efficient?

Fabriquez votre insecticide maison bio ! Les insecticides répulsifs naturels pour diffuseur et vapo.. Voici les huiles essentielles à mettre dans votre diffuseur ou à vaporiser dans la maison et dans vos placards : action répulsif. - Huile essentielle de Citronnelle : insectifuge, fourmis, pucerons, mouches, moucherons, moustiques, mites..aussi désodorisante - Huile essentielle d'Eucalyptus citronnée : insectifuge et désodorisante - Huile essentielle de Lemongrass : insectifuge,altises, pucerons, moustiques, tiques, - Huile essentielle de Lavande : insectifuge, araignées, mouches, moustiques, altises, puces, pucerons, mites, - Huile essentielle de Lavandin : insectifuge, araignées, moustiques - Huile essentielle de Géranium : insectifuge général - Huile essentielle de Menthe poivrée : insectifuge, moustiques, fourmis, chenilles, altises, mouches, moucherons, poux, mites. Insecticides naturels à pulvériser au jardin..

100-Year-Old Way to Filter Rainwater in a Barrel | The Prepper JournalThe Prepper Journal During our boiling, broiling, blistering summer of 2012 here in the Missouri Ozarks, water was a topic of conversation wherever we went. Creeks and ponds dried up (some never recovered) and the water table dropped, forcing a few neighbors to have their well pumps lowered or to even have deeper wells drilled. Many folks shared memories of rain barrels, cisterns, hand pumps and drawing water with a well bucket as a child, usually on grandpa and grandma’s farm. Some said they’d never want to rely again on those old-time methods of getting water. It seems we have lost much practical knowledge in the last 50 or so years because we thought we’d never need it again. A tattered, 4-inch thick, 1909 book I happily secured for $8 in a thrift store reveals, among umpteen-thousand other every-day skills, how to make homemade water filters. The “wholesome” observation applies to plants, too. 100-year-old instructions For gardening, rainwater is, naturally, best unfiltered. Free online reading

Palladius, de l'économie rurale, livre I Avant-propos. I. LA première règle de goût est de proportionner ses leçons à la nature des esprits. Voulez-vous former un agriculteur, ne recourez pas, comme quelques-uns l'ont fait, aux fleurs de rhétorique et aux artifices oratoires. A quoi leur a servi d'étaler leur science devant des villageois ? Des quatre choses nécessaires à l'agriculture. II. De la salubrité de l'air. III. Des qualités que doit avoir l'eau. IV. De la nature du terrain. V. Que votre terrain ne soit pas trop plat ; les eaux y séjourneraient ; escarpé, elles l'effleureraient à peine ; trop bas, elles s'y amasseraient au fond d'un vallon ; trop élevé il serait constamment exposé aux mauvais temps et aux ardeurs du soleil. Du travail. VI. « La présence du propriétaire améliore un champ. « Ne tiens pas trop à la couleur du sol, parce qu'elle n'est pas une preuve sûre de sa bonté. « Les semences dégénèrent plus vite dans les lieux humides que dans les lieux secs ; on prévient cet inconvénient en choisissant bien sa terre. X.

Sprinkler System, made two pots Hace un tiempo vimos un antiguo sistema riego, conocido como “ollas”, es un sistema muy simple, con miles de años de uso, y que como muchas cosas simples, baratas y útiles, quedo en el olvido, quien no lo vio o no lo recuerde mirar: Sistema de riego, sin energía, sin plástico, sin necesidad de sol. Nuestra amiga Caroline, de Connecticut es una apasionada de la agricultura orgánica y quiso utilizar “ollas” en su huerto, al no poder conseguir las “ollas” en su ciudad, decidió que no hacia falta traerlas desde un sitio lejano, se le ocurrió que podía construir sus propias “ollas” utilizando macetas de barro, que son baratas y se encuentran disponible en casi todo sitio. Así que hoy compartimos con ustedes los resultados de este excelente bricolaje, para obtener un sistema de riego, eficiente y que da unos resultados excelentes. Lo primero es fácil, conseguir macetas de barro, terracota o como se llamen en nuestra localidad, como mínimo dos del mismo tamaño.
