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Nature/future of work: AI, robots, telework. The World is Getting Better. Timeline of Emerging and Future Technology. Timeline of the far future. Outline of futures studies. List of Futurologists. The map of future models - All. L'Arbre des Possibles. The future of everything. A glimpse of the future, part two - 70 is the new 30 - Chris Skinner's blog. As mentioned yesterday, there’s a big question about what all of this means for financial service.

A glimpse of the future, part two - 70 is the new 30 - Chris Skinner's blog

You may not have asked those questions but if life sciences allows people to live for 150 years or more; if babies can be born without defects; if you can design yourself to be whatever you want to be; then that raises all sorts of questions. How will you live in a world where those who can afford it are beautiful and can live for almost ever, whilst those who cannot are secondary. I blogged about these things just last month, so I’m not going to over labour this entry here. 21 Ways Software Will Transform Global Society. How to think like a futurist: Recommended readings. Janemcgonigal you found me.

How to think like a futurist: Recommended readings

How to think like a futurist: Recommended readings. The New Copernican Revolution: Fritjof Capra on the Shift to 'The Systems View of Life' Image courtesy Fritjof Capra Fritjof Capra is one of the world’s leading thinkers in systems theory, and the author of many influential books, such as The Tao of Physics; The Web of Life: A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter; The Turning Point: Science, Society and the Rising Culture; The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living; and Learning from Leonardo: Decoding the Notebooks of a Genius.

The New Copernican Revolution: Fritjof Capra on the Shift to 'The Systems View of Life'

10 Theological Explorations Of Futuristic Ideas. Religion There has long been an uneasy relationship between traditional religion and the inescapable march of science.

10 Theological Explorations Of Futuristic Ideas

But it should not be forgotten that theologians and futurists share many qualities, including imagination, logic, and extrapolation. Here are 10 ways religious thinkers have explored ideas straight out of science fiction. Future news & vision. Futurism. Projets de Société. Futurologie. Utopies. Prospective. How to Think Like a Futurist: DevLearn 2017 Closing Keynote. DevLearn 2017 wrapped up with a thought-provoking closing keynote, “How to Think Like a Futurist,” by Jane McGonigal, PhD, director of games research and development at the Institute for the Future.

How to Think Like a Futurist: DevLearn 2017 Closing Keynote

She helped us level up our powers of creativity and imagination for thinking about the future. First-person thinking McGonigal compared two ways to imagine the future: using impersonal facts or thinking in the first person. One example of possible future facts: “In the future, there will be a climate change. By 2050, sea levels may rise by as much as 9 feet and 750 million people may be displaced.” First-person thinking connects you to your future self because the brain fires up faster, with more flexibility, making more connections (Figure 1).

Don’t be a stranger to your future self Something else to keep in mind is that when we try to imagine ourselves far into the future, we are likely to see a stranger. Questions to ask about possible futures. The sceptical futuryst. The shock of the anthropocene. In 2003 the Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined the term solastalgia to mean a “form of psychic or existential distress caused by environmental change”.

the shock of the anthropocene

Albrecht was studying the effects of long-term drought and large-scale mining activity on communities in New South Wales, when he realised that no word existed to describe the unhappiness of people whose landscapes were being transformed about them by forces beyond their control. He proposed his new term to describe this distinctive kind of homesickness. Where the pain of nostalgia arises from moving away, the pain of solastalgia arises from staying put. Where the pain of nostalgia can be mitigated by return, the pain of solastalgia tends to be irreversible.

Solastalgia is not a malady specific to the present – we might think of John Clare as a solastalgic poet, witnessing his native Northamptonshire countryside disrupted by enclosure in the 1810s – but it has flourished recently. The group’s report is due within months. Future & Web... Oxford Future of Cities Scenarios.

Last year I participated in a large scenario planning effort as part of the University of Oxford’s “Future of Cities” programme.

Oxford Future of Cities Scenarios

The project interviewed a range of business leaders, property developers, environmentalists, community activists, political scientists, engineers, architects and designers from around the world. It then extracted a variety of themes and drivers in using a traditional STEEP framework and synthesised these into three scenarios through several workshops. Although the scenario process was inductive, the final scenarios were presented on a 2×2 deductive grid to help explain their dominant logics to the stake-holder group. Key themes and implications. Fun with scenario archetypes. I have been messing around with and shared some actual work on using scenario archetypes.

Fun with scenario archetypes

Let me begin with proper credit to Professor Jim Dator for the concept [Jim Dator, Alternative Futures at the Manoa School, Journal of Futures Studies, November 2009, 14(2): 1 – 18. ] and Wendy Schultz’s scenario archetype elaborations and former futurist colleague at the former Social Technologies and [not surprisingly a Hawaii program grad] Mark Justman as my key influences, and probably others that I’ve forgotten. With this post, I will lay out some basic background and note some key similarities and differences. A brief summary Dator’s archetypes Continued growth is the “official” view of the future of all modern governments, educational systems, and organizations. My “tweaks” So, three of the four major archetypes or patterns of change maintain at least the essence of the current system, and one fundamentally changes it. Category:Obsolete occupations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search.

Category:Obsolete occupations

Silicon Valley Is Turning Into Its Own Worst Fear. 10 Predictions About The Future That Should Scare The Hell Out Of You. Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road The future looks bright, except when it doesn't.

10 Predictions About The Future That Should Scare The Hell Out Of You

Here are 10 exceptionally regrettable developments we can expect in the coming decades. Listed in no particular order. 1. 10 Bizarre Food Developments We May See In The Future. Food Man has always striven to expand his knowledge and the study of food is no exception. Our current technology has enabled us to push the boundaries of food development further than ever before, and the entries on this list are just some of what we might see in the future. Future - Are we on the road to civilisation collapse? Great civilisations are not murdered. Instead, they take their own lives. This article is part of a new BBC Future series about the long view of humanity, which aims to stand back from the daily news cycle and widen the lens of our current place in time.

Modern society is suffering from “temporal exhaustion”, the sociologist Elise Boulding once said. “If one is mentally out of breath all the time from dealing with the present, there is no energy left for imagining the future,” she wrote. That’s why the Deep Civilisation season will explore what really matters in the broader arc of human history and what it means for us and our descendants. Preserving Knowledge for after the Apocalypse. How past climate change impacted the human species.

Humans have been through climate changes before- but mostly cold ones and mostly in our far distant past. Previous major global climate changes were glacial cycles that happened long before human civilization developed. The human species evolved during the last 2.5 million years. Our far distant ancestors survived through multiple gradual cycles of cold ice ages, but did not experience any previous "hot ages. " We homo sapiens in our current form appeared only about 200,000 years ago.

(29) Where will humans live if Earth becomes uninhabitable? Where might humans live in space? Life in a distant future as imagined by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will be, in many ways, like life today. People will socialise, commute to work and have weekends to rest. The only difference is that we will be living in huge spinning cylinders that closely mimic our planet, but are actually in orbit around it. The world’s richest man, according to Forbes, is one of several prominent people who are thinking seriously about what humans might do if they ever have to develop habitats beyond Earth.

Mr Bezos’s vision is based on ideas first put forward in the 1970s by the Princeton scientist Gerard O’Neill. At a recent event for his space company Blue Origin, Mr Bezos suggested that a series of these colonies could be designed for specific uses: some residential, others for industry and leisure. Define. «Le catastrophisme peut contribuer à esquisser une démocratie écologique» Maître de conférences en science politique au Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Luc Semal a publié Face à l’effondrement. Militer à l’ombre des catastrophes.

Enter the Sapiezoic: a new aeon of self-aware global change. As a planetary astrobiologist, I am focused on the major transitions in planetary evolution and the evolving relationship between planets and life. 12 Futuristic Forms of Government That Could One Day Rule the World. How Corporations Will Use Artificial Empathy to Sell Us More Shit. Empathy is a tricky business. The range and complexity of human emotion makes it difficult, if not impossible, to ever really understand how someone else is feeling. The Next Sexual Revolution Is Going to be All About Technology.

Futurism. The Compassionate Society. Virtually all the world’s major religions teach that diligent work in the service of others is our highest nature and thus lies at the center of a happy life. The Compassion Revolution — How Society Is Designed To Crush Empathy. Chloe Papas is a writer, journalist and prodigious eater based in Perth. Kosmos Journal – Journal for Global Transformation. Kaizen Magazine. Futurist Sites #future #futurist #cyborg.

Untitled. Stowe Boyd — Viridian Design Principles. It's over in a billion years. 10 of the Weirdest Futurist Scenarios for the Evolution of Humanity. Curious to know which of these visions you feel is the most and least plausible. I've got to hand it to you, Mr. Dvorsky. A lot of those ideas are pretty hair-brained, but you were able to weave an article from them anyhow. I would have given up at five, perhaps, although I'm glad you mentioned the likes of the VHEMT and others. Extropianism. Pensée Complexe. Portail.intelligence.collective. Intelligence collective. Public Intelligence Blog. Click on Image to Enlarge. The Laws of Robotics [INFOGRAPHIC] Le mythe de la Singularité technologique : intelligence artificielle. Signée par quatre scientifiques éminents, Stephen Hawking, astrophysicien renommé, Stuart Russell, informaticien, professeur à l’université de Californie à Berkeley et auteur d’un manuel sur l’intelligence artificielle qui fait autorité, Max Tegmark, physicien et professeur au MIT et Frank Wilczek, physicien, professeur au MIT et Prix Nobel de physique, une tribune alarmiste a paru le 1er mai 2014 dans le journal The Independent [1] pour nous alerter sur des dangers que l’intelligence artificielle ferait courir à l’humanité.

Selon ces quatre personnalités, nous atteindrions très bientôt un point de non-retour au-delà duquel nous irions inéluctablement à notre perte sans plus jamais pouvoir revenir en arrière. Aujourd’hui, il serait encore temps ; demain, plus rien ne sera possible ! Se una macchina impara i pregiudizi umani. Le più stupefacenti applicazioni dell'intelligenza artificiale non sono guidate da una logica asettica e oggettiva, ma incorrono facilmente in errori sistematici e veri e propri pregiudizi che gli algoritmi di apprendimento automatico alla loro base acquisiscono dai progettisti umanidi Jesse Emspak Se l'intelligenza artificiale prenderà il sopravvento nella nostra vita, probabilmente non porterà l'uomo a combattere un esercito di robot che applicano un'inesorabile logica alla Spock per renderci fisicamente schiavi.

Piuttosto, gli algoritmi di apprendimento automatico che già consentono ai programmi di intelligenza artificiale (IA) di raccomandarci un film o riconoscere il viso di un amico in una foto saranno probabilmente gli stessi che un giorno ci negheranno un prestito, faranno arrivare la polizia nel vostro quartiere o diranno al vostro medico che avete bisogno di una dieta. Nei dati inizialmente forniti, consente di riconoscere modelli simili anche in dati nuovi. AI like HAL 9000 can never exist because real emotions aren't programmable. #18: Will Artificial Intelligence be a Buddha? Is Fear of AI just a symptom of Human Self-Loathing? ArtificialIntelligence. Artificial Intelligence will not kill us all. The rise of robots: forget evil AI – the real risk is far more insidious.

How Frightened Should We Be of A.I.? Philosophy Of AI. The Myth Of AI. Debunking Fallacies in the Theory of AI Motivation - LessWrong 2.0. Roko's basilisk. Futurs. Alternative Societies. The future of everything. Superhappiness ? Futurism. Io9. We come from the future. Transcending Transcendence: Moving Beyond The Practice of Dis-Identification Rational Spirituality.

La società Ipadizzata di Michael Tchong. Open Future. New earth culture. GLOBAL DIALOG. Datachurch - The Datacombs. Singularity-Emergence A.I. Morin. Buckminster Fuller. Geometry of Thinking for Sustainable Global Governance. The Future Is Here Today. If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking? The immortalist: Uploading the mind to a computer. What Happens When We All Live to 100? Interesting possible futures. Foresight. L'homme augmenté.

Transhuman. Posthumanisme / Transhumanisme. Transhuman General. Transhuman/futurism. Transhuman. Posthuman transhuman. L'imaginaire servante de la raison. Interview: Bruce Sterling on the Convergence of Humans and Machines. Transumanismo come forma di iperumanismo.