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Planting Roses, Growing Roses & Pruning Roses | The Old Farmer's Almanac. Deadheading Roses: How To Deadhead Roses For More Blooms. By Stan V. Griep American Rose Society Consulting Master Rosarian – Rocky Mountain District Do you find the idea of wanting to deadhead roses intimidating? “Deadheading” roses or the removal of the old blooms from our roses seems to generate some controversy, much the same as pruning them. On the subject of deadheading rose bushes, I recommend using a method that gives you the results you are looking for. Should someone tell you that you are doing it “all wrong,” do not immediately believe that you are. Let’s look at a two ways how to deadhead a rose plant, both of which are perfectly acceptable. 5-Leaf Junction Method to Deadhead Roses The method I prefer to use for deadheading roses is to prune the old blooms off down to the first 5-leaf junction with the cane at a slight angle leaving approximately 3/16 to 1/4 of an inch above that junction.

The cut ends of the canes are then sealed with a white Elmer’s glue. Twist and Snap Method to Deadhead Roses. Hosta Plants - Tips On The Care Of Hostas. By Jackie Rhoades Hosta plants are a perennial favorite among gardeners. Their lush foliage and easy care make them ideal for a low maintenance garden. Originating in the Orient and brought to the Europe in the 1700s, today there are over 2,500 cultivars with such variety in leaf shape, size and texture, that an entire garden could be devoted to growing hostas alone. While hosta care is considered easy, it helps to know a little bit about how to grow hostas to help the plants reach their full garden potential. Where and How to Grow Hostas Although hosta plants are touted as shade lovers, their sunlight requirements vary widely.

A good rule of thumb for the placement and care of hostas is the lighter the foliage, the brighter the sun. For the best care of hostas, plant them in rich organic soil with a slightly acidic pH. In spite of their almost tropical look, hostas are rugged and once established, they tolerate almost any soil and will grow for years. Tips for Hosta Care. What Time of the Year Do You Divide Hostas? Dwarf-globe-arborvitae-shrubs-47790. Cosmos: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Cosmos Flowers | The Old Farmer's Almanac. Skip to main content No thanks, I like rainy picnics and parades. Will it rain on your summer plans? Newly released! Free Almanac forecasts for all 3 months of summer—and fall, too! Claim your FREE Almanac weather predictions now!

You will also be subscribed to our Almanac Companion Newsletter We will never share your email without your permission. Feed Feedly My Yahoo FeedBlitz AOL Reader The Old Reader Agregator Bitty Browser Preview Daily Rotation Feed Mailer FeedBucket iTunes Miro Netvibes NewsAlloy NewsIsFree Outlook PodNova Protopage News Feeds Symbaloo Bookmarks The Free Dictionary The Free Library WINKsite AddToAny. How to Grow Hibiscus | Today's Homeowner. Tropical hibiscus makes a great summer container plant.

The large, colorful blossoms of Hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.) create an eye-catching display during summer, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies and providing the look of a tropical paradise, no matter what the variety. Hibiscus plants are members of the Mallow family, and there are many different species that are used in gardening, agriculture, and manufacturing. To grow hibiscus in your home garden, it’s important to know the three main types of plants: Tropical hibiscusHardy perennial hibiscusHardy shrub hibiscus Here are some tips for growing and caring for all three.

Tropical Hibiscus With its sturdy shape and colorful blossoms, tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is a popular choice for container plants and tropical gardens. Blossoms are usually 3”- 6” in diameter and come in many different colors and varieties including red, orange, yellow, salmon-pink, multicolored, and even double blossoms. How to Grow Tropical Hibiscus. Should you prune your Endless Summer Hydrangea? - Ethan's Eden. Peonies: Peony Bush, Peony Care, Growing Peonies.

PEONIES are one of the best-known and most dearly loved perennials. This is hardly surprising considering their sumptuous beauty and fragrance, trouble-free nature and longevity. Peonies also thrive almost anywhere in the country. Many varieties can even survive a zone 2 winter (that's a low of -50 degrees F). When choosing peonies, give special consideration to the "singles", which are fragrant and gorgeous, but don't require as much staking.

If a peony is well situated and happy, it may bloom for 100 years or more with little or no attention. This means it's worth spending some time up front, choosing the right planting location and preparing the soil. Peonies prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. A special note for gardeners in the warm climates: Peonies will be more robust and their blooms will last longer if the plants receive some shade during the hottest part of the day. To prepare the planting hole for a bareroot peony, dig the soil to a depth of 12-18". Planting and Growing Paeonia (Herbaceous Peony) No garden is complete without these imposing plants, which are covered with sumptuous flowers in May and June. True perennials, Herbaceous Peonies may live for fifty years or so, becoming more impressive over time. Peonies are easy to grow and will reward you with armfuls of cut flowers and a splendid show in the garden. They make striking specimen plants, play nicely with other perennials in the garden, and are ideal for bordering a walk or driveway.

Early-, mid- and late-blooming varieties are available to extend the flowering season, some of which are fragrant. Peonies are grown in Zones 3 to 8; in the South, they will flower in Alabama but the limit appears to be cooler areas of Zone 8. Southern gardeners should choose early-flowering singles for the best success. Pronunciation: pay-oh'-nee-ah Fertilizer/Soil and pH: Well-drained soil rich in organic matter is desirable. Another blight known as phytophthora may also appear, but the two diseases are hard to tell apart. Raspberries, How to Plant, Grow and Care for Raspberry Plants. Planting Raspberries Raspberries come in four colors, red, yellow, purple and black. The purple and black varieties have rigid, upright stems and are able to stand alone.

