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Mass Murder In Australia: Tavistock's Martin Bryant by Allen Douglas/Michael Sharp Suggesting Martin Bryant was Mind Controlled. Mass murder in Australia: Tavistock's Martin Bryant by Allen Douglas and Michael J.

Mass Murder In Australia: Tavistock's Martin Bryant by Allen Douglas/Michael Sharp Suggesting Martin Bryant was Mind Controlled

Sharp Mass murder in Australia: Tavistock's Martin Bryant On April 28, 1996, twenty-eight-year-old Martin Bryant entered the Broad Arrow cafeteria in Port Arthur, in the Australian state of Tasmania. After eating lunch, he remarked to a patron, "There are a lot of WASPS, not a lot of Japs. " He then picked up his bag and walked toward the entrance, where he took out a military-style semi-automatic rifle. Within 15 seconds, he had slaughtered 12 people and injured several more. A young mother with a six- and a three-year-old daughter begged, "Please don't hurt my babies. " Armed with an extensive arsenal, moving from room to room and firing at police, he kept dozens of members of the elite Special Operations Groups of Tasmania and neighboring Victoria at bay throughout the night. The Tavistock Institute's lone nuts - 1. 2. 3.

Such was the "finding" of Melbourne-based British forensic psychiatrist Dr. Dr. Dr. Martin Bryant. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Martin Bryant

Martin Bryant (né le 7 mai 1967) est un tueur à la chaîne connu pour avoir tué 35 personnes et en avoir blessé 37 autres lors du massacre de Port Arthur en 1996 en Tasmanie. Il a écopé de 35 peines d'emprisonnement à perpétuité et de 1 035 ans sans liberté conditionnelle au pénitencier Risdon Prison. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Enfance et famille[modifier | modifier le code] Martin Bryant est l'aîné de deux enfants, il est le fils de Maurice et Carleen Bryant. Martin Bryant a un quotient intellectuel de 66, ce qui représente 1,17 pour cent de la population.

Port Arthur v2. Theory 2 suggests Martin Bryant was mind controlled.

Port Arthur v2

Mass murder in Australia: Tavistock's Martin Bryant by Allen Douglas and Michael J. Sharp info/mobes/atl&id=ncarticles/Martin_Bryant_Sp_Rep.html. Port Arthur massacre BA Cafe shooter? Martin Bryant innocent. A Truth Soldier. (d) Also, with the later start the trauma surgeons at the Royal Hobart Hospital may have dispersed and not been available to treated the wounded victims. 18.

A Truth Soldier

On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast,for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers. Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence? “We are going to see a mass shooting in Tasmania…unless we get national gun control laws.” – Roland Brown, Chairman of the Coalition for Gun Control, uttered on “A Current Affair with Ray Martin”, March 1996 At 1.30 p.m. on Sunday 28 April 1996, an unknown professional combat shooter opened fire in the Broad Arrow Cafe at Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia.

In less than thirty minutes at six separate crime scenes, 35 people were shot dead, another 22 wounded, and two cars stopped with a total of only 64 bullets. “I know it should have been on tape. Dr. Richard Crowden on Twitter: "Mass Murder In Tasmania - Tavistock's Martin Bryant Look for references to Dr Eric Cunningham Dax" Full text of "What's Going On? A Critical Analysis of the Port Arthur Massacre" Citizens Electoral Council of Australia. Special Report Mass murder in Australia: Tavistock's Martin Bryant The following article was originally run in the May 16, 1997 EIR, and then in the June/July/August 1997 New Citizen.

Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

We are reprinting it here, both because the Port Arthur massacre has been the subject of intense public debate recently, but, more importantly, because of the moves, both in Australia and abroad (notably in the U.S.) towards fascist forms of police state control as the Depression deepens, as one can see clearly emerging in, for instance, the U.S. and British governments' responses to diseases such as the hoof and mouth epidemic, similar "emergency measures" planned to deal with the (deregulation-created) electricity blackouts, etc. In Australia, this tendency is manifest in the "shoot-to-kill" legislation passed last year, in which the government of the day is now empowered to deploy the army to kill Australian civilians, and in the fascist "racial vilification" legislation set for Victoria and Queensland.