Red and yellow varieties are trailing plants that should be supported on wires or a trellis. It is a good idea to add this support before planting your Raspberries. The preferred method is to string heavy gauge wire between stout posts, with the bottom wire 30" above ground and a top wire at 4-5 feet. Raspberries can be planted any time from late fall up until early spring before new growth begins. Pruning Established Raspberry Plants Raspberry plants produce their fruit on canes that sprouted during the previous year. Newly planted summer bearing Raspberries should be left alone for the first year to establish themselves.

Before new growth begins in the following spring, cut the canes back to 5 feet to induce lateral branching. Propagating Raspberry Plants. Porch decorations. Zinnias: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Zinnia Flowers. Picture of a zinnia from my garden Credit: Tammy Wilson Botanical name: Zinnia elegans Plant type: Flower USDA Hardiness Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Sun exposure: Full Sun Soil type: Any, Sandy, Loamy Flower color: Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Purple, White, Multicolor Bloom time: Summer Get a zing from zinnias! Zinnias are one of the easiest annuals to grow, grow quickly, and bloom heavily. Zinnias have bright, solitary, daisy-like flowerheads on a single, erect stem. Use in an annual or mixed border. Zinnias are very popular for cut flowers. Planting Zinnias are grown from seed; they grow very quickly in the right conditions. Care Deadhead to prolong flowering.

Pests Bacterial and fungal spots, powdery mildew, bacterial wilt. Caterpillars, mealybugs, and spider mites also cause problems. Harvest/Storage Zinnias generally take 60 to 70 days from seed to flower (though it depends on conditions). Recommended Varieties Get a full-size flower on a compact plant with cultivars of the 'Dreamland Series.' Flamingo flower - Anthurium flowering pot plants - Inner - GardenGuide. Flamingo flower - Anthurium flowering pot plants Anthurim, Flamingo flowers are one of the best flowering indoor plants. They are very easy to maintain and can last for many years if grown in the right conditions. They can also be grown as patio plants. Anthurims are a clumping plants which means that they will not tend to over-grow their pots quickly. They have elongated, glossy leaves and upstanding flowers which appear throughout the year. There are various flower colours from reds, pinks and whites.

They will come under various names and many new varieties have been developed, so you have plenty of choices. Anthurim Flamingo flowers do best in bright light indoor conditions, so pick a spot that get a good duration of light during the day. Cilantro Bolting: Why Cilantro Flowers And How To Prevent It. By Heather Rhoades Cilantro bolting is one of the most frustrating things about this popular herb. Many gardeners ask “why does cilantro bolt?” And “how can I keep cilantro from flowering?”

With attention to the environment you grow cilantro in, you can help lengthen the amount of time before cilantro will bolt and, therefore, increase the amount of time you can harvest leaves from your cilantro plants. What to Do When Cilantro Bolts Many gardeners wonder what to do when cilantro bolts. When they see the white cilantro flowers, they wonder if they can simply cut them off. Instead, go ahead and let the cilantro flowers go to seed. Why Does Cilantro Bolt? Cilantro grows best in cool, moist conditions and will bolt rapidly in hot weather.

How to Keep Cilantro from Bolting The first thing to understand is that there is no true way to keep cilantro from bolting. First, if you live in a climate that does not have moist, cool weather, you can buy slow bolt cilantro. Fields of Gold | raise your eyes and observe the fields ~john 4:35-38. Plants: Identification - UBC Botanical Garden Forums. Plant Identification: SOLVED: Attn all ID forum participants: can we better our odds? Growing Herbs Indoors - How to Grow Herb Plants on your Windowsill. You can bring your herb garden indoors for the winter, by planting a windowsill garden. Many herb plants grow quite easily in containers and require only minimal care. However there are a couple of extra considerations, when growing them indoors. The first is ensuring they get enough sun to grow lush and healthy. Secondly, to have enough to really enjoy in your cooking, you'll need large plants and pots, so make sure you have enough space to keep them. If you do, you'll be snipping fresh herbs in your kitchen throughout the winter.

Difficulty: Average Time Required: 20 Minutes Here's How: Make sure you have a sunny windowsill, where your herbs will survive. Tips: Choose herbs that don't grow too wide or tall. What You Need. How to Care for a Kalanchoe Houseplant. The kalanchoe (k. blossfeldianais) has at least 125 species. Most kalanchoes grow as a shrub or as perennial herbaceous plants, but there are a few that grow as an annual or biannual. Throughout much of the United States, kalanchoes are grown as a houseplant. The flowers can last anywhere from seven days to a month. The prominent flower color is red, but they also come in orange, yellow, lavender, pink and white. Choose the Right Location If you receive your kalanchoe as a Thanksgiving or Christmas gift, place it in a room with a south-facing window, choose a cooler room where the temperature remains around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Early in the spring, move your kalanchoe to in an east or west-facing window. Water Thoroughly and Fertilize Thoroughly water the kalanchoe. Feed the kalanchoe plants with a balanced houseplant fertilizer during the spring, summer and early fall months, while it is actively growing. Force The Kalanchoe to Bloom Deadhead Spent Flowers References: De-Suckering My Tomatoes